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dylan II

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If you're tired of being pushed around, tired of big nations thinking you're inferior, join the Independent States of Allied Republics (or ISAR, for short). The ISAR is a new alliance that wants YOU! The big alliances don't care about you, they care about numbers. Don't be a number, be a person and join ISAR, where you ARE a person. Would you like to know more? Go here http://isaf.forumotion.co.uk/forum.htm and sign up today! Join the alliance that cares!

ISAR is an alliance made specifically for the small nations. Here at ISAR, we care what you think and will do our best to be the
alliance you want. What follows is a reformed constitution for the alliance.

The new ISAR will be run by a Council of Three. These seats are permanent.
The Defense council will consist of 10 members who are elected. They will make laws. Elections will be held every 6
months. Any member is free to run for a position.
Minister of Foreign affairs- handle negotiations with other alliances.
Minister of Defense- Is in charge of defending the members of the alliance.
Minister of Domestic affairs-Responsible for the internal environment of the alliance including forums, rosters, and trades.
Minister of Finance- Responsible for conducting aid falls, and tech deals.

1: A good reason for a declaration must be posted as a topic in the Ministry of Defense forum. In your topic you must include the
other nations NS, tech level, and alliance affiliation.
2: Your reason will be debated by the Defense Council.
3: If it is approved, an ultimatum must be sent to the nation you wish to attack.
4: If the ultimatum is not responded to or refused within 36 hours, then you will be given the green light to begin the war.
5: If another alliance is drawn into the war, ISAR will not be held responsible.
6: If war is considered on an ally of ISAR, the nation proposing it will be kicked out of the alliance.

Elections: Elections shall be held every six months for the Defense Council.

Duration: The election process shall have the following duration:
1. Two day nomination period.
2. Two day campaign/debate period.
3. Two day voting period

If anybody commits treason,felony,ect,ect.They will be kicked out of the alliance with a court case.

Law breaking
ISAR has a three strike policy. If you get three strikes or commit a major crime, you will be kicked out of the alliance.

Alliance color
ISAR is an alliance for all colors.

Making a new amendment
A new amendment can be proposed by anyone. It must then be approved by a majority of the Defense Council and a majority of the
Council of Three..
Dylan II

Edited by dylan II
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Congratulations on the forming of your new alliance!
Although I wouldn't consider my own alliance successful, I like it. I put a lot into it, being one of only 2 persons in it for over 2 weeks. I'll look out for you guys, I think you're great!
Small alliances like us don't get much attention. I suggest you get some forums from now, and I see you already opened an office at my global embassy. I wish you the best, I hope we can remain close allies.

Some things you should know:
-Don't merge with another alliance, unless you have a chance of running for ultimate leadership; Rome wasn't built in a day, neither will your alliance be, just hang in, no matter how tough it gets, all you need is a group of real allies from other alliances, who won't bribe you.
-Don't be discouraged by other large alliances, some persons will prefer you for policies instead of size and strength, which to me, don't matter.
-If you ever need help, get another alliance to help you, sign a few treaties or so, I'm new, so if you feel like a noob about treaties, you're not alone.
-Make your point clear; why was this alliance formed? What do you stand for? Always stand by this! Never allow anyone to buy your thought/opinion.

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Another thing:

You need to re-structure the alliance government. The structure itself is effective, but the ranks, assigned to the responsibilities, are incorrect (President is higher than Prime Minister)

President/Monarch - the leader of an entire empire/union of states, or the supreme ruler of a united faction
Vice President/Chancellor - the manager of the empire/union of states (Vice President assists President, Chancellor assists monarch, or works on behalf of a council)
Governor - the leader of a state that represents the monarch or president, and is in charge of all a states activities; military & economic
Prime Minister - the leader of the economy of a single state
General - the leader of an army recognized by the state
Minister - the leader of an industry that aids in its management on the order of the prime minister
Mayor - the leader of a city council
Councillor - the leader of a town's council that sits on a council, led by the mayor of the city that the town is in

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On behalf of the ISAR I thank you for the advice Siggon, I'll tell the Prime minister about it and he might make changes to it. Hopefully our two alliances can have a fruitfull relationship and become allies.

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[quote name='Siggon' date='13 July 2010 - 04:10 PM' timestamp='1279059016' post='2369730']
the ranks, assigned to the responsibilities, are incorrect

The ranks aren't incorrect, it's just that the names given to each responsibility is wrong, sorry for mix-up there...

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[quote name='dylan II' date='14 July 2010 - 12:12 AM' timestamp='1279087946' post='2370596']
Well Prime minister Fallen has the alliance styled on the current government of Russia so he will probably be reluctant to change it.

He knows nothing about Russia then...
The Prime Minister is a lower title, the president has more power in his title. The truth in Russia now is simply the fact that the President cannot be elected more than 2 times (like in the USA), so he uses a figure-head to represent him while he holds another office. The Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, is just a powerful former-President of Russia. When laws are changed, he has chances of being re-elected. He's actually the president, but not allowed to hold the title. In Russia, if there were 2 different persons (apart from Putin and Medvedev), then the President would be more powerful, it just happens that the President works for the Prime Minister, because the Prime Minister was not allowed in office as President, so he uses someone to run the show for him.

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[quote name='Siggon' date='14 July 2010 - 10:26 PM' timestamp='1279167959' post='2372285']
He knows nothing about Russia then...
The Prime Minister is a lower title, the president has more power in his title. The truth in Russia now is simply the fact that the President cannot be elected more than 2 times (like in the USA), so he uses a figure-head to represent him while he holds another office. The Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, is just a powerful former-President of Russia. When laws are changed, he has chances of being re-elected. He's actually the president, but not allowed to hold the title. In Russia, if there were 2 different persons (apart from Putin and Medvedev), then the President would be more powerful, it just happens that the President works for the Prime Minister, because the Prime Minister was not allowed in office as President, so he uses someone to run the show for him.
Very well. I will tell him.

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[quote name='dylan II' date='16 July 2010 - 11:25 AM' timestamp='1279301083' post='2374678']
Is there any other advice you can offer?

No advice right now; do you have forums for your alliance?

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[quote name='Siggon' date='16 July 2010 - 07:09 PM' timestamp='1279328950' post='2375281']
No advice right now; do you have forums for your alliance?

Go to http://isaf.forumotion.co.uk/index.htm to join the alliance that cares

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ISAR is an alliance made specifically for the small nations. Here at ISAR, we care what you think and will do our best to be the
alliance you want. What follows is a reformed constitution for the alliance.

The new ISAR will be run by a Council of Three. These seats are permanent.
The Defense council will consist of 10 members who are elected. They will make laws. Elections will be held every 6
months. Any member is free to run for a position.
Minister of Foreign affairs- handle negotiations with other alliances.
Minister of Defense- Is in charge of defending the members of the alliance.
Minister of Domestic affairs-Responsible for the internal environment of the alliance including forums, rosters, and trades.
Minister of Finance- Responsible for conducting aid falls, and tech deals.

1: A good reason for a declaration must be posted as a topic in the Ministry of Defense forum. In your topic you must include the
other nations NS, tech level, and alliance affiliation.
2: Your reason will be debated by the Defense Council.
3: If it is approved, an ultimatum must be sent to the nation you wish to attack.
4: If the ultimatum is not responded to or refused within 36 hours, then you will be given the green light to begin the war.
5: If another alliance is drawn into the war, ISAR will not be held responsible.
6: If war is considered on an ally of ISAR, the nation proposing it will be kicked out of the alliance.

Elections: Elections shall be held every six months for the Defense Council.

Duration: The election process shall have the following duration:
1. Two day nomination period.
2. Two day campaign/debate period.
3. Two day voting period

If anybody commits treason,felony,ect,ect.They will be kicked out of the alliance with a court case.

Law breaking
ISAR has a three strike policy. If you get three strikes or commit a major crime, you will be kicked out of the alliance.

Alliance color
ISAR is an alliance for all colors.

Making a new amendment
A new amendment can be proposed by anyone. It must then be approved by a majority of the Defense Council and a majority of the
Council of Three..
Dylan II

Posts: 7
Join date: 2010-07-12

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Edit that last post into the first one, it'll look better.

Do you have a flag yet? And a question: why are the forums ISAF, if you guys are ISAR?
If you don't have a flag, let me know. I make good ones.

Otherwise, good luck with this and your endeavors.

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[quote name='Caleb279' date='19 July 2010 - 12:29 AM' timestamp='1279520969' post='2378600']
Edit that last post into the first one, it'll look better.

Do you have a flag yet? And a question: why are the forums ISAF, if you guys are ISAR?
If you don't have a flag, let me know. I make good ones.

Otherwise, good luck with this and your endeavors.

Yeah we need a flag.

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If its easy, 3mil. If its more difficult, or you want special effects, 6mil. And believe me, this is cheaper than you'll get anywhere else. I just need to know what you want.

I can also make banners for your forums, sigs, etc. for you for additional money. You pay another 3mil from the flag and I can make some generic alliance sigs and a banner for the forums.

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[quote name='Caleb279' date='19 July 2010 - 04:40 PM' timestamp='1279579237' post='2379421']
If its easy, 3mil. If its more difficult, or you want special effects, 6mil. And believe me, this is cheaper than you'll get anywhere else. I just need to know what you want.

I can also make banners for your forums, sigs, etc. for you for additional money. You pay another 3mil from the flag and I can make some generic alliance sigs and a banner for the forums.

Sorry, don't have 3 mil

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[quote name='dylan II' date='19 July 2010 - 07:35 PM' timestamp='1279593319' post='2379748']
Sorry, don't have 3 mil
Sign up for a couple tech deals, which will get you 6 mil. Then send 3 of it to me. Tech deals are in the black market...and a necessity really for your nation's survival.

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[quote name='dylan II' date='19 July 2010 - 09:35 PM' timestamp='1279593319' post='2379748']
Sorry, don't have 3 mil
Getting your hands on 3 Million is pretty easy when it comes down to it. Part of being an alliance is forging connections with other alliances to quickly get you hands on tech deals.

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[quote name='Caleb279' date='20 July 2010 - 03:42 AM' timestamp='1279618928' post='2380344']
Sign up for a couple tech deals, which will get you 6 mil. Then send 3 of it to me. Tech deals are in the black market...and a necessity really for your nation's survival.
Hey guy my alliance needs a flag.

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