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The Clarkson Accords


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The flag of the United States, not signing this treaty, but the SRA is a part of the USA:


The Flag of the SRA:


The flag of Top Gear:


The Clarkson Accords

Article I.

Top Gear and the Socialist Republic of Atlantis agree to sign this treaty to promote friendship, and to provide for the defence of both nations. This treaty is the result of the people of the Socialist Republic of Atlantis discovering how awesome the nation of Top Gear is.

Article II.

Any and all intelligence that may expose a security threat to either nation must be shared.

Article III.

Free trade, meaning importing and exporting of goods between both nations without tariffs, as well as open borders between both nations, is to be enacted as a condition of this treaty.

Article IV.

If either nation is attacked by another nation, the nation not under attack is required by this treaty to come to the defence of the nation under attack.

Article V.

IF either nation engages in an aggressive war against another nation, the other nation is highly encouraged, but not required, to aid the attacking nation in every way possible.

Article VI.

If either nation wishes to cancel this treaty, a 72 hour notification period is required.

Signed for the Socialist Republic of Atlantis,





Signed for Top Gear,

King of Pixels, Overlord, Emperor, Demi-God TheStig

Prime Minister Jeremy Clarkson

First Lady Top Gear Dog

Secretary of State Richard Hammond

Gay Pride President James May

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