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Spying, killing, blowing up stuff, and deleting important files is bad, m'kay?


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"Alright then, I believe that everything should be....."

Before Catherine could say anything she heard a gunshot and felt a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, she looked down to her chest and saw blood coming out of it. She then turned to her guard and said, "Why?" The 2 guards then turned their guns towards the GLS President and fired at him.

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Bad thing for them, since he was wearing a thin Kevlar body armor underneath his suit the whole time and there was a recording camera inside the car. He received severe bruising and possibly cracked bones, but immediately pressed a button on a small distress signal device that automatically opens all of the doors and signal for help. The driver whipped out his pistol and fired at the guards as the police cars stopped. The police officers stepped out of their car and rushed toward the president's car, having their submachine guns ready.

Edited by HHAYD
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OOC: I hope you have this recorded, else you probably won't have any moral ground.

IC: The guards were shot and wounded by the driver's pistol, crawling out into the streets, the guards were surrounded by police. They dropped their weapons and surrendered.

OOC: Yep, it was recorded by a camera inside the car, mostly.



"Requesting three ambulances to 196 Frank Avenue immediately." one of the police officers ordered in his radio as the police officers attempt to apply first aid to Catherine and the two guards after confiscating their weapons.

"Are you fine Mr. Swater?" one of the police officers asked when the president staggered out of the car. "Yeah, I am fi-" was Swater's reply before collapsing onto the ground from internal injuries caused by the bullets. "-bleep-! Take off his suit and see what's wrong! We are not going to let anyone die here!" the police officer yelled as ambulances with their lights flashing came screaming down the avenue rapidly toward the failed assassination site.

Edited by HHAYD
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