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Another Invitation to Cochin


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[quote]To: KP Varma, Minister of External Affairs of the Kingdom of Cochin
From: Wu De Ling, President of the Xinyan Republic

Subject: Furthering Relations between Our Nations

Mr KP Varma,

We met two years ago in Xinyan City in hopes of bringing closer interaction and trade between the Kingdom of Cochin and the Xinyan Republic. After the relative success of the changes brought about by that meeting, we are of the belief that continued cooperation and closer relations between our two nations could only benefit the people of both our countries. I would like to extend an invitation for you to visit Xinyan City again so we may discuss the future of Cochin-Xinyan relations in depth.[/quote]

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1300002057' post='2662670']
KP Varma would travel to Xinyan City accepting the invitation from Mr. Wu De Ling, President of Xinyan Republic.
A runway at the Xinyan City International airport was cleared for KP Varma's plane, and foreign affairs director Deputy Colonel Wei An Ling, accompanied by a diplomatic delegation and a car, awaited Varma at the runway. When Varma reached the delegation, An Ling greeted him, "Good evening, Mr Varma, and welcome to Xinyan City. I trust your flight here was comfortable and satisfactory?"

The car then drove through the city towards the State Building, and then Mr Varma was guided to the conference room where President Wu De Ling awaited him. "Mr Varma," she nodded to him, and walked forward to shake his hand. "It is a great honour to receive you again in Xinyan City."

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"It has been a long flight but a person in my kind of job has to bear up with such trifles," KP Varma replied with a smile top Dy Col An Ling upon being hailed at the airport. The drive to the State Building was unremarkable with Varma enjoying the sights of yet another capital city. On meeting with President Wu De Ling, KP Varma would bow to him and reply, "The honor is all mine, President, to visit this beautiful city of yours. May I know the purpose of this invitation, Madam President?"

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1300335250' post='2666945']
"It has been a long flight but a person in my kind of job has to bear up with such trifles," KP Varma replied with a smile top Dy Col An Ling upon being hailed at the airport. The drive to the State Building was unremarkable with Varma enjoying the sights of yet another capital city. On meeting with President Wu De Ling, KP Varma would bow to her and reply, "The honor is all mine, President, to visit this beautiful city of yours. May I know the purpose of this invitation, Madam President?"
"It has been two years since we signed a pact to increase economic cooperation and trade between our two nations," President De Ling replied. "It has worked very well, as Cochinese businesses have prospered in the Republic and helped to bolster our own economy and corporations. Therefore I believe it would be a good idea to continue to improve the relations between Cochin and Xinyan, and take the relationship between our nations to the next level. Does the Kingdom agree?"

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1300338390' post='2667107']
"It has been two years since we signed a pact to increase economic cooperation and trade between our two nations," President De Ling replied. "It has worked very well, as [b]Cochin[/b] businesses have prospered in the Republic and helped to bolster our own economy and corporations. Therefore I believe it would be a good idea to continue to improve the relations between Cochin and Xinyan, and take the relationship between our nations to the next level. Does the Kingdom agree?"

"Indeed our diplomatic relations have prospered in the past few years and the changed geopolitical scenarios also make cause for a re-evaluation of Cochin-Xinyan relations. We have also observed the increased global involvement of Xinyan in Asia and other continents, especially in the case of the South West Africa conflict. What sort of an upgrade in relations is Xinyan Republic looking forward to," KP Varma asked.

OOC: Cochin. It is COCHIN. Not Cochinese.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1300338656' post='2667122']
"Indeed our diplomatic relations have prospered in the past few years and the changed geopolitical scenarios also make cause for a re-evaluation of Cochin-Xinyan relations. We have also observed the increased global involvement of Xinyan in Asia and other continents, especially in the case of the South West Africa conflict. What sort of an upgrade in relations is Xinyan Republic looking forward to," KP Varma asked.
"The Republic is interested in the possibility of a political-military pact with Cochin, perhaps an ODP, or an MDP should you judge it prudent at this time."

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1301280841' post='2678728']
"Before we commit to a particular treaty upgrade, may we enquire what are the threat perceptions of Xinyan like? From what sectors do you perceive any threats to your nation originating from?"
"As of this moment, the Xinyan Republic perceives no threats as far as other nations, given our neutrality in general to matters of the world. As far as any other possible threats, the Republic has remained weary of groups such as TIDO Wave who have threatened allies of ours and the Republic itself, but we foresee very little chance that agents of such a group would be able to amount to much of a threat to our national security."

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"The issue as ever in committing to defending another nation is the problem of being able to deploy troops. That being said due to our diplomatic relations with the Mongolian nations committing to defend you would not be a problem as we may be permitted to deploy our forces through their territories. Still considering the discontiguous nature of territory, would Xinyan Republic be acceptable to an Optional Defense Pact?"

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  • 3 weeks later...

"An Optional Defence Pact would of course be acceptable. If you would allow me a moment, I will draft a preliminary treaty for you to look over and sign or edit as you see fit."

[quote]Kingdom of Cochin-Xinyan Republic Optional Defence Pact

I. Optional Defence

In the event that one of the signatories is attacked or the target of a declaration of war, the other signatory is strongly encouraged, but not required, to aid said signatory, whether militarily, financially, or economically.


The signatories are strongly encouraged, but not required, to provide information valuable to the safety and security of the other signatory should such information be discovered.

III. Termination

Should one of the signatories choose to cancel this treaty, they may invoke a 48-hour termination clause, at the end of which the treaty becomes void.

Signed, for the Xinyan Republic,

Wu De Ling, President of the Xinyan Republic[/quote]

Edited by dotCom
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