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Mag's Corner

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About this blog

A place for me to rant without clogging up the OWF

Entries in this blog

Why is it that...

Doomhouse can act like complete asses, force the people who I wanted to fight out of the war and be downright arrogant at times... ... but for some reason I can't help but like them.



Commerce and Revitalization

Lately there have been a lot of moans and groans among the community about how CN's player population is now well below 20,000. A lot of people are talking about how the next war is "the last war" and the game is dying. That's silly. CN, as a game and as a community, is still going strong. The political landscape of alliances is constantly changing and I think that I'm more engaged than I have been since the months leading up to Karma. That being said, I understand their complaints. We are facin



That Podcast Idea

For the 5 to 10 of you who were actually interested in listening to the Podcast I was going to make on here, I'm sorry that I haven't gotten to it yet. I've had midterms and I have lots of papers due this week, so I'm pretty much swamped with schoolwork. I'll try to find time to get it done at some point . . . should be fun when I get to it, I hope. -Mag



Radio show and heeding sound advice

Howdy world, I did my show as planned yesterday, but I did not consider two things. One, the server was incredibly crappy. It was good for the first show, but people said they spent most of their time getting disconnected or buffering. This might be because I'm in a college dorm. That leads me to my second thing. I am in a college dorm and I had to bribe my roommate to keep him and my friends from barging in and laughing at me while I conducted a radio show about imaginary politics. So I'm goin



Another radio show

Howdy world, So I figured I'd grace you all with yet another CN radio talk show from someone who probably enjoys this game a little too much (me). The format of my show is very simple. I'm doing it a lot like a real world political talk radio show - that is, I get on the air for an hour, spout my opinion on different matters, have guests and callers and play some music in between segments. I did a trial run of the show tonight, in which I discussed the CSN-DT debacle and all the stuff associate



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