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Selling Technology

Ostap Bender

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I'm looking for one (1) buyer to trade technology with. If you're interested in purchasing 100T for $3M, please send me $3M (preferably today), and I'll send you 50T 10 days later, and another 50T 10 days after that. If you would like to make this long-term, I'm up for that as well.

Thank you,

O. Bender

Message me here: http://www.cybernations.net/send_message.a...ation_ID=378192

Edited by Ostap Bender
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Ostap Bender - http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=378192


This player is a scammer. He sent 50 tech only to cancel before acceptance, deleted the aid screens, and then used his open slots to take in more money. Yes, I have screen shots of the Sent and Cancelled messages.

If you look at his AID Screens, he has 2 2x2's labelled out and no tech sent. Its been confirmed he has scammed 6mil from another 2x2.

I'm glad he's being \m/ugged.

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