I am Emperor of something....
Hello people I spammed this blog too. By now you should be thinking what the hell is this, and why am I still reading it? Both of those would be valid questions, so let me answer them. This is a blog related to nothing and well, it will not add anything to your life, and as far as why you continue to read this, I have no idea...something must be wrong with you.
Back to the world of cybernations.....
I am an Emperor of an alliance nobody has heard of, I think its called The Dark Evolution but it may take some time to verify. I know its in my alliance affiliation but as far as I can tell I just run around yelling at people... I don't have a cool castle to hang out or anything.If I don't have a castle or temple or anything dedicated to me what kind of Emperor am I!
Well that is all I have to say this November the 11th, 2008, my name is Phillip Defranco and you have just been filled in, ohhhh wait.....no. Just kidding, this is the random green show.
Someone, emperor of someplace
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