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Which alliance to join...

While the promise of war drew me back, I've found I've become rather apathetic about specific goings-on since I've been out of the big alliance game for a while after joining a string of smaller alliances (TJO, COJ, etc.). I think I need to just join a bigger alliance and see if that rekindles my interest in alliance politics. I'd prefer a change of scenery, so nowhere I've actually been before, and my nation is tiny as $%&@ because I just made it so it's not like I'm going to be swinging



Why I absolutely adore this CB

The sounds of war have drawn me back to Planet Bob and I find myself for the first time in several years appeased by the course of events. It's not so much that this has a decent chance of altering the current power structure in much the same way Karma did; I've been away so long I have no idea how this will shake out. The thing that has me really happy is the CB in this case, and I'd like to examine it a bit further: Attempting to be as unbiased as possible. 1) Mo9P rogued AI shortly after



My opinion on the conflict

Never in history have so many been attempting to start a war with one alliance as has the large group of antagonistic alliances tried to provoke Polar into war this past fall. First it was the NG strike on UPN seeking not only exorbitant reps, but also seeking to activate UPN's treaty with NpO to lure them out into an unwinnable war. Because UPN didn't call them in, they survived. Then the provocation of the Legion and attempts by many to set up a treaty chaining situation from which Polar wo



d2m fixes everything

I'm utterly delirious, extremely tired, and can't sleep. So I decided to write a blog post that will hopefully solve all the problems people have and address some common arguments that are floating around of varying degrees of merit. All of which will take the form of a stream of consciousness "don't call it a rant" rant. Without further ado, let's get to it! 1) The tangled treaty web: Yeah, there's been a thread about it on the front page of the OWF since I started playing 4 years ago. You



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