I joined CN on May 18, 2006, under the name Ryan Smyth. I never intended to make this my permanent moniker, but I wanted to get a feel for the game, see how it looked, and whether or not I wanted to join. After several days it became clear that I did, so after letting my nation die, I restarted as Cheyenne of Northern Territory, on June 4. To clear up some misconception I've ahd about this name: No, I am not, in fact, a female. The name is derived from the model of my brother's truck at the time
You my be wondering who I am, why I've decided to do this, and what use it is to you, seeing as I've been fairly inactive in recent months.
My name is Cheyenne. Over the course of several years I have founded or cofounded alliances that went on to have a major impact on the game (ONOS, MDC, TR/Atlantis, Vox Populi), had a hand in the beginning of several major wars (Maroon War, GW3) and been a member of more alliances than you can shake a stick at. I would imagine I have been involved in more b