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Meeting the Foreigners

Karl Martin

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Laughter filled the room as the Burgundians read the news of Wallonia's independence. The French had said that the region would never be independent, what barely a month later, it was. The changing acts of those frog-eaters was very funny to these hardened men.

"Shall we prepare for an invasion, your Majesty?"

"No, there is no need for war. We just need to be comfortable with them. They'll turn around in time."

To: Wallonia

Rüdiger von der Goltz, Minister of Burgundaholmr, would like meet with your president to discuss relations.

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Allan Chevalier read the message from the Burgundians with a bit of surprise, and not a little suspicion. It was no secret of the Burgundian connection with the Hohenzollerns who had once held power in Wallonia, and their sudden desire to meet with Wallonia caused Allan a bit of concern. Thankfully, the Burgundians had deployed much of their army away to fight alongside the French--surprisingly--and if they tried anything in this meeting, they could expect a Wallonian military reply.

[quote][b]Classified to Burgundy[/b]

To: Burgundy
From: Allan Chevalier, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Mr von der Goltz,

Your message comes as quite a surprise. Nevertheless, I would be willing to meet you in Charleroi--President Desmarais is currently preoccupied in other areas.

Allan Chevalier[/quote]

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To: Allan Chevalier, Minister of Foreign Affairs
From: Rüdiger von der Goltz, Minister of Burgundaholmr

I shall be in Luik, the ture capital of Wallonia. Also, it is Burgundaholmr, not Burgundy.

Some time later, the Minister of Burgundaholmr arrived in Luik, without a single escort and in a simple black suit. He waited for the Walloon to send people to take him to Charleroi.

Edited by Karl Martin
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Allan raised an eyebrow at von der Goltz's reply. First of all, Allan found it highly rude and unprofessional of von der Goltz to go to the entirely wrong city to meet Allan himself. Second, Allan had no idea what von der Goltz meant by 'ture capital'. The capital of Wallonia was Namur. Whatever that meant, it would be cleared up in their meeting.

As von der Goltz arrived in Luik, he would be escorted to the city hall, where Allan waited as though he had been waiting all year--no sign of a hurried arrival. Only a well-masked irritation hiding behind the charming facade of professionality that Allan wore. Allan sat at the end of a long conference table, and around the city hall were several soldiers and guards. Clearly, Allan was taking no chances. Inside the very room in which he awaited, there were three guards.

"Good evening, Mr von der Goltz," Allan greeted the man as he was escorted into the room. "I must say, it is very interesting that you would decide to meet me here. Especially when I had set the meeting place for [i]Charleroi[/i]." He emphasised the word; his annoyance was getting the better of him, but he quickly quelled it. "Anyway. While I am unsure why you wanted to meet me at the, er...'ture capital' did you say? The capital of Wallonia is Namur." Allan hadn't expected to give the Burgundian delegate a geography lesson. "Anyway, I understand you wish to discuss something."

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"Tchålerwè is not a city to my liking, since it is a pro-French region even in the days of Burgundy.Luik, or Lidje in Walloon, on the other hand, has always been the principal economic and cultural centre of Wallonia, and was the former capital, until the region was annexed into France after a rigged vote by the now-dead emperess. But enough of history.

Burgundaholmr wishes to have only good relations with Wallonia, since many of it citizens are Walloons who moved to Germany following the fall. I am wondering if a MDP, or at least a NAP, can be agreed upon."

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"Perhaps, Mister von der Goltz, perhaps in the time of the Hohenzollerns, Liege was the cultural centre.. However, I would truly have preferred if you had simply come to Charleroi. Your sudden decision to meet in Liege threw me quite off schedule, though I was able to arrive in time for...[i]preparations[/i]." As Allan said this, the three soldiers around the door stiffened somewhat. "And anyway, Charleroi has been the cultural centre of Wallonia since the fall of the Hohenzollerns. But as you said, enough of history.

Concerning an MDP or an NAP...I suppose an NAP may be agreed upon. An MDP...I cannot be certain that President Desmarais would make this decision, so I must decline that offer for the time being."

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[quote name='Karl Martin' timestamp='1286252319' post='2475494']
"An NAP would be enough. In addition, I shall try to have some of the former Walloons in Germany immigrate to your new republic, with investments also."

OOC: Basically, offer of free aid.
"Indeed, an NAP we can agree on," Allan nodded. "As for the latter offer, however, we must pass. These Walloons who emigrated from Wallonia to Germany..." Allan worked to keep a tone of anger from entering his voice. "...they are probably better adjusted to Germany than to Wallonia as it is now. Anyway, if you would write up a treaty, we can sign it."

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"On the contrary with the second topic. The Walloons only left Wallonia to avoid Zelle. Now that the witch is gone, there is no reason for them not to come back. Do not worry that we'll be asking you a favor: This is simply an offer for a new nation.

I think it would be better for you to make the contract. I am bad with these type of things."

OOC: Why so angry? I'm most likely leaving RP anyway.

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"Nevertheless, Wallonia has changed dramatically. Industrialisation, the new regime...they would take time to adjust, and in the end they would only wish to return to what they are familiar with. Anyway, concerning the treaty..."

[quote][b]Burgundian-Wallonian Friendship Treaty[/b]

[b]Clause I[/b]
This treaty shall encourage friendship and trust between the nations Burgundanholmr and the Republic of Wallonia.

[b]Clause II[/b]
Neither Burgundanholmr nor the Republic of Wallonia shall engage in activities that may in any way harm or damage the other nation. This includes, but is not limited to, military actions, economic sanctions, and espionage.

[b]Clause III[/b]
Should either party wish to terminate this treaty, they must give a 48 hour notice before the cancellation clause comes into effect.

Signed, for the Republic of Wallonia,
Allan Chevalier, Minister of Foreign Affairs[/i][/quote]

OOC: Who's angry? :P I'm just RPing IC.

Edited by dotCom
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