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From: "The Cult Of Skaro"




After less than a couple of weeks of TE 22 starting, some delicatessen inspired newbies (self called BLT) picked a brawl with Skaro , when we got tired of their continue raiding for techs against us ... offering peace and then not giving it...! So, even knowing they were in a superior number than us, ( 9 to 21 or more), we went to war against them...! We were able to held our own and even anarchied their leader (Recent) ... Of course, having just 6-8 active participants in the war, didn't permit us to achieve our first complete EXTERMINATION effort at TE... but, the message was sent, clear and direct...: DO NOT MESS WITH "THE CULT OF SKARO"... ph34r.gifdry.gif

Source: "The Cult Of Skaro"

B-) That was then... Now, a year and a half later, the Cult Of SKARO has gone through a Spectacular

development , where our numbers have reached from 5-9 members to more than 40 on TE #27... gaining in the process lot of Friends, Partners(with Treaties!) and even some military Foes and opponents... all in all ... Lots of Fun and Adventure...! :awesome::popcorn::nuke::excl::war: Right now we are at our second consecutive Tournament (#28) with more than 29 members and hope to get up to those 40 + and that #1 position amongst all AAs at TE...!!! :smug:B-)



AND... 7 rounds later , at Tournament #35, a whole Lot has changed for us and the rest of TE !

around February 2013, SKARO was the biggest AA here(74-78 members) Something I never believed possible... and enjoy it a lot! Of course it wasn't easy to lead... much pains and difficulties were the 'daily bread' for me and my colleagues to keep such a giant together. Plus dealing with the unhappiness of some other AAs , to the point of been assaulted by a coalition of Alliances "testing " our resolve and war readiness! a few "friends" of ours were on the opposite side too... and the accusations of me sending raid waves thorough out TE, was common. My difficulties leading such a monster AA was soon evident, and the name calling against SKARO (Paper Tiger,etc) and the intentional calls of outsiders for a Gov. Takeover in SKARO was loud and unambiguous... We were hurt, by those who where bad mouthing us, an by those that wanted retaliation for the "bad actions" of the DALEKS under my command... even when i did what i could to halt any misbehavior from the War Machines... even not taking the opportunity to retaliate against those actually raiding us. I let SKARO down... before all the Foes and friends there... I was burnt out,almost. I can say now i wasn't ready for such a development at SKARO and for the Reactions of the opponents at the TE community... Thanks for those like DDog and other great people that were sending me their good wishes and friendship, I survived the bad rap on my persona and my AA...! After that, SKARO started to dwindle and was no more a giant, but a small group,again!

Surviving even more Raids, and jokes against us... it wasn't easy... We lost some partners and not a lot of people wated to be around us... Newer AAs were built up, new game's development from Admin were established, theTE member base was getting smaller by the round, until today, when a hopeful increase in membership was seen. Still, TE hasn't yet seen those big numbers yet (50-60 Alliances,Over 500-600 members ) but thers is , Hope. We weren't Saints,of course (we were and Are DALEKS) And the Idea is for us "to take over TE" like others have done,before us. ;)

And that is easier said, than done... but those past Tournaments when we were at the Top... no one can take it from us...Ever!!! :)

Now, lots of new things to do are running my mind, and I expect some of it to be concreted very soon...! There will be DALEKS at TE for the foreseeable future...! :popcorn: ***


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Well i'm back to the blog,again! Now is TE:23... Yeah! And SKARO is finalizing its first Alliance's wide war... against a new group named "SCOPERS". The CB can not be more succinct and almost semi-serious, ..."Funny Name and bad behavior of CatsLand' ruler at raiding"... twice in 4 days to the same SKARO Nation... and after Peace was reached...! Quite a jewel !!! :(( We started it up-declaring those guys, and so far , we are winning it plus gotten more Infras and techs,and 3 new nations came to belong to SKARO :ehm: ... A good War practice for all of us,"Scops" included...! :smug:

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