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Rise of The Republic

AFK 47

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The day was relatively quiet in the capital city of Matar, inside the State of Minmatar. Though the Tribal Council had yet to convene, there was an unmistakable feeling of impending triumph in the air. The people milled about, window shopping and purchasing their various foodstuffs and products in the common bazaar downtown. They seemed upbeat and positive, even amidst a worsening economy and a culture of political corruption, and mistrust. It had been over 100 years since the tribes of Brutor, Sebiestor, and Krusual joined together and defeated the Thukker tribe which had nearly brought the others to their knees. They had set aside their social and political differences to work together to defeat a common enemy. Since that time however, the tribes have devolved into a bickering council of elders that routinely places personal gain and nepotism above the needs of the people. Elections are a frequent point of contention amongst the people, as more often than not, they too are caught up between tribal lines.

That was, until Maleatu Shakor came to the forefront of tribal politics almost three years ago. Elected as a Sebiestor representative to the tribal council, Maleatu pushed forward a radical agenda of reform that advocated real change during a volatile political landscape. Preaching a message of political unity under a single, united Republic, Maleatu Shakor was able to rally hundreds of thousands of minmatar to his cause and gained several seats in the tribal council in the last election cycle. In those three years, the entire tribal balance has been practically turned on it's head. It was this movement, that prompted the council to meet today, to decide the future of the State and the tribal council itself.

The tribal representatives all sat in a large room. Their seats were arranged in groups of ten, and the three groups all faced a central raised dais at which the President sat in his own seat. Acting as a floor speaker, the President's primary responsibility is to set the agenda for the state and ensure that due course and deliberation on all issues is maintained within the tribal council.

The Sebiestor section, lead by Maleatu Shakor, made their move first. Maleatu rose and with the recognition from the President's dais, he began to speak.

"[i]Fellow tribesmen. I come to you today, with a petition by six hundred and seventy four thousand of our compatriots, to dissolve this body and instate a full legislative and executive framework based not on tribal represenatation. But upon full parliamentary ideals, under a new Republic comprised of all able bodied Minmatar.[/i]"

Unsurprisingly, the Brutor section began to shoutdown Maleatu, as their tribal policies were in stark contrast to the liberal and reformist principles of the Sebiestor tribesmen. It took several minutes before the speaker was able to regain control of the floor and allow Maleatu Shakor to resume speaking.

"[i]I have not come today to resume my tiresome speeches about the right of all minmatar to vote, assemble and petition this government. I have not come to make empty promises to the people of this great country. Nay, I have come to announce that the politics and tribal feuds of the past one hundred years are at an end. I announce today, after deliberation from both the Krusual and Sebiestor tribes, that our two tribes will no longer exist as a separate entities. In fact, they are to be dissolved, immediately and merged into the first political party of Minmatar.[/i]"

Shouts of rage and support burst forth from both sides of the room as Krusual and Brutor tribesmen attempted to shout each other down, and the Sebiestors being stuck in the middle, began to clap wildly in favor of the remarks of Shakor. The President's attempts to regain control were futile, and at the moment that all seemed almost incomprehensible and out of control, Maleatu Shakor managed to speak and be heard by the room.

"[i]With this new party, and the balance of power clearly behind the people of Minmatar, under the Articles of Tribal Law, I hereby put forth a vote to dissolve this body and put forth a referendum to all eligible Minmatar on the creation of a Republic...[/i]"

The room devolved into chaos as the Sebiestor and Krusual tribesmen leapt out of their seats and cheered, and jeered the Brutor section, who stalked out the room, some even daring to throw their seats at the dais in disrespect towards the president for allowing the proceedings to continue. It wasn't for another three hours that the situation began to show signs of action, and the document at vote to dissolve the State of Minmatar as well as the Tribal Council, was voted upon and passed by a two thirds majority in the council. A new committee was formed, comprised primarily of Sebiestor and Krusual tribesmen, but with a few Brutor representatives, to discuss the formation of a Constitution and a Republican system of governance that would rule by consent of the people and where the rule of law was guaranteed.

Thus, the rise of a new era, a Republican era, was at hand in Minmatar.

Edited by AFK 47
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