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Congrats to those who flew the McCain signature picture

Lord Boris


Well, I think I'll start this blog to give props to those who also flew the McCain signature that I started to use in the weeks leading up to the election. I started to use the sig on here and on a few other forums. I received many PMs and IRC queries from people both loving and hating the image.

What impressed me most about the response though, was that the response was so overwhelming with others also flying the image (keeping the source link the same) that it tipped me over the bandwidth limit on my fileden account for the month and caused my account to be suspended for 24 hours a few days before the election. :awesome:

Kudos to you folks for showing that not everyone on the internet is leftist. :jihad:


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It was nice to see those here, when almost every other forum/discussion board I visit was an echo chamber for Obama, just as they were for Kerry in '04.

Conservative and Libertarian types have a long, long way to go in building communities like the left has on the internet.

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It was nice to see those here, when almost every other forum/discussion board I visit was an echo chamber for Obama, just as they were for Kerry in '04.

Conservative and Libertarian types have a long, long way to go in building communities like the left has on the internet.

Indeed they do, although in all honesty, I suspect they'll never quite reach the same level as the left online. That just goes with the nature of the internet as a "free" space where expression is generally encouraged (examples where this has been extremely pronounced has been in areas such as imageboards like 4chan and in the massive porn industry online). Nonetheless, I think something that has come out of this election cycle and the popularity of conservative sig images has been that conservatives have made a bigger visible appearance on the boards here, and they have been less likely to simply hide from areas like the boiler room.

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