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Ubersteinia to Babylonia


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Private Dispatch to the Empire of Babylon


The Baltic Union of Ubersteinia is interested in expanding it's diplomatic relations outside of Europe. The Middle East is a logical area to do so, given its historical ties to Europe, and we would be please to host or send an ambassador, if such an arrangement sounds acceptable.

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Classified Message


New Babylon will dispatch Minister Ishtar Kuna to Ubersteinia to discuss the opening of diplomatic relations.



Darius of Basra, First Foreign Minister, Empire of Babylon






Soon after the response was dispatched, a Government jet would make its way to the Capital of Ubersteinia. On landing, Ishtar would make her way to the meeting.

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Ishtar would be driven via diplomatic motorcade to Riga Castle. President Uberstein would greet her in the entryway, shaking her hand, "Welcome to the Baltic Union. I hope your flight was pleasant. Shall we speak in my office?"


"Mr President, a pleasure to meet you. The flight was excellent." she replied politely.


"I think your office would be best" she said, following him into his office.


"So what can New Babylon do for you Mr President?"

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Uberstein would motion to the two chairs in front of his desk, and sit in one, "I feel it's less of a question of what New Babylon can do for me, and rather what we can do for each other. The world is proving itself to be a relatively unstable place. Potential conflicts are everywhere. Babylon has shown itself so far to be a reasonable power, and I am a man of reason." He smiles and leans back in the chair, "Nations which seek peace shouldn't seek it alone. I'm interested in relations with your country. Trade mainly, but defense is an option if you feel it's appropriate."

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"I am very applicable to a trade agreement Mr President. What sort of wares does Uberstenia produce? apart from armament of course" she said with a wink.

Taking a sip of water she pulled out a cigarette.


"You dont mind if I smoke Mr President?" she asked politely.


"Defence is an option if you wish it to be. Babylon presently has no natural enemies, but we are aware of several altercations and low intensity conflicts in the Baltic regions which may lead us to believe that your nation may benefit from a defence agreement with us, pending certain conditions of course."

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"Many things. Timber, textiles, chemicals, plastics and minerals. Some various electronics, including telecommunications equipment. Investments into oil shale could prove promising as well, though I plan to steer my nation towards greener sources of energy." He flicks his hand nonchalantly, "Smoking is fine. I took up the habit of cigars back during university and never quite gave it up."


"As for defense, any defense agreement would of course have to start as an optional pact. While I don't doubt you or your government's integrity, I feel signing a mandatory defense pact in the same agreement where we open up trade would be a bit...hasty."

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Ishtar lit her smoke and took a pull before answering.


"Well, whilst the Empires main exports are weapons and oil, our own energy needs are 83% based on clean energy, with constant research and development into developing a renewable source of clean energy. So I am sure our trade departments can iron out the finer details of a free trade agreement as far as that goes. I am more than happy to sign an agreement today and then pass it down to our trade departments to work out the details to be mutually beneficial." she said, taking another pull before continuing.


"An optional defence agreement is fine, however the problem is not with the agreement itself, but with its enforcement. Without establishing a foreign base in your country, and a base in my own nation, it is unfeasible for any defence agreement. So how would you feel about permitting an airbase and a garrison of soldiers to be established in Uberstenia? It goes without saying that works both ways, we have plenty of space to host a military facility."

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"I don't see anything wrong with such an agreement. Kedainiai Air Base, at the moment, is purely used for military and government transport. I'm sure the Air Guard won't mind leasing it to to the Babylonian military. Our navy is extremely limited as well, I'm sure some port space in Kaliningrad could be leased if the Babylonian navy felt the need to visit the Baltic. However, I feel we must talk numbers, how many soldiers are you proposing you station there? I think that any more than a division would be excessive."

Edited by Uberstein
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"I don't see anything wrong with such an agreement. Kedainiai Air Base, at the moment, is purely used for military and government transport. I'm sure the Air Guard won't mind leasing it to to the Babylonian military. Our navy is extremely limited as well, I'm sure some port space in Kaliningrad could be leased if the Babylonian navy felt the need to visit the Baltic. However, I feel we must talk numbers, how many soldiers are you proposing you station there? I think that any more than a division would be excessive."


"Then I will organise the relocaton of one F-22 squadron and one F-15SE squadron to Kedainiai airbase. As for soldier numbers, the Imperial Army operates based on a series of Corps, which is made up of five divisions. Defence Ministers prefer keeping a Corps together rather than pulling out a single division when on base rotation. An Imperial Division is ten thousand men, a Corps is fifty thousand. The benefits of the Corps is that it can operate as its own independent force, rather than a Division which must work with other forces to ensure its capibilities are utilized properly."


"That said, fifty thousand men one one base is excessive, so if you will permit it, I can organize with defence ministers to break the corps down into its divisions and spread them out across Ubsersteinia? Uness of course, you really would prefer a single division?.

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"Given the standing army of Ubersteinia is roughly 60,000 soldiers, I'm sure you understand my hesitation to suddenly bring in 50,000 foreign soldiers, especially if the agreement includes stationing our own soldiers on a base in Babylonian territory. 20,000 soldiers, on the other hand, would only require the mobilization of two reserve divisions on my part, and would limit foreign military presence to say, Kaliningrad and Kedainiai. This would allow a decent sized reaction force while still keeping things limited."


"If keeping a corps together remains an issue, I'm sure we could bring a neighboring, allied state into these talks. We have found Moscow to be very receptive, they signed an optional defense pact with us recently. I cannot speak on their behalf, but they may be willing to join in a larger scale defensive pact like we're discussing now."

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"Well you won't be obligated to return the favour of deploying soldiers, but we won't block it if you wish that to be an additional clause in the treaty. I can authorise anything up to fifty thousand men, so deploying two divisions is not an issue, I am sure actions can be placed into motion that will enable the remaining forces to be deployed so perhaps I may travel to Moscow when I leave here to gauge their responsivness to such a suggestion Minister. Or, if they have a representative in the city at an embassy I dont mind waiting for them to join us."

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"Ah, perhaps a non-mandatory permission to base clause. Basically, saying that we can station an equal number of soldiers in each others nations up to 50,000 soldiers, but that there is no requirement to do so. As for bringing in Moscow, I will organize a greater meeting soon. For now, I think it's best if we simply deal with this pact here and now. Step by step, it's how I've always done things."


((OOC: Okay with me posting a treaty example next post?))

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"Does this look appropriate?" Uberstein scribbled something quickly out on a sheet of paper, and handed it to her.


Article II: Conduct
Signatories of this pact pledge to show only respect and good will towards each other. While this will prohibit outright verbal hostility in all its forms, it will not restrict healthy debate or productive disagreement.

Article III: Assistance
If either signatory requests assistance in the form of military assistance, economic aid, or political intervention, it is strongly encouraged for the other signatory to provide what help it can, though both parties accept that this is not an obligation.

Article IV: Intelligence
Should vital knowledge of a political or military nature come to the attention of one signatory, they are required to share it with the other.

Article V: Basing
Both parties agree to allow the basing of up to but no more than 50,000 soldiers within each other's nations, upon agreed upon bases. This is to allow the full option of defense. The initial deployment of 10,000 Babylonian soldiers to Kedainiai Air Base in the Baltic Union is granted by this treaty; further deployments by either side may be discussed freely.
Article VI: Free Trade
Both parties agree to not tariff, tax, or otherwise charge a fee for goods imported from the other nation, with the exception of nationalized industries or industries which have been agreed upon for protection. In addition, companies whose headquarters are in one nation shall be given preferential treatment over other nations'. 

Article VII: Cancellation
It is the hope of both signatories that this pact may last forever, or until the bond it represents grows to the point where an upgrade is merited.  Given the uncertainties of the future, however, it is recognized that should any of the above Articles be violated, or should some major irreparable disagreement arise, that this pact maybe canceled after 1 month's notice.

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Uberstein would sign it as well, "Not that I can think of. I'll have this properly typed up and faxed to your embassy as soon as possible."


Later, Ambassador Kaspars R. Ozoliņš  would be sent to Babylon to represent the Baltic Union at their embassy.

  Edited by Uberstein
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