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Sammy Kintober retires

Eggman Empire

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Hannah nodded sitting back into her chair and folded her hands over themselves. "What you are doing Mister Kintobor is honorable and the Curia realizes and understands the sacrifices that you are making here. However, in taking responsibility for the actions of these men and women, you are therefore responsible for their crimes. Australia has always prided itself on her ability of leniency and care, however because of the actions of those criminals, twelve servants of the state are dead, over a million dollars worth of damage was done to the Darwin Dockworks and the assessment of damage is not over yet, on top of that, a civic servant was kidnapped and nearly killed. Justice must be given to those who have been wronged. For these crimes, what do you expect the mercy of this body to be Mister Kintobor? You realize full out that many here, many wish to see you dead or maimed, surely your case to lessen your punishment is to be greater than a simple failure to keep an eye out on your projects. If that is the case and punishment cannot be doled out to those 'actually' responsible, then we must try you to the full penalty of law. Mister Kintobor?"

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Kintober shrugged. "I came here to face justice. Whatever punishment befalls my head, I will accept." He said bluntly. Kintober had no illusions about what might happen to him. Before he had arrived, he calculated that there was a 72% chance of the death penalty, and 28% chance of life imprisonment. He was here to provide a scapegoat for people who were angry. Instead of them doing something foolish like lashing out at another country, particularly his, they could channel all their hate and aggression onto him. Besides, he was fairly certain that various things he'd done over the course of his life -if they ever came to light- would put a death penalty on his head anyway.

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"Surely you see the problems with that ruling Your Highness, the people deserve to have justice doled out to the full penalty of law." One of the judges said as the collaborated in the backroom. "Twelve Lillians are dead, the death penalty should come into effect here."

"And the man who actually committed those crimes still runs free. Yes, he is responsible, but first degree murder, Your Honor? I think not. I believe we would be setting a horrible precedent for later trials."

"I doubt we would ever see this kind of case again by one person." Said a second judge.

"A young man slaughters a group of people in a mall or school house, the mother or father claims responsibility for him. Do you kill the mother or father? We should look to capture the people responsible. Kintobor will receive punishment, but I fail to see using the death penalty as part of that. Perhaps First Degree Manslaughter?"

"I would say we push him for twelve counts of Third Degree Murder and conspiracy to commit murder." Said a judge.

"The punishment?" Hannah crossed her hands.

"Twelve servings of one hundred years in prison."

"A millennium and two centuries." Hannah couldn't help but chuckle. "For some reason I think he will be okay with that."


As the panel of judges reentered the room, along with the Queen, the rest of the court stood. Then the judges sat as Hannah remained standing and looked at Kintobor. "Sammy Kintobor, Former Emperor of the Eggman Empire, after much consideration between myself and the judges you see behind you. This court agrees with your plea of guilt and sentences you to twelve hundred years of imprisonment to be served for the remainder of your life and will be placed into the Royal Prisons of Alice Springs. This will never bring back the loss of life of those families, nor will it repair millions of dollars of damage. But this is all justice can allow for us at the time. This court is adjourned. Sheriff, if you would be so kind as to remove the Emperor from the Curia."

The Sheriff nodded and walked over placing Kintobor in cuffs as they began to escort him outside towards another armored vehicle that would take him south through the desert to Alice Springs. But as they walked, a Lillian Guard walked up to him and took him by the ear. The last thing he heard before being placed into the armored van and driven off was, "The Queen will be keeping in touch, you aren't done yet."

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1200 years huh? They probably could've given him 12 and the results would be the same. Kintober fully expected to die within the next two decades, but nodded when he heard his sentence anyway. "I expected no less, and I will see what I can do about paying for some of the damages caused by the renegades." Kintober informed the judges. As he was escorted away, he pondered his fate. Life in Alice Springs, eh? He heard that was the worse jail in Australia. Sounds like fun. Perhaps they were in need of a doctor. He was confident that he could easily surpass any sawbones-type Doc they had there. If not, well, Kintober was no stranger to manual labor. The sun was going to suck though. As he was pushed into the van, he was surprised when one of the Lillians leaned next to his ear and said [i]"The Queen will be keeping in touch, you aren't done yet."[/i] He smirked. So the great queen still wanted him for something? That was interesting.

As the ride continued on, he sighed out of boredom. "Looks like it's just me and my lonesome..." He muttered.

[i]"Oooh, so quick to count me out Sammy? I'm hurt."[/i] A voice suddenly exclaimed in his mind. Kintober's eyes bulged.

The convoy made their way to Alice springs; the driver of Kintober's vehicle nearly crashing when the ex-Emperor's sudden shout of profanity startled him.

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[i]- The Lillia Palace, Darwin (Private) -[/i]

Cybil shuddered as a sudden twitch reverberated down her spine. She blinked in surprise, wondering what had caused the impromptu feeling of someone walking over her metaphorical grave. The ex-Queen rubbed the back of her head, taking her eyes off the Australian newspaper she had been reading for a moment; she then figured the chill as a side-effect of her psychiatric medication. It was nothing big to worry over.

Then, for some reason, she started thinking of Loki. The feeling was not unlike that during the times the trickster god had mentally communicated with her. This train of thought led to her thinking about Seeker, the dog-like minion Loki had given her as a "parting gift". He said it had been his form of compensation for using her as a plaything all along; Cybil still couldn't believe it hadn't taken something so...[i]spontaneous[/i] to impress Loki.

[i]That reminds me,[/i] thought the ex-Queen. [i]I've been meaning to give him a call.[/i]

Cybil clasped her hands together, focusing on a spot on the floor just beyond the end of her lavish bed. An oily puddle form on the ground, sizzling, and from it rose the inky shape of Seeker. The minion sat upon the floor with a grin on his face, wagging his tail eagerly, oozing all over the floor as usual.

"Seeker," said Cybil, "fetch me Loki."

The minion suddenly adorned a straight face, nodding. What happened next seemed incredible to Cybil - the beast leapt into the air, its body stretching into a circle. It morphed into a snakelike beast, not unlike Loki's mythical son, the tail-eating Jörmungadr - and biting its tail much the same way. Becoming a perfect circle, it slammed onto the far wall, the area it encircled shimmering and turning into a glass-like surface. Said surface then took on a foggy appearance, and for some odd reason, Cybil swore she could hear a telephone ringing [i]inside her head[/i].

[center]- === -[/center]

OOC: To an outside party, Cybil would appear to be hallucinating if anyone overhears or looks into her room.

Edited by Cybil de Blanc
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"No," replied Cybil, deadpan and without missing a beat. She raised her eyebrows at Loki's face in Seeker's mirror's reflection. "I apologize, Loki, but I don't make deals with trickster gods unless the situation absolutely calls for it. After what you did to me, Carrie, Sarah and everyone else via Hank, I'm trusting you as much as I would trust a flea not to suck blood. Alas, I can't help but feel we're on good terms."

Cybil sighed, moving her newspaper out of the way. Crawling to the end of the bed, she rested on her stomach, supporting her head with her hands. Gazing tiredly into the image of Loki's white, pupil-less eyes, the young woman said, "Besides, after what you put me through, I have to take two pills every night so that I [i]won't[/i] wake up screaming and wetting the bed, because I'm thinking Hank's standing over me with a knife and I'm his next victim. No, you may [i]not[/i] use that to torture me with; I specifically ask Odin for his blessing every time I go to sleep. If I remember correctly, you're not allowed to screw with me too much, now are you Loki?

"But that's not the point of this...call."

Cybil pulled herself up into a sitting position.

"I want to know why you let me go, Loki. Why you gave me one of your minions. Did I seriously satisfy what you've been looking for for a long time, or was that just an excuse for future mind games? If we're on good terms, and you seriously did that on your own free will, then I suppose its time for me to re-read what's written about you in the old scripts. Unless, of course, this is all part of a strange morality you gods have, concerning cosmic playthings and how a deity should treat them?"

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Loki tilted his head to the side. The hat followed but didn't fall off. "There once was an old Arabic tale of a King and a peasant. One day, the King was bored, and ordered that some random beggar be kidnapped in his sleep. The beggar was then dressed up like the king and was treated as such. Then when the man went back to sleep, the King had him dumped back in some alley way. The beggar convinced himself it was a dream, until the day after that, where he was kidnapped again and dressed up like the king. This cycle repeated itself for some time, with the beggar's grip on sanity loosening. Finally, during one night where he was 'the king,' the beggar -who'd lost most of his marbles by now- heard a chucking from a nearby closet. Picking up a nearby sword, he charged and stabbed the closet door. It opened to reveal the real king, now dead by the beggar's hands."

"Naturally, I highly doubt that you could do anything to me, but you [i]somehow[/i] might set a certain chain of events in motion that could cause trouble for me down the line. A good prankster knows when to quit. And don't think it was your display of insanity at the end that caused me to leave, though it was the icing on the cake. You can thank a small part of my eviction on the skank residing in that Hannah lady. Spoiler of fun, is what she is! Tattletale!" He spat out the last two lines like a curse.

"Anyway," Loki recovered himself "As for the minion I left you, a little word of advice. I wouldn't talk to it when others are around, if I were you. Only people who have come in contact with me can see it, so people will think your talking to yourself. And I gave it because you might need to contact me sometime soon. Now, before I go, there's someone else here who want's a word in." Loki stated.

"Don't forget about me yet, I still need to teach you how to shoot!" Hank's voice wafted over the 'telephone.' Loki burst out in manic laughter and hung up.

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"Tattleta - " began Cybil, only to be cut off by the trickster god.

[i]"Anyway, as for the minion I left you, a little word of advice. I wouldn't talk to it when others are around, if I were you. Only people who have come in contact with me can see it, so people will think your talking to yourself. And I gave it because you might need to contact me sometime soon."[/i]

Cybil grinned. "A child of Odin is always inquisitive, sometimes more than for their own good. You know me all too well, Loki...which is frightening."

When Hank's voice came on the line, Cybil's mischievous expression turned to one of shock. Her eyes bulged, a shiver ran down her spine, and she jumped back in surprise. "H-Hank?!" she cried, before jumping off the bed and running to the "mirror". "Hank, what are you doing there?! What do you mean, 'Teach me how to shoot?!'"

Loki, however, just laughed and "hung up". Cybil stared at the empty reflection for a moment, then pounded on the wall beside Seeker's mirror-form.

"LOKI! Loki, get back here!" snapped Cybil. "Loki, I know you can hear me! Pick back up [i]right now[/i]! LOKI! [i]LOKI![/i]"

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There was a click, and Cybil's hopes went up. [i]"We're sorry, the person you are trying to reach is unavailable. Please try again at a later time."[/i] Loki's voice was superimposed on the regular female voice that usually said the message. Then an unimaginably painful shriek filled the air. It was like a dialtone, only a million times louder and higher in pitch. The pain was just as bad as any other time Loki had assaulted her mind. The seeker came out of it's mirror form and howled in pain. It then disappeared back inside Cybil's head. After a few moments, the tone stopped and it was quiet again.

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Cybil was flat on her back in seconds. She was in a daze, and it felt like someone had put a jackhammer to her head for the past ten seconds. In her mind, Seeker quivered like a bowl of jelly, curled up into a bowl and whimpering pathetically. The ex-Queen managed to mentally give the poor thing a pat, collecting her thoughts momentarily as she did so.

"...I hate you, Loki..." the young woman muttered. She then passed out.

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