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Ideas on Government



C'mon, let's face it. Government is a disgrace. Government, which should be a larger part of the game, does nothing. It just causes headaches until you can get a Great Monument, and then you never have to deal with government again.

This is a travesty on the highest level. I've suggested this idea many times and it never seems to get its foot through the door. Although I realize now part of the problem is that the government suggestion would require far more activity on part of the users, and it would be of a disadvantage to the more casual players. Therefore I have come up with an adapted system.

  1. There are four government types: Autocracy, Aristocracy, Democracy, and Anarchy: Everyone looks at this and panics. They think "I can't be a socialist dictator anymore!" or "I can't be a fascist anymore?!" most of the complains are from the RL control freaks/people who have posters of Che all over their walls, who want to have that reflected in game.
    The fact is, this idea lays the frame work for far more in-depth leadership for those who wish to pursue it. At the basic level there are the four basic governments based on Civil Contentment which is something I will get to later. As infrastructure increases however, you gain access to more public policy options.
  2. Civil Contentment = (Avg. Net Daily Population Income After Taxes)(Environment) / Literacy Rate

    This basically means the more money your people have after taxes (take home money), the better the environment, and the higher the literacy rate of the people, the more democratic they are (the lower the score). The reverse is true, the higher the score, the more autocratic they are.
    The score goes from 0.1 to 10. x < 3.2 is Democratic. 3.4 < x < 6.5 is Aristocratic. x > 6.7 is Autocratic. 3.3 and 6.6 are Anarchy. If you cross those numbers, you will enter a state of Anarchy. In fact, that would be the only way Anarchy could occur, is if those numbers were transgressed. If you lose all your troops, Anarchy would only occur if that barrier was breached... which is very, very likely.
    Government Propaganda, if successful, would change your Contentment Ranking to that of the spying nation.

  3. Position Panel -- For every 5000 levels of infrastructure, you unlock a new page of Government Position Panel options based on your government type when that threshold was obtained.
  4. Misc.
    • If you trade with nations of the same government type, you get a +0.5 happiness bonus.
    • Great Monument - $70,000,000 - The great monument is a testament to your great leadership. Increases happiness +5, Makes available all the government position options. Increases trade bonus to +1.0 with people of the same government type.


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