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GOON Tears: The story of salithus



I never trusted salithus.

Of course, coming from the person wronged, that kind of statement can oftentimes be a lie, that the person saying it had no idea it was coming.

This was not the case.

salithus and I had a very troubled history. I knew that one day something like this would happen. When this finally went down, I was well prepared. Or at least as well-prepared as I could be, given the circumstances. I spent many days in the office where I work running through the various scenarios in my mind. I thought about it constantly, I was obsessed. It kept me up at night. I knew the rubber was going to hit the road, and soon.

This log is from a few days before the incident:

[21:41] <salithus> you're afraid to push the envelope

[21:41] <salithus> but my boss's boss does the same thing

[21:41] <salithus> too many years spent in a position where you couldn't without being fired (or losing infra)

[21:41] <Sardonic> What do you mean by pushing the envelope on the macro level?

[21:42] <salithus> to take any sort of risk

[21:42] <salithus> you always default to playing it safe

[21:42] <salithus> never aggressive

[21:42] <Sardonic> Well I wouldn't say always

[21:44] <Sardonic> So what kinds of things would you like to me to do differntly?

[21:45] <salithus> nothing in the role of Pilot

[21:45] <salithus> but I'm contemplating (for that reorg I mentioned) splitting out the Secretariat role

[21:45] <salithus> into areas that focus on:

[21:45] <salithus> 1) Creating new relationships.

[21:46] <salithus> 2) Handling treaties (negotiating/writing/periodic review/incident handling)

[21:46] <salithus> 3) Incident handling for non-treaty incidents.

[21:46] <salithus> you'd head up #1

[21:46] <Sardonic> ah

[21:47] <salithus> doesn't mean everyone you talk to we'd have to treaty with

salithus never respected me. He overreached his authority constantly because he knew that the boards were his. The above was during a time when he decided he didn't like the way government was organized, so he started a reorganization. Of course, as Stategos he did not have the power to reorganize government, but that didn't really matter to him. He wanted me out of Pilot, and into a position with exactly 1/3 the power of secretariat. If he had done this without anyone's approval, and remasked himself as Pilot, that would be my signal to rehost the forums elsewhere and declare him a traitor.

That is how I expected this to go down, that is what I had prepared all my forums posts/mass messages/etc for.

That is not what happened.

During the 'reorg' he removed everybody's admin rights to the forum but his, only restoring a few bits, but not the whole. Fortunately I saved my database copy before he did this. The other point at which I knew a coup was imminent would be if he refused to give me back my admin rights, which he had been extremely slow at. There is no excuse, it was the checking of a box, and I should have been the first person's access he fixed. I was going to set a deadline yesterday that if he passed I would declare him in dereliction of his duty and start the moving process, but that didn't happen either.

Instead, my good friend the co-pilot gave me the admin rights back and apparently got into an argument with salithus which hurt salithus' feelings so much, he took his ball and went home.

As far as I'm concerned there was no good reason for him to do this. Regardless of how it happened we are stronger for it. His cancerous presence in the alliance had been a thorn in my side for a long time, even from before CN. He was never satisfied with my decisions, and started fights for the pure fun of it in IRC.

And now we are rid of him, we are finally free.

Edit: Mentioning other games is bad. - Revan


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