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Library of musical critiques, reviews, and analysis of Rap

Entries in this blog

Truth Nation: Kendrick Lamar

Gosh, where do I even begin? Kendrick Lamar looks like an idiotic pinheaded 5'4 person whose face has stopped maturing ever since he was 12. Now that I am done with that and have slayed and exposed the whackness and hypocrisy that is Hopsin one million years ago, I will now slay upon the overrated cliche the Hip Hop world likes to call "Kendrick Lamar". First off, I am going to begin by complementing and extracting the nice features Lamar has since he does deserve it after that controversial v

Captain Marin

Captain Marin

Truth Nation: Big Sean

Before I expand the !@#$% of Big Sean to shove down my penis in it, to those G.O.O.D Music cocksuckers that are thinking that I am posting this entry for them, please do not. I am posting this because for one, I am not very fond of liars. Liars are the reason why I have been screwed over so many times. Liars are the reason why our society is plagued both politically and socially. I am merely expressing my feelings and exposing the lies that 90 percent of our world are consuming and accepting aft

Captain Marin

Captain Marin

Review of: Eminem Presents - The Re-Up

The collaborative album in which has been titled as "the Re-Up" is one of the best albums I have heard that has ben released upon by Shady Records. The album mostly features most signees of Shady Aftermath (Shady Records + Aftermath Entertainment). From Shady Narcotics to No Apologies, I have appeared to enjoy every single second of the record. Every song has been crafted perfectly, whether when it comes to lyrical content, catchy hooks, and the rhythm of the instrumental. The album is better l

Captain Marin

Captain Marin

Truth Nation: Hopsin

Hopsin, the Black Slim Shady, Mister Oh-No, Pillow Man, the self-proclaimed Spider-Man of Rap, and the Crowned King of All Rawness, as all of his fans view him. His real name is Marcus and his last name is, coincidentally, Hopson (what a creative Stage Name). Anyways, I was just roaming through some Denace songs and videos, haters were accusing Denace of copying Eminem and as I rebutted their failed attempts of an insult, they redirected me to Hopsin. The first song I checked out of Hopsin was

Captain Marin

Captain Marin

Review of: The Eminem Show

As its Predecessor being Marshall Mathers LP and the Eminem Show being the 4th Solo Album by Eminem, Eminem has proven towards the world as a whole, that he too, can come up with an unexpected turn of events, changing his style a bit, and yet create a flawless album at the same time. The Eminem Show has some tracks that is dedicated for laughs with Without Me, Business, Superman and My Dad's Gone Crazy, but most of it is dark-toned and discusses serious matters. Eminem takes a moment to address

Captain Marin

Captain Marin

Intro 2 Umaté

Hello and greetings all to the Umaté of Hip-Hop. For you curious minds that are questioning the title of this blog, the Star Wars term "Umaté" is a rock that is located in the Shanarai that is used by Jedi to tap the Coruscanti's "inner spirit" and since this blog lashes out my true, inner beliefs about Hip-Hop, why not call it that. Anyways, this blogplace shall be a library of all my critiques, rants, compliments, grievances, and analysis to rap music. I will also be making some recommendatio

Captain Marin

Captain Marin

Truth Nation: Introduction

Welcome every and all to a segment of the Umate of Hip-Hop, the Truth Nation. Here, is where I lift up the skirts and expose those rappers that are truly whack and show everyone that the same Whack MC I am harming and diminishing verbally receives more credibility than he/she (Note: "She" is included) actually deserves. Most people will hate me for this, but I stay true to my beliefs and if you disagree with it, please, I beg you, do not be rude and call me or any of my work "a joke" nor any of

Captain Marin

Captain Marin

Hear Ye, Hear Ye

Hello every and all homo sapiens throughout Planet Bob, As you all know, I have not posted any entries that either exposes that some "artists" does not compose musical and flabbergasting art, reviews about albums, and a display of the awesome lyricism that is tattooed against my notebook. I would post more if the internet connection was not too shabby, but ultimately, it is, and it makes those webpages I desire to log into really slow. Fortunately, Windows Movie Maker does not need a fast inte

Captain Marin

Captain Marin

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