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Communist Australia News, Events and Movements

Markus Wilding

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1297456751' post='2629576']
[i]Red Australian Army soldiers in a makeshift trench outside Norman[/i]

Australian Army soldiers are preparing for a long fight as guerrillas openly parade their equipment outside Brisbane, Townsville and Norman. This equipment includes Russian-type RPGs, BTR-line APCs and a multitude of conventional warheads. Communist Australian troops are still attempting to mount a counter-offensive and are also still attempting to figure out who, if anyone, is bankrolling the apparent revolution of Communist Australia.

[b]Encrypted to Communist Australia:[/b]

We are disappointed to see this conflict so soon after our withdrawal from the region. If you require assistance in suppressing the rebels, the Selenarctan Ground Force can land a brigade-strength force in Queensland to assist your forces. We also offer a longterm loan of up to 500,000,000NSC (five hundred million National Selenarctan Coins) of military equipment purchased through the [url="http://cnrp.wikia.com/wiki/Selenarctos_Ground_Force"]Selenarctan Strategic Defense Corporation[/url].

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[center][b]Classified to the Communist Australians[/b][/center]

The UFE is prepared to offer significant amounts of foreign loans in the forms of obsolete military equipment from our own arsenals to yours as well as emergency fuel to help your cause against these reactionaries. Specifically we are prepared to offer:

Six older AC-130 gunships along with spare parts, ammo, and military "advisors"
Twenty four JH-7 Fighter bomber with spare parts, ammo, and military "advisors"
Two various obsolete armored vehicles.
Six modified civilian aviation propeller planes with electronic warfare suites.

With this anti-ground oriented air support as well as heavy weapons we believe your troops can go on the offensive. We are also ready to forward you cash necessary to meet any outlying payroll for your military or factory workers in the arms industry so that you can maintain morale and productivity.

Edited by Triyun
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[b]PUBLIC - an artical from the Melbourne Age[/b]

2 Brigade(Airmobile) crossed the border into Communist Australia last night, as well as elemnts of the 1st Fireforce Regiment and the Special Reconnaissance Service. As well the, the AVAF has deployed two squadrons of Su-27 Flankers. They would be placed under joint command of the Red Australian Army and the Australian Volunteer Force, for the duration of their deployment.



We are honouring our treaty today with the deployment of over 5,000 men. The 1FFR and SRS have experiance in counter-insurgency. The NRC has also approved $500 milion in reconstruction and military aid, we also extend our condolences for the loss of life on both sides. If there is anything more we can do, please do not hesitate to ask.

- Max Snowdon, Council Speaker

Edited by Chernarussia
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OOC: I'm assuming you let my first flight in?

[b]Private Communique to Government of Communist Australia[/b]

[quote]The Caspian Clique has three more companies of light infantry available for use and ready to proceed and assist Communist Australia at this time. Caspian military officials will include a platoon (six) IFVs in this shipment, due to insurgent employment of BTR APCs, if Communist Australia allows for further Caspian forces to arrive? Just specify where you would like the airlift to bring these forces.

These troops will be under joint command, and available for full offensive military action if needed.[/quote]

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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In light of the new international deployments, the AVF would like to propose the formation of;



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Communist Australia thanks it's neighbors for assisting her in her time of need. All forces are instructed to land in Brisbane (excluding Caspian Clique and Australian Free State forces). As for the Joint Peacekeeping Force, we would like to propose that generals from all nations present be in command, including our own General Dawson. As for offensive operations, that will be co-ordinated when all nations have presented a commander for their forces.

OOC: Will make a thread for actual combat and sosuch later

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1297464901' post='2629712']
(excluding Caspian Clique and Australian Free State forces).

(OOC: Do you mean "including" here, or do you not want us involved? Or want us to land at a different locale? Sorry, just a tad confused.)

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[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1297465145' post='2629717']
(OOC: Do you mean "including" here, or do you not want us involved? Or want us to land at a different locale? Sorry, just a tad confused.)
OOC: I meant more in that since they've already landed, they don't need to reloacte to Brisbane. At least, I assumed your forces had already landed.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1297465203' post='2629718']
OOC: I meant more in that since they've already landed, they don't need to reloacte to Brisbane. At least, I assumed your forces had already landed.

(OOC: Oh, okay, thanks for clearing that up. I haven't RP'ed the extra troops landing yet, so I assume to send them there now. :P Sorry for the mix up.)

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[quote]Classified to Communist Australia:

The United Federation of the East believes it is best if UFE involvement is downplayed, we will use air power under your banner to impose our will on the enemy. Expect the first shipment of heavy equipment to arrive in four weeks. Our air operations can begin immediately.[/quote]

Operation Razor Back


Obsolete JH-7 Aircraft had been launched with the colors of Communist Australia painted on them, in reality, the pilots were Chinese top tier cadets from the fighter candidate school lead by retired pilots from the People's Liberation Army Airforce. The 24 fighter bombers were broken down into groups of 6 fighter bombers, with 5 cadets and a veteran pilot manning them. These forces were ordered to begin the systematic destruction of guerilla camps. The JH-7s were secretly equipped with top line jamming systems and satellite guided bombs. Using the UFEs satellite capabilities, enemy guerillas would be subjected to precision bombing that the counter revolutionaries would not before have seen.

Additionally, in a highly classified operation, four B-9s were ordered to operate from Guam, and ordered to operate only at night. These units were ordered to operate as anti-air defense units. The fighters sophisticated sensors were capable of detecting enemy lock on signals, and destroy air defense systems with devastating effect, and no one would see them coming... or leaving.


The real fury though would be the six lumbering giants. Six older AC-130s which were scheduled to be retired would conduct one final mission.


The sound of gun fire in the night would be thundering as enemy positions were overwhelmed with the battleships of the sky. Gatling fire backed up by 105 mm howitzer shells would reign down on positions as the UFE special air tactical unit's black operations squadron entered the fight. Night vision and thermal imaging would allow them to track the movements of everyone on the ground at each guerilla camp they hit, destroying all personnel vehicles, and mechanical equipment.

Finally, the UFE intel division was ordered to begin predator missions over the area.


Assassination missions were authorized for person of interest suspected of affiliation with the guerilla movement.

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Reports from Red Australian Army General Dawson states that, with the help of IPF - CA troops, the "Free Australian" movement is close to being eliminated once and for all. Chairwoman Collick has stated that this "is [a] monumental day for Communist Australia" and that she will do everything in her power to strengthen the power of the Army in her next mandate.

In other news, it is rumoured that elections for Chairman will be held once the Free Australian movement has been eliminated. No government officials have commented on this matter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Attacks on Brisbane by Free Australian forces (not to be confused with our allies of the same name) have depleted the area of infrastructure. Reports are coming in that massive civilian and military casualties are being taken for the desperate fight for Brisbane, and still others claim that homelessness is at an all-time high as citizens flee the country, many hoping to return when peace can be declared. Rebuilding has commenced already in the towns of Norman and Townsville, but city officials state that reconstruction of Brisbane will have to wait until the fighting has stopped.

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Today, citizens in Brisbane have been publicly demanding elections in face of the harsh and deadly attacks on Brisbane. Many have also publicly stated their support for the Free Australian movement, displaying signs and banners encouraging the Free Australians to "keep them on the run" and to "kill the oppressors". Chairwoman Collick has declined to comment on this matter, but assures that elections will be held in due time.

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(CC- Chairwoman Collick
GD - General Dawson
DG- Daniel Graham
SC - Sophia Chataway)

CC: Ministers.

All except CC: Chairwoman.

*sounds of people getting into seats can be heard*

CC: I want a sitrep on the Free Australian rebel movement and the state of the Army. General Dawson, you will be first.

GD: Yes, Chairwoman. The situation is as follows: We have the Free Australians pinned down in Brisbane, outside the Brisbane River. Our forces, Caspian expeditionary forces and Free Australian State forces are also attacking. In addition, coastal bombardment from the UFE is softening their defenses along with UFE air force pilots. Our pilots are coordinating with UFE pilots for strikes as I speak.

GD: The state of the Army is...less than good news. Morale is at an all-time low, and we can barely police our own population, let alone combat the rebels. If it weren't for UFE and Caspian soldiers and pilots, we probably would have already be renamed "Australia" by now. Simply put, until we modernize our armored and infantry forces, there's little we can do to combat the Free Australians. I've already talked to our production engineers about purchasing equipment to build M1A2 Abrams tanks and the hiring of foreign specialists. In addition, we have acquired plans for Kiowa scout helicopters. These M1A2 tanks and Kiowa scout helicopters will be jointed with out existing AH-64 Apache helicopters to form the 1st Australian Armoured Cavalry Regiment, or 1AACR for short.

SC: In addition, with enough rebuilding we may be able to support our own fleet of home-constructed M1 Abrams. They are an older model, but they will still suit our needs.

CC: I see. Minister Graham, how is the propaganda war going?

DG: Chairwoman, I will be honest with you. It is going horribly. In Brisbane, too many support the Free Australian rebels to be budged while further out they doubt our grip on the situation. Unless a secret police is enacted, which I remind you will only serve to drain our already dwindling manpower supply, there's nothing we can do but hope and pray that we gain another majority in the elections.

CC: I understand. You have done your job well, Minister Graham. Focus now on finding men and women loyal to us and see to it that they infiltrate the rebels. Train them to gather intelligence for us and when the time is right, wreak havoc from the inside. If they become convinced we are everywhere, then we will be everywhere and their effectiveness will dwindle. Train as many new troops as you can, make sure that each man is given a rifle and enough grenades to destroy any stronghold. Construct motorized and mechanized units, once they move to a guerrilla war we will need the mobility. Dismissed.

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[size="5"][i]MISSION ACCOMPLISHED![/i][/size]

Today, Communist Australian soldiers soundly and decisively defeated the Free Australian rebels in Brisbane. Although sporadic fighting is still ongoing in other parts of Communist Australia, the main force has been defeated in what Lt. Col Cody Clemes (pictured above) calls a "monumental day" for all of Communist Australia. Rebuilding has commenced in Brisbane, and it is hoped that one day the city will be restored to it's former glory.[/center]

Edited by Markus Wilding
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[center]The Dawson Doctrine

Australia has long been a joined island. Before us, the Queendom of Australia ruled and kept order throughout our land and home. No longer. It is hard to believe that at one point, Australia was as divided as North America, with a war even fought on this great land we call home. Twice we have been nuked, twice the horrors of nuclear warfare plagued Australia then, and now, and for years to come.

It it now imperative to Communist Australia that we need to do our part to keep Australia as a whole safe from foreign aggressors and those who would rather see our great land burn rather than prosper.

Therefore, we bring forth the Dawson Doctrine. Any non-Australian native nation attempting to find land or a colony in Australia will be met with the might of the Australian Red Army, Navy and Air Force. In addition, Communist Australia reserves the right to declare war on any regime in Oceania that it finds itself an obstacle to Communist and Socialist interests.[/center]

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Citing the buildup of troops along the Communist-Pihana border, Chairman Biff ordered the mobilization of the Red Australian Army today. In addition, he has ordered a curfew be set in place and encouraged citizens to cancel plans for the evening as it is believed a Capitalist or Free Australian attack is imminent.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1300130734' post='2664787']
Citing the buildup of troops along the Communist-Pihana border, Chairman Biff ordered the mobilization of the Red Australian Army today. In addition, he has ordered a curfew be set in place and encouraged citizens to cancel plans for the evening as it is believed a Capitalist or Free Australian attack is imminent.

"We notice the build up of forces along the border, all AVF forces are going to DEFCON 3. We have your back" - informal communication from the AFS Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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A massive Free Australian attack has left the 6th Red Australian Infantry Division severely lacking in manpower. In the attack, over three thousand personnel were killed and another seven hundred wounded. Civilian casualties are still being estimated in an attack that could rival the Night of Eternal Flames in pure destructive power. So far, preliminary reports point to a foreign funding of this attack, evidenced by the use of non-Australian native armoured vehicles and weapons. Chairman Biff has only issued martial law and ordered the Red Australian Army to DEFCON 1.

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The Communist Australian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released this map outlining the extent of the Dawson Doctrine. Any nation that finds itself an obstacle to Communist and Socialist ideals within this area should consider itself an enemy of Communist Australia. In addition, any nation seeking to find a colony or a non-native nation that sets itself up in this area will incite the wrath of the Red Australian Army.


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