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Being sent random extortion meessages?


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Hello everyone,
I recently logged in after about 10 days and have a new message, stating
"To: DavidSgibb From: King Puffington Date: 9/27/2010 2:11:56 PM

Subject: extortion

Message: send 50 tech to the nation of ryuzaki or i will have a nation declare war on you "

Is this okay for him to do under TOS clause 2? Or should I report the message?

Edited by davidsgibb
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That's not against the rules. As long as he doesn't demand RL things like a donation or something, he's fine.

What do you think peace terms between alliances are? If one party doesn't agree to the terms, there will still be war.

Edited by thedestro
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What the man above said. It is not against the rules. However, it is generally frowned upon.

If your alliance doesn't have a protector, you should get one and deal with such threats in kind and in game.

Seing that coming from a nation in MK is disturbing and i'm sure they wouldn't be happy with the conduct of this members of theirs either btw.

Diplomatic actions are needed. Welcome to the real game :smug: .

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