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Noob Questions About Trading


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Hey guys, so I'm totally new to CN and it's all a bit overwhleming and I'm totally lost regarding trading so I have some questions.

If I trade a resource with one person can I trade that same resource with another? Are there certain things I should never trade/trade for? I was looking at some stronger nations and they have many resources, did they get those from trades?

So basically I need all the basics about trading.

Lots of questions, I know, but if anyone is kind enough to answer it would be greatly appreciated.

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You are overcomplicating this (don't worry, not your fault). Basically, when you trade with someone else, you essentially have that resource in addition to having your resources. In other words, instead of having 2 resources, you basically have 4. No penalty to either side of the trade.

Hope that helps

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If you get the same resource from two (or more) different nations, you will get the bonus for that resource only once. Since you have a limited number of trade deals you can make (4. 5 with a harbour), trading for the same resource twice is a waste of a trade slot, so you should avoid it.

Building a complete trade set is more complicated and I suggest that you look for advice in your alliance. You will undoubtably find experienced players there who will be happy to explain it to you.

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I believe the other players answered your question, but when looking to get trades I found this very helpful. I hope it helps you too. :)

Awesome list, for you CommanderKyle, I'd suggest either a ff/beer/const or a ff/fj/ap or fj/ap/steel trade set. ff = fast food, fj = fine jewelery, ap = affluent population, const = construction. Most likely, I'd suggest a ff/beer/const with wine and fish as the wildcard, most trade sets want a fish resource.

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