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New peace mode stats

https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AoJD-FIuyoB0dGlWeUlaNDluUzZ3NXhub1ZPV1M0LVE&authkey=CMmrnf4C&hl=en#gid=3 All stats were gathered between about 14:30 and 16:00 cn time. I'm posting it now because I didn't have time to look at the numbers until now beyond doing a reality check The changes in lineup: VE and FOK have been added for Doomhouse after their DoWs on NADC OSA has been removed from the DH side, since they are no longer at war with the surrender of ASU CD, NSO, TOOL,

flak attack

flak attack

Peace Mode stats

Since I'm tired of having people try and nitpick stats and post deliberately misleading numbers relating to peace mode statistics, I put together a googledocs spreadsheet involving almost every alliance currently involved in the Doomhouse-NPO war. I elected not to include CnG because the alliances they are fighting have such an overwhelming portion of their ns at peace and CnG has such a small portion of their ns in peacemode that anyone claiming they are hiding some of their nations is, to put

flak attack

flak attack

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