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Blah blah blah



I have not really utilized this blog as much as i would like, and with RL eating up my time in recent months my CN presence in general has taken a battering (largely due to the arrival of my son but also to a larger workload that my employers have dumped on me). But hopefully now i can contemplate getting back into the swing of things and begin reacquinting myself with Planet Bob :smug:

So whats on my mind atm? well as usual its my beloved ODN, being a patriot can be a heavy burden and serving ODN has at times since late 2008 been a thankless and sometimes grim task. We have as a community had to work damn hard at all levels to restore some self respect and i do feel that the current war and our role in it has seen that hard work pay off somewhat.

Of course it remains clear that in some quarters we remain a vile entity not worthy to breathe the sweet air of planet bob but i do feel we are clearly on our way on the road to redemption. Hopefully we will have more chances to win round even our most fierce detractors...well some of them at least :blush:

anyway enough for my blah blah blah, i promise to try make my next entry more interesting :D


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