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I am looking for an alliance, preferably in the 15-40 nation area, a newer alliance with a different look on the game. I don't want the same old boring Leader-ministers, we wait around for elections blah blah. I want an active forums with active members, Possibly a gov spot if possible. Otherwise I'm just an active member looking to get involved somewhere, so, recruit me.

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I'm Vice Chancellor of the [url=http://z6.invisionfree.com/RSS_Forum/]Republic of Sovereign States[/url], but I don't think we'll fit your bill. We're fairly active, pretty new (formed on December 1st), and have a few government positions available, but we have ministries. And elections.

We're still pretty amazing though. :awesome:

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1) Do you like war?
2) Are you active?
3) How long have you been in cybernations?
4) Any government experience? If so, what?
5) Will you only join an alliance thats democratic?
6) Do you have an MP?
7) What movie was better, batman : The dark knight or the hangover?
8) Why did you leave your last alliance?

Depending how you answer those questions depends if I should even let you post an application.

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1) Do you like war? Only when necessary
2) Are you active? Always
3) How long have you been in cybernations? Over 2 years
4) Any government experience? If so, what? Yes, Co-Founder TAR, SoIA - TAR, MoD- The Brain, various others..
5) Will you only join an alliance thats democratic? Yes
6) Do you have an MP? no?
7) What movie was better, batman : The dark knight or the hangover? There both great I can't pick one the genres are too different
8) Why did you leave your last alliance? I feel out of the loop due to comp issues, and wanted to move on to something different.

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[quote name='The School Boy' date='03 February 2010 - 10:38 PM' timestamp='1265254726' post='2157850']
1) Do you like war? Only when necessary
2) Are you active? Always
3) How long have you been in cybernations? Over 2 years
4) Any government experience? If so, what? Yes, Co-Founder TAR, SoIA - TAR, MoD- The Brain, various others..
5) Will you only join an alliance thats democratic? Yes
6) Do you have an MP? no?
7) What movie was better, batman : The dark knight or the hangover? There both great I can't pick one the genres are too different
8) Why did you leave your last alliance? I feel out of the loop due to comp issues, and wanted to move on to something different.

Sorry, your not the type of person we're looking for. Good luck in your search.

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I invite you to come and check out Sinn Fein:

We are brand new...we started January 20th.
We have a parliamentary democracy..
We have plenty of govt positions open
We have 4 members,but are trying to grow through active recruiting
We are doing everything possible to have a very active community
We have an IRC Channel on Coldfront: #SinnFein

If you have any questions,or want more information about Sinn Fein,come chat!
If you would like to join us,come to our forums at: [url="http://SinnFeinCN.B1.JCink.com"]http://SinnFeinCN.B1.JCink.com[/url]

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Hey there!

If you're interested in anime, manga, or general Japanese culture, come check out the [url=http://se.sosdancn.org/]SOS Brigade[/url]! We're a Blue and Green team alliance that's a lot of fun for everyone. We offer stability, activity, and excellent nation-building programs for nations of all sizes. We'd love to answer any questions you have :)

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