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The Commonwealth

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This is mostly a placeholder until I can get some time to make a proper recruitment thread thingy, and I promise I will. For now I'll just insert a copy of our handy dandy charter and link to our forums.


Charter of The Commonwealth

Part One- Government

The government of The Commonwealth, henceforth known as TCW, is as follows:

Article I

Head of the Commonwealth (HoC): The HoC of TCW acts as the head of state for TCW. The HoC may bring laws up for vote by the Council, but may not vote in Council decisions except in the case of a tie breaker. The HoC also appoints the unelected officials of TCW (Ministers etc). The office of HoC comes with an administration position and is elected monthly.

Article II

Commonwealth Secretariat (CS): The CS is the legislative body of TCW. CS has the power to write laws, approve treaties, impeach appointments made by the president and discipline members of TCW. There are three Officers of the CS, and they are elected monthly.

Commonwealth Secretariat (CS): The CS is the legislative body of TCW. CS has the power to write laws, approve treaties, impeach appointments made by the president and discipline members of TCW. The Secretariat Officers are composed of one representative from each chapter and are elected monthly. Chapter Leaders are responsible for presiding over the elections in their chapter. The Head of the Commonwealth can vote as a tie breaker if there are a even number of representatives and there is a tie.

Article III

Ministries: There are three Ministries in TCW; Defense, State, and Communications. The Ministry of Defense deals with the general defense of the alliance and organizes the Chapters in the event of war. The Minister of State is the chief diplomat for TCW, and has the power to grant an Non-Aggression Pact to any alliance without consent of the CS. The Ministry of Communications is in charge of news and administration of the forums. The MoC must be the "owner account" of the forums to ease administration, and the current "owner account" is the Minister of Silly Walks. The MoC may hold one other position in addition to being MoC, since MoC is not a demanding job.

Part Two- Elections, Impeachment, the Veto, Chapters and Law Making

Article IV

Elections/Appointments: Elections are won by receiving a majority vote from the members of TCW. Appointments are made by the HoC, but may be blocked by the CS with a majority vote. Voting takes place on the last four days of each month. The winner takes office the first of the next month.

Article V

Impeachments: Different parts of the government have the ability to impeach certain officials. Once an Impeachment has been proposed, a vote will take place. If Impeachment has been proposed up in the CS, a 2/3 vote by the CS will remove the official. If impeachment has been proposed by either the HoC or a member, a 75% by the members is required to remove the official. Elected positions remain vacant until elections. Appointed positions will be immediately filled through the appointment process.

Article VI

Law Making and Veto

Law Making:

CS may pass legislation with a 2/3 decision. If the legislation passes the HoC must then approve or veto it. If he approves, the legislation is Law. The HoC may also write laws. Legislation he proposes passes to the CS. If the CS votes 2/3 in favor of the legislation, it becomes Law.


The HoC may veto decisions made by elected officials. This nullifies the decision. The CS may overturn decisions made by the HoC with a 2/3 vote. This does not include veto's. The HoC may not veto overturned decisions.

The members may overturn a veto with a 75% vote.

Article VII


'Chapters' are groups of 6 or fewer nations working together to form a closely linked fighting machine, aid dispenser and conflict resolver. Each Chapter will consist of up to 5 Chapter members and one Chapter leader.

Chapter Leaders are responsible for the well being and advancement of their Chapter as a whole. He/she is in charge of leading them during war. He must however take Orders from the Minister of Defense. The Chapter Leader has some independence in creating new positions and regulations within his Chapter. New positions and regulations are created to add individuality to each Chapter. He may not take away any rights of his members, including constitutional and human rights.

Each Chapter will be designed to help maximize the amount of aid given to its members. Chapter Leaders are in charge of orchestrating aid chains, and a large amount of this aid will come directly from the Chapter Leader. Every Chapter will be given its own sub forum to promote unity.

When all current Chapter's are filled to the limit (6 members) it is appropriate for a new Chapter to be formed. Any Member of a current Chapter who believes himself qualified may ask to become Leader of this New Forum. He must be approved unanimously by the CS, or by a CS majority and with the HoC's expressed approval

Chapter Leaders may be removed from office if he is thought to be remiss in his duties. A nation may request to become chapter leader of a specific Chapter already in existence. He will then be voted on in the same way new Chapter leaders are voted on. If he is approved, he will immediately take command of the Chapter.

Members may choose any chapter they wish and may move between chapters at their convenience. However, we request that only members of a chapter post in their specific forum.


Head of the Commonwealth:

Ernesto Che Guevara of Space Cuba

Officers of the Commonwealth Secretariat:

Minister of Silly Walks of Texopia

Jonnygozy of The Shady Milkmen


Amendment I:

Chapter size is henceforth increased to 10 nations

Amendment II:

Commonwealth Secretariat (CS): The CS is the legislative body of TCW. CS has the power to write laws, approve treaties, impeach appointments made by the president and discipline members of TCW. The Secretariat Officers are composed of one representative from each chapter and are elected monthly. Chapter Leaders are responsible for presiding over the elections in their chapter. The Head of the Commonwealth can vote as a tie breaker if there are a even number of representatives and there is a tie.


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