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Just a little fun.

Entries in this blog

What I love about cybernations (So far)

As you can see from the title, this will be about cybernations (obviously) Particularly what I love about cybernations. This will be in primarily list format, with a few paragraphs in between. Enjoy. 1. The game doesn't change. OK, I should probably explain this one. Now obviously cybernations changes, such as the smiley face pop. happiness changing to a good ol' number pop. happiness, but it stays the same at its core. Let me give an example of a game that DOESN'T stay true to its core.



Stupidest mistake EVER

Well, that was stupid. What I did, I mean. This was probably the most blundering, idiotically stupid thin even humanly possible to do in cybernation’s and I did it. You see, I had saved up a bunch of money to make a huge infrastructure jump, but then a stupid thought occurred to me. “Hmm, maybe if I sell my entire infrastructure so the price will go down, THEN make the jump, I’ll save money.” Clearly this did not work out, and in the process of trying to get my infrastructure back I los



The end of Competence

Hello, Well folks, this is the end. Of the Equilibrium War, I mean. Competence put up a good fight, but the shear amount of fighting alliances on the Equilibrium side was too much. I will admit, more then one thousand nations in anarchy is an impressive blow under the circumstances, but it was a curb storm from the beginning. I know some would beg to differ, but with disorganization, and unenthusiastic allies, Umbrella should have apologized for filling war slots before the storm came. Wel



A word on technology

So I was looking at my tech levels earlier today and I realized that even though my nation has (widespread?) access to, what is that? I guess cellular phones and computers, my Literacy rate is still 20%. I understand that my literacy rate go's up as my technology rate does, and this isn't really a rant against the literacy/technology levels, it's a rant against the pictures the use to represent them. The PURITANS, had a higher literacy rate then I do. And yet I have computers. Is their some so



An Apology

Hello, I would like to apologize for any confusion in my last blog entry, I was not trying to offend anybody in Competence, I was merely giving reasons why I thought it was logical for Competence to surrender (I.g. Equilibrium had more, nations/nukes/NS) I would also like to apologize to anyone who thought I was trolling. I was in no way trying to provoke an emotional response to my entry, and I hope no one was too offended by it. Thank you for your time.




Hello, cyber verse, I would like to announce my recent entry into the cyber-forums. The reason for this is that I would like to use this blog as a method of spreading my and others ideals and thoughts on the current events happening in cybernations. But before I do that I would like to answer a question. The reason my nation's name is Pangea, is because it is a slightly different spelling of the word Pangaea, which in case you didn't know was a supercontinent that existed (please avoid religi



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