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Mission to Germany

Germanic Republic

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A brief message was issued to the German government from the FRA's foreign office


We would like to discuss issues pertaining to the security of the FRA, and the recent trend towards Communist dictatorships overthrowing democratic governments.
We would like to meet with your officials in Germany, to negotiate either an arms deal, or some other defense contract.


Reginald Carter
Foreign Minister[/quote]

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[quote]We regret to inform you that we are unable to facilitate such a deal, as those weapons would be, naturally, used against the Communists. In spite of our many ideological differences, we hold treaties with some of their nations. Therefore, we cannot be seen to be favoring either side.


However, a few days later another letter arrived from a source unknown. The Government may oppose assisting the Vinlanders, but other people had their own agendas.

[i]"Come to Reykjavik, we meet at the Smauratorg, Floor 13, in 48 hours."[/i]

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The government was suspicious, but given the dire circumstances the free nations of the world found themselves in (and her disappointment with the government rejection), it was worth a shot. Carter would be dispatched to Reykjavik, and he would arrive by plane the next day. He stayed the night, and then made his way to the Smauratorg, following the directions to the letter.

He entered the 13th Floor.

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It was all a business area, and the tower seemed to have a very large crowd of people buying different items. Other floors were offices. It seemed to be like an ideal place to meet in an underground fashion or otherwise to assasinate someone. After some time, he had been detected and two very tall men with steely eyes approached in his direction. They were security guards. At the same time, only a meter away, someone tried and took a laptop to try and run away with it. The Security Guards grab him, beating him down, causing much confusion.

Nearly at the same time, a very thin man with a rather flat face and very pale skin approached him and spoke next to his hear, "Glad you could come. Follow me quickly." - He turns around, and from behind it's all black - black hair, black suit, black shoes. Several others seemed to look like him in the area. He heads into a door with Nordlandic and German for "Restricted area" and they must then go through a long hallway. They eventually take one of the maybe thirty doors into a small but luxurious office, which is guarded by two soldiers in body armor that have a plain metal mask, making them seem, quite bluntly, faceless.

"Please have a seat. I am Ivar. I hear that you are having some Red Problems." The room was rather cold, but not enough for most to complain about.

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Carter had been in more unfamiliar situations, and was undeterred. He hardly skipped a beat in following the man, and taking his place in the chilled room. His whiskers twitched in annoyance at the cold, but otherwise he was unaffected. He nodded vigorously and replied, "The situation seems to be rather drastic. On our border sits a large Red dictatorship, in a network of Red dictators, all wanting the blood of the working man, and the free. While relations were cordial, things have cooled, and a security crisis has developed. We need something additional. Either men, and the Germans' reputation as a warrior holds true to us, or material. What's on the table?"

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He nods. Upon closer observation, his face appears slightly sickly, as if it were synthetic, slightly gray. But he speaks with utmost resolution and clarity.

"Our Government has made a pact with the Devil. But that will not stop me from assisting you. We have something to offer, although it may not be enough. I have a body of volunteers of 10.000 men and 100 Tank Crews. To our standards, that is the manpower required for one Infantry and one Panzer Division. These men are not from the army but have, like all of us received training, and like many of us, participated in wars before. Former Reichswehr commanders, Krause and Thomke will be among the volunteers. They held the rank of General upon their retirement, and will be of much use to your war efforts. Thomke excells at chamo preparation and ambushes, while Krause excelled in an anti-tank role, therefore they're good for defensive operations. Separately, we can give you an amount of equipment and an amount of blueprints. We feel that you will best benefit from equipment which is sturdy, does the job, and can be readily reproduced by your country in large numbers. We can offer you twenty of our Leopard IV Main Battle Tanks, however, we will send them in pieces for you to assemble by the blueprint, and then you can produce more. We can also offer you a few tons of Grenades, Antitank Rockets and Assault Rifles with blueprints as well. GDAR 21 Assault Rifle, German-style Grenades, Panzerfaust IV. They should all be fairly simple for you to produce."

He passes on a booklet: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=93208

"Also this company can send you as many of their material as you might require. They are not a part of the Government, so they are free to act, and I have arranged for them to give you a good discount. And look, I know of an oldschool Tank Destroyer Design for your engineers. Stridsvagn 103." Another Booklet is given.


"It is a very low profile, very easy to build and packs a punch, although we recommend that you modify the designs in order to use a 120-140mm cannon or otherwise a 103mm high velocity ETC gun if your country can have that kind of technology. We could give you blueprints for that, but, production costs would simply be too high, so it isn't worth it. You can make as many of these tanks as you may need...hopefully."

"There's also this:" A large sheet is handed - blueprints.


"We are currently about to produce a variant of this rifle that uses a more powerful round, the AK-47's round. This rifle is extremely sturdy and has many great qualities, it's also cheap to build, only Nato rounds are insufficient. You can arm militias with this and the Panzerfausts."

He folds his arms.

"If you agree, I will have a contact of mine reach you tomorrow for shipping details, and you can take blueprints yourself back home directly afterwards. What else can we do for you?"

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Carter raised an eyebrow-- quantity indeed did have a quality of its own. "These are all acceptable. I will take the blueprints and have our military switch our production as soon as I can. I'm staying at a hotel nearby, you can reach me using this phone. Anything else...? We have everything we need, I believe. The men and materials are sufficient, and in the event that we are unable to fend off the aggressors, we can use Herr Thomke's specialties to prepare our populace for an insurgency. That should be it. I'll await your contact tomorrow."

He slid a mobile phone across the table, with a contact already put into it. He shook Ivar's hand, took the blueprints as instructed, and departed towards his hotel to pass the night.

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"May the Ravens fly with you and your country. Take care."


The next day, the contact would be a different person. He'd on the one hand rely the transport details - shipping would be sent to different areas of the country. And the volunteers would also go to different cities and zones, then it'd all be made to assemble. Lastly, if they wished to purchase from Kettenheim, he'd make the arrangements, so long as he knew how many pieces and if 70% could be paid in advance.

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An order would be put in to Kettenheim. Carter had been effectively given a blank check.

1,000,000 P1 Rifles
1,000,000 Marksman Rifles
500 Steinhammer-H MBTs
100 MTA1 200mm SPA

The total summed up to several billion dollars, which would be paid according to the instructions given. Carter signed off on the shipping details, effectively finalizing all of this-- the men and materials, the officers, blueprints, and Kettenheim.

Edited by Germanic Republic
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Kettenheim proceeds. They have already made a large stock of these materials as a war reserve for Germany at large. This Reserve was being held by Kettenheim Inc. for the Government, but what they do now instead is ship these right away, and activate their production in order to replete the depot. It should take twenty days until everything finally arrives from the distant Hamburg and Mariehamm. The rest of the things would take also some twenty days to arrive, but then assembling it was up to the Americans.

The recruits finish arriving at approximately the same date, but by planes and in waves. Thomke and Krause had been of course on the first wave in order to meet up with the American Government to get them ready.

Approximately fifteen days after all of this had happened, the Althing would notice that the Mariehamm Depot had been severely depleted and that Kettenheim were replenishing it. Exports were checked, and they realize what had happened to some degree. They begin to investigate, and eventually realize that even some of their own equipment proper seemed to have vanished. They would track the ones responsible for this.

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The American government would welcome the volunteers readily, when they came, and our engineers would get started on assembling Kettenheim's wares and distributing them to the military-- about half to the military for the P1 rifles, a quarter for the Marksman rifles. The rest would go towards arming the populace-- Thomke would be assigned towards the training of insurgents and bushwhackers.

Carter was recalled to Austin, and the blueprints would be used to mass-produce IFVs from the hull of the FRA's Bradley hulls, to create cheap TDs and anti-personnel vehicles. Civilians would be trained in their usage, but the vast majority of the cheap vehicles would go towards the military.

[i]One TD blueprint from the Bradley hulls[/i]

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Krause would be placed in charge of the Germanic Union Volunteers. All of them were Anti-Communists of course, and looked forwards to a fight, while they resented the Government's alliance to them. They hoped to make a difference, and maybe they would. Once assembled, they would then meet up with Thomke in order to initiate Civilian-Training Sessions. They had some experience, so they would try to offer their knowledge to the others.

Thomke requested that once a month each citizen receive four hours of Martial Education and Practice, a more moderate version of the program ongoing in the Germanic Union. The first of the "Panzerjäger Vinland" As they had taken to call it would also be available then. There'd be first an overall physical setup course, excepting for those who were too old, or otherwise physically unable to do it. But even those would be in many cases taught to fire Handguns first and Assault Rifles later. The best ones would be then taught to be a crew for the Tank Destroyers.

Thomke and Krause requested to know what the local nation's order of battle was, so as to verify that it may be as good as it can be. They also have requested the starting of waves of Nationalistic Propaganda, although not Anti-Communist Propaganda for the time being.


In the meantime, the pale man responsible for the American Aid had been found by Berlin. He was visited by Lord de Keizer after locked in a cell and having been moderately beat up.

"Why did you do this? You have endangered our Land and costed us resources. This is treason."

The man had been in fact one of the top leaders of the Secret Service. He smirks.

-"You have made a deal with the Red Fiend, the same that I fought to liberate my own land from. You have betrayed us. And Germany will pay not for this but for its complicity with those criminals."

de Keizer frowns and nonchalantly says, "You may think so but your own policies would sooner throw the Union into a world war. We are doing this for peace. Tell me how would you like to have to nuke them only for them to nuke back? The Communists will eventually die out by themselves. It is a fad. Like the Nords were."

-"That is irresponsible and you know it. You're just too busy sitting in your cards castle. You will see. Do what you want to me. I have only a couple of months left anyways. It has spread to the brain. The cancer eating me is the cancer eating the world. I have chosen to fight."

de Keizer raises his chin and says, "You have chosen to fight the wrong fight and the Ravens will feed on your corpse for that. Goodbye."

Once the report is finished, they'd send him to Athens.


Edited by Kaiser Martens
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Thomke & Krause would be shown the FRA's OOB:

16 divisions in Central District, 7 in the Eastern District, 4 in the Western District, and 3 in the Southern District. One division of "Spooks" (Counter terrorism) were stationed in New Mexico (Avorez) to keep order.

The President would establish an agency to put out propaganda in the public emphasizing public service and the defense of the 'American life', without restricting the freedom of speech of the citizenry.

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"We would suggest that you separate Infantry Divisions from Tank Divisions. That the tank components of your current divisions be replaced by auxiliary vehicles, such as the Tank Hunter. Then, the newly-formed Tank Divisions are to serve as a mobile reserve ready to go to any of the potentian fronts to fortify the defense and fight against potential enemy breakthroughs. This will provide you with some more strategic flexibility."

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The order would be given to make the changes, and adjust accordingly. The OOB had shifted due to recent espionage moves made against the FRA.

By now, the civilian populace had undergone their first session of drilling, and were settling back in to militarization-- an unfortunate reality of life they had sought to escape from, when the empire fell. The government had begun to fortify the beachheads in the gulf, and stealth fighters and UAV scouted the area daily. Bridges and dams were being mined, and Louisiana had her marshes converted into a kill-zone. Heavy anti-air units were being deployed along the gulf states as well.

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"Very well then. Try to see if you can enhance your nuclear stockpile. Hopefully, you will not need to use them. But just having them around is worthwhile, at that."

"Surely there's a means for you to obtain Uranium somewhere. You already have nuclear technology, just not resources as far as we had been informed."

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"Whether you'd been informed correctly or not is a more delicate matter than any of these preparations. You understand, that we can't allow anybody access to that information. We assure you though, that aspect of our preparations is being handled just fine.

However, there is something we can disclose, and that is a threat we didn't foresee, due to them being a world away. We anticipate a major strike from the South, on the gulf, rather than the North. There have been attempts to retrieve files relating to your presence here... they've all been rebuffed, and yet it's still rather unsettling. How long do you think it will be before your volunteers are ready to fight?"

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"Of course. Your volunteers will be reunited with their weaponry and their vehicles shortly."

The order was given out, mock civilian vehicles brought rifle and uniform back to her owner. Contracted industries were instructed to reconstruct the volunteers' Panzers-- that would by completed relatively soon. By now the Kettenheim vehicles were up and running. The FRA military had been given a shot in the arm with this influx of new materials, and she was ready and willing to repel the invaders-- North or South.

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