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World Empire of Nations

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Hello, I am in the alliance called the World Empire of Nations and we are looking for good members to join the alliance. This is also good chance for you to get protection from bigger nations wanting to attack you!!!

We offer tech trades,protection,and put you in trade circles if you need it. We offer way more but these three things will get your nation growing.

Your probably thinking how can a small alliance like this protect me. We'll we are small but is protected by big alliances. Yes we are protected.

So if you are looking for good friends or people to talk to then the World Empire of Nations is for you. If you want to join the World Empire of Nations all you need is this link to the forums http://s7.zetaboards.com/World_Empire_Nations/

You need to go to this link http://s7.zetaboards.com/World_Empire_Nations/ and post an appliacation to join, remember. Thankyou and hope you join WEN. Any questions just ask me.

We also have many government positions availabe.

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