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Avatar Question


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Would someone be able to explain to me why am I not able to select an avatar of my choice, that is from google images, which is either jpeg or png (an accepted picture format) to add on my profile? It seems as if there is not enough space in the URL box to capture the entire image link.

Any ideas?

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If you're trying to use the direct link from Google, you can't. Google no longer uses URLs to display image results; rather, it now uses base64 data:uri embedded images.

If you want to use an image directly from a Google result, simply right click and save to your computer, then upload to an image hosting site such as [url=http://imgur.com/]imgur[/url].

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It shouldn't matter, no. And I'm not sure why Photobucket would give you an invalid URL, unless you're using the thumbnail, which attaches a timestamp to the end which you'd want to remove.

However, if you're still having trouble, try as Xoin suggested and upload right to the forums :)

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