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Claiming Ternopol


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Khislav continues to rise.

Much has changed in the past year for the fledgling nation; it's people struggled to find their identity and shortly thereafter a new nation was born. With the ratification of the New Constitution of Khislav on the horizon, the government has set down to discuss administrative divisions within their confined borders. As they studied demographics and genealogies the special committee came to an astonishing discovery: the populations of two local oblasts consist of ethnicities not at all dissimilar from the mixture found in Khislav as a whole. These two oblasts are currently known as Chernivtsi and Ternopil. To the government of Khislav they are called Chernovski and Ternopol.

The High Council suspended finalizing the constitution, leaving the temporary charter in effect indefinitely until they reach a decision concerning how to handle this news. Surely the Slavic Union, their motherland, had already given up much in releasing the three oblasts on it's western border. In their wisdom, then, they would certainly listen to reasonable compromises and/or requests. The opportunity was golden. Too valuable to pass up, the High Council voted almost unanimously to offer to the Slavic Union a deal. The drafting of a Mutual Defense Pact would hinge on the loyalty of these two oblasts. To that end, the High Council called for a plebiscite vote in Cherinvtsi and Ternopil.

Khislav feels that it's claim is legitimate, but also insists that there is no hostility intended in it's offer.

The morning following the international announcement, Governor Somonov himself boarded the executive Khislav One jet (a converted Kv-76) and traveled to the Slavic Union capital of Minsk to meet with the Belorussian government on the matter. His official statement was standard reassurance that Khislav, as a nation, had no intention of demanding anything from the Slavic Union and that this was to be a simple matter of 'non-standard' diplomacy among Russians. "The importance of self-determination cannot be emphasized enough," he said just before boarding the aircraft. "I am only doing my part to ensure all of our people have such a right, unmolested and without fear."

Whether or not the Slavic Union, or even the international community, recognizes these claims is another matter.

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"Ternopil is an important cultural center of Western Ukraine, and thus the Slavic Union. The ethnic Ukrainian population, totaling 23%, which has fought blood in blood alongside our Belorussians (45%) and Russians (26%), does not wish to relinquish such an important part of the Slavic Ethnic Heritage to another nation."

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Understanding of the Slavic Union's decision, the new President of Khislav (elected by popular vote) then put forward the issue of Chernivtsi.

"Would the Slavic Union allow impartial polling in Chernivtsi to determine whether or not they wish to join the Republic of Khislav?"

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