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Establishing the Shanghai Cooperation Organization


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The time for the opening of the conference formally had begun. The hotel and the surrounding blocks were quarantined off, along with high security, aerial observation, and shutting down of the subway system for the conference. The UFE was taking all the security precautions as was to be expected with such a high level security conference in Shanghai. Not that Shanghai was not one of the safest cities already, with fire arms completely banned in the UFE, and a well cultivated culture of snitching to the police.

The UFE leadership would be on hand to greet the delegations as they arrived, Chairman Jia, Vice Chairman Kou, and Premier Wei all were in attendance to greet the other leaders as they arrived.

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Burmese Vice Chairman Minh would enter the conference area in full military dress flanked by aids in simple black and white suits. None of them were bodyguards and none of them were armed. He stopped to shake the hands of the UFE officials and made idle small talk.

"Thank you for hosting this event gentlemen. It's about time Asia discussed solidarity considering our vast natural, industrial, and human resources. I look forward to the commencement. "

Edited by Shatner
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Having already had their meeting with Premier Wei, Dawkins and Yakolev sat in a lounge, talking about their new treaties with both the UFE, as well as the Kingdom of Cochin. Dawkins was quietly expressing his pleasure of their diplomatic progress as of late, when Yakolev's mobile phone started going off. Dawkins stopped his talk as Yakolev opened the phone.

"Yakolev, what do you have for me, Yuri?" asked Yakolev, his chief of staff was obviously on the phone with him.

He looked at Dawkins, with a rather apprehensive look, then said, "Alright, thanks Yuri. Keep me posted on any new updates."

Dawkins took a sip of tea from his glass, as Yakolev snapped his phone shut, and heaved a sigh.

"What is it?" asked Dawkins.

"The Slavorussian Empire just occupied the Trans-Caucasus Canal, running between the Caspian and Black Seas," responded Yakolev, sitting back into the leather sofa he occupied.

"And?" asked Dawkins, taking a sip of tea.

"They're planning to impose 'strict tolls' on any foreign vessel passing through."

Dawkins coughed on the tea he was in the process of swallowing. He coughed for a minute, his eyes watering, as Yakolev sat up quickly, his face a bit worried when Dawkins appeared to be choking on his tea. "What?!" Dawkins finally managed to croak out.

"Yuri said he got it from the Slavorussian news."

"That's Grade-A Horse Manure, we're one of the few countries that [i]uses[/i] that canal, it is the only way our country has direct access to the ocean, that's going to impact us directly more then anybody!" said Dawkins, raising his voice in a frustrated tone. Yakolev looked around quickly as the President's voice raised, out of either embarrassment or fear that someone was listening to them. Dawkins sighed for a moment, then continued, in a calmer voice, "I want the Foreign Office to flash a letter of objection to the Slavorussian government, ASAP."

"Of course, Mr. President."

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Chairman Jia signed the following executive orders as he made his way to the meeting hall.

[quote]Executive Order 1:


Red territory on this map included in the UFE Protectorate Region in Central Asia shall begin the transition to rule under the Caspian Clique[/quote]

[quote]Executive Order 2:

The Trans-caucas Canal's sections which bisect Slavorussian territory shall begin transition to the Slavorussians and shall be recognized as such so long as there remains a "fair deal" for the other Caspian powers.[/quote]

[quote]Executive Order 3:

All remaining territory in the Central Asian Protectorate not covered in Executive Orders 1 and 2 pertaining to Central Asia, shall be ceded to the Greater Nordic Empire and material assistance shall be provided to assist in resumed Nordic rule over the territories.[/quote]

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[b]Secure Transmission to Caspian Ministry of Defense[/b]

[quote]The UFE has ceded territory to us from their Central Asian protectorate under an executive signed by Chairman Jia, our military forces are to prepare and move nine battalions north to secure these provinces and ensure law and order is kept. Administrative personnel from the Foreign Office and Economic Ministry are to set up a planned transition to assert Caspian control over these regions and integrate them into the Clique. These new provinces, with an estimated thirty million souls, will form the new state of Uzbek, with a capital in Smarqand.

The military is to set non-aggressive rules of engagement, and to avoid collateral damage if possible if faced with any threats that requires the use of deadly force to subdue. The Foreign Office is to immediately put together forty-strong teams of personnel that will accompany [i]each[/i] battalion, and they will meet with local elders and act as liaison between the locals and the military. We will provide food, medical care, and basic needs to any local inhabitants should they require it, we [i]need[/i] to ensure a positive repertoire is established with our newest citizens, treat them as you would treat your own. Dawkins International will release five strategic airlift aircraft for use if needed.

[i]S. Dawkins[/i][/quote]

[b]Secure Transmission to Foreign Office and Ministry of Defense[/b]

[quote]The Greater Nordic Empire is reforming, as they will once again be our northern neighbors, the Foreign Office is to send a transmission to their government, and ask if they require any assistance in the redeveloping of their nation. Any aid will be provided, courtesy of this government, and the Foreign Office is to encourage the Economic Ministry to urge private investors and companies in the Caspian Clique to invest in the reestablished nation. The military is to have a three-battalion strong reaction force that will be available if the Empire asks for our assistance militarily. We hope these actions will ensure a peaceful resumption of Nordic governance over the region.

[i]V. Yakolev[/i][/quote]

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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KP Varma and his aides had arrived by a Merat from RCAF's Executive Fleet and had taken their positions in the conference room. Secure communication links have been established with both the Merat and Cochin City so that Hill Palace would be made aware of the proceedings at this conference.

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Chairman Jia readied his prepared remarks:

[quote]Ladies and Gentlemen. Welcome to Shanghai.

For many millenia Asia was the center of culture, economic activity, and human progress. As the largest continent on Earth we have the potential to have this continue. Asia is uniquely positioned to lead this Century and to improve the human condition as a whole. Yet, among all the major continents, Asia has been the one which has shown the least unity of any. Asia has been splintered and caught in centuries old conflicts and ideological struggles which have impeded economic development and created internal weakness. The vanity of nationalism and religion have separated peoples who are from the same family. This must end. Today I propose the creation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The SCO will be tasked with the maintenance of peace and security within Asia and forging a stronger Pan-Asian community as well as include friendship with Asia's neighbors.

We must stand up against the evils which plague Asia today and the emerging threats of the future. We must combat separatism and those who wish to fracture Asia's nations and return it to tribal feudalism, we must stand vigilant against religious extremism and terrorism, and foreign imperialism. The United Federation of the East believes that the best way to do this is to increase the economic and cultural ties between the nations of Asia and to establish greater military and police cooperation. We propose that the nations of Asia commit to common cause in checking aggression against common threats and increase security exercises with one another so as to improve our overall effectiveness.

This is the vision of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization which I put forth to you today. Through it, Asia will enter into a new dawn, and the world will once again marvel at our might.[/quote]

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Burma is ready to take the next step in Asian unity and progress with our neighbors. We believe that this continent has more potential than any other. As the UFE has said, we stand on the brink of an Asian Century if we can only cooperate to further the continent's progress as a whole.

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