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CSRO Station Buka

king of cochin

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KP Varma,

Minister of External Affairs,

Kingdom of Cochin.


Queen Ava Jones,

Acca Dacca

Your Excellency,

Greetings from the Kingdom of Cochin.

As part of our expanding Space Programs the Kingdom now has the necessity of building a network of ground stations to maintain more efficient connectivity with our space borne systems. According to the scientists of Cochin Space Research Organization, we have identified the island of Buka (5°10'51.48"S , 154°37'41.54"E), belonging to Acca Dacca as an ideal location for one such satellite tracking and telemetry station.

We wonder if Your Majesty would welcome a scientific/diplomatic delegation from the Kingdom to discuss the possibilities of such a great favor being accorded to us. The facilities we hope to build are purely civilian entities and need not be accorded regular diplomatic privileges, however any such privileges would be much appreciated.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely,

KP Varma.

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An appointment for the discussion will be enjoyable. We also wish to raise other issues with Cochin concerning relations, however, we can wait until the details for this station are completed. The meeting shall be held on Buka at a local government conference house. You will meet with Representative from the Acca Dacca Parliament there to discuss the issue at hand.


KP Varma,

Minister of External Affairs,

Kingdom of Cochin.

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A diplomatic and scientific team from Cochin is traveling to Buka led by Crown Prince Vikram Kerala Varma. He is accompanied by senior scientists of CSRO and diplomats from MEA.

On arriving at the conference house and meeting with the Acca Daccan Parliamentary Representative, Vikram would say, "Hello, Sir. Thank you for agreeing to meet with us."

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"Good afternoon, I am Brother Andrew Reese. Pleasure to be here. Now, lets get down to business shall we?"

The Parliament member had everyone seated at the table. He began the conversation.

"Well, what we first have to know is how much space you will need. We arent looking to give away possession of this island, but we are alright with any military force you will need to make sure that this facility remains secure. How much of the island will be needed?"

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"Good afternoon, I am Brother Andrew Reese. Pleasure to be here. Now, lets get down to business shall we?"

The Parliament member had everyone seated at the table. He began the conversation.

"Well, what we first have to know is how much space you will need. We arent looking to give away possession of this island, but we are alright with any military force you will need to make sure that this facility remains secure. How much of the island will be needed?"

"We are in need for an area of one acre or so to establish an antenna farm, power systems, residential areas and of course the facility itself. We dont need material possession of the island or the land itself, however we would be much obliged if we were offered a long lease for the area. We are not planning to station any military force at all in this site and would much appreciate it if local Acca Daccan police offered us outer area security. As we said the functions for this facility is more in facilitating our civilian space program. Our prime requirement is Buka's proximity to equator and associated benefits for space tracking. We might employ passive security features and unarmed sentries for the facility who would cooperate fully with your Police forces."

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"Ah, of course that amount of area is acceptable and no need for military is even more acceptable. We simply need to make sure that militants in your nation are well aware of our restrictions, but without a military we can simply skip that. On that note, you are more than welcome to use your island for your civilian space program. We will host anything that you wish and we are sure that anyone that comes from your nation to the island will have a place to call home as well as having a welcoming stay. What of the construction of these structures, will you be looking for manual labor from the island itself or will your own civilians be handling it? And maintance will be your own civilians? These are small details that wont effect your possibility of staying here, just who will be staying here."

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"The construction of the more technologically complicated structures would be done by our own personnel, how ever we were hoping that less technically intensive structures like the residential areas could be contracted out to local Acca Daccan firms. That way our financial outlay would be reduced and we could contribute in some way towards the local economy. The maintenance would be done by our own permanent staff of around 50. We also want to know if there is a helipad and airport near the area so that transit could be easier?"

"Also Brother Reese, could you please clarify what you meant by militants in our nation?"

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"Militants from your nation, that is, if they were stationed here. I apologize if I misspoke. There is an airport on Choiseul, A helicopter can be taken over as there is a pad on each of these local conference houses. Your personel will be fine so long as they have passports and the like. Sat-tel Communications Group can help with the less technical group. Air Acca Dacca can help if you wish for a personal helicopter pad made on site."

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"A helipad on site would not bode well for our electronic systems and thus we would most likely drive our personnel from the helipad to our facility by means of cars or buses.

So if these things are agreed perhaps my CSRO colleagues could stay here and see about the starting of the work? Is there anything else you need to talk to me about?" Vikram asked.

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"Work can begin whenever you are ready. You have our permission. Now, we also are willing to discussion international relations between the two of us. Are you prepared ot discuss this or should I speak at a later time with another person?"

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"Thank you. We shall start immediately on the work. And as regards international relations I am prepared to discuss it. That is why instead of any minister I personally came here," Vikram Kerala Varma, the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Cochin replied.

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"The Kingdom knows that Acca Dacca is allied to nations that have been traditionally not very friendly towards us, but that is no reason for us to perceive you in any negative light. We respect your commitment to your allies. Also as a fellow monarchy in a world with increasing communism we have high hopes regarding your government.

Now we do have one question to ask you, what is your stance against Taiwan's recent activities in the New Chinese Empire?"

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"The land is for the NCE to do its biding. If the NCE has signed an agreement stating that the land shall be yours when they have reached the end of thier regime, then it will be yours to do your biding when they fall. May we ask who your allies are and who you would consider yourself on negative terms with?"

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"New Chinese Empire had indeed agreed to the terms of Lhasa Doctrine before being given the land. Regarding allies, we do not have very many treaties but we have been maintaining friendly relations with many nations like Zargathia, PDHRK, Dragonisia in Asia. We do not have very good relations with People's Republic of China but we have reasons to believe that a thawing is in order with regards to that. We also frown upon the state sponsored genocides happening in Furon."

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"Heh. Well who you see you having negative relaitons with are our allies. What do you seek from us as allies? We dont force this upon our allies, but we do ask them of it: We seek to spread the usage Hanseatic Mark, an international currency that spread from the Hanseatic Commonwealth to her allies and former provinces, us being a former province. If you wish to become our ally, do you also wish to use the currency as well? It is just an offer that we give to our trade partners. "

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"While we do understand that we may not agree in all matters of international policy, we see no reason why we should not have diplomatic relations based on common points between us. As regards to Acca Dacca, what we expect is friendly diplomatic relations and increased trade relations. We do understand your heritage from the old Hanseatic Commonwealth, and as a nation that was closely allied to Hanseatic Commonwealth we already have a mutually agreeable point. As regards to Hanseatic Mark, we do not use that currency, the Kingdom uses a monitory system based on Cochin Rupees."

"The Kingdom has always attempted to maintain good relations with all countries. Even with PRC, several times we had attempted to patch up the relations between us neighbors, however all such approaches were rebuffed by PRC. While we do respect their policy decisions, it does not mean we would go out of the way to reconcile with them under such negativity. The same issue is applicable to Furon, a nation we are increasingly seeing as irresponsible, reactionary and volatile. We had attempted to smooth over the diplomatic relations but they were more interested in maintaining hostilities than working out a friendly solution. The Kingdom of Cochin wishes to see a peaceful, prosperous and stable Asia where all nations are interdependent and cooperative. Aggressive isolationist policies do not work well towards that aim."

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The nation of Acca Dacca has always seen it fit to preserve peace as the old Hanseatic Commonwealth has done. It is our peacekeeping and honor that has always determined our allies and our international policy. We too wish for a peaceful, united Asia and will always work otwards a peaceful world. However, we are willing to go to war in the name of peace. Recently, our new neighbors denied a new nation its right to form. We were not allied ot htis nation, but we will make damn sure that no aggressor on our borders is given any sort of lenancy from us. Our honor is what makes us even more worthy of an ally. We will stand by those even facing impeccable odds if they were to ever be attacked while fighting on the defense. That is, if they were to start the conflict through an aggressive action, then it us to the Parliament to decide whether or not the aggressive action is deemed necessary or 'in the right.' We sign only ODPs for this reason, nothing higher, nothing lower. We only ask our allies to remain peaceful, and to attack on the aggressive when it is needed. We will, however, defend our allies till our resources are dry and our soldier's bunkers have been busted. If you are willing to accept this, then we will be honoured to sign with you.

Edited by Acca Dacca
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"The Kingdom of Cochin places primacy of priority to the well being of its citizens. As a nation we believe that any conflict can be resolved diplomatically if there is a genuine interest in peace. However since wars are all opportunistic, sometimes veiled in propaganda of virtues, diplomacy gets limited and thus wars would have to be fought.

We do not believe in wars to establish peace. Wars are the every anathema of peace. Nothing is ever worse than war and death, that is our opinion. While we do respect your honorable policies, we would always try to do what is best for our own nation and our people. If interests coincide we would support you, if interests conflict we would part ways. The Kingdom of Cochin did not survive for 900 years by being overly idealistic, but being realistic and devoted to its people and their prosperity.

If an ally of us were to start an aggressive war, we would analyze the advantages and disadvantages on whether or not it would be good for our nation to join in, however we would also strive the utmost to stop the war from starting in the first place. When an ally is under attack we would come to their defense. However we never make any promise of fighting to the death, because there is no honor in death. We would fight on as long as we can, and if the odds are insurmountable we would attempt to negotiate. If however it is a war of annihilation, where our people are in danger we would fight to the death."

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Our primary concern is that of the people of our nation, our region, and our world. We do, as you can tell by some of our Queens past speeches, that we look for peace in any means necessary, the last being that of war. You say there is no such thing as war for peace, but we believe otherwise. In a world filled with of victims and executioners, it is the duty of the free thinking people to do what they must. We do not wish to ever sit idly by and watch a nation fall by another hand. Now of course warmaking doesnt stop warmaking, but if they are going to start it, we are going to finish it. We regulate ourselves with a set of 'rules' if you will as warring for peace is something that is overly used. We, however, do it exactly for that reason.

For us, and for the world, it is an unfortunate fact that we can secure peace only by preparing for war.

That is where the ODP comes into play. We do not see that every honourable nation will wish it upon themselves to take up a crusade against the incompetent, but we wouldnt want our personal vendetta against warmongers to be something that stands in the way of people who are willing to ally with us. I believe it would be mutually beneficial if we were to have a document between us.

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"We understand and respect your ideological policy.

Now as regards to an Optional Defense Pact, the Kingdom of Cochin is of the opinion that it is a treaty not really worth pursuing. Any nation , even unallied has the option of coming to defense of another nation. There is no commitment in an ODP and thus no seriousness. If our two nations were bound by an ODP we would not be obliged to defend you and vice versa in case of a war. Is that not the case even if we do not sign such a parchment?

So unless made aware of an argument in favor of ODPs hitherto unknown to us, we would consider a Non Aggression Pact and Free Trade Agreement to be in order between our two nations."

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A Non Aggression Pact and Free Trade Agreement will do fine, but an ODP clause never hurt when it comes to official business. We hold our ODPs very seriously, and if our ally is in the right or on the defense we treat it as an MDP. If that is not enough for a clause, then we will accept the Non Aggression Pact and Free Trade Agreement.

Will your people or my people be writing up this document?

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"We can only sign a NAP/FTA now. And I would be much obliged if your people could draft a treaty. We had not brought any templates with us. I am authorized to sign a treaty on behalf of my uncle," Vikram said.

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Article I - Sovereignty

Each of the nations bearing a signature on this treaty hereby declares that they will uphold the values and honor of said signatories’ sovereignty. They agree not to invade, interfere in internal affairs, or oppress the other signatory that partakes in this treaty.

Article II - Intelligence

Each signatory of this treaty agree to share any relevant intelligence amongst one another if said information pertains a possible threat to the sovereignty of any signatory. The information is to be shared privately unless the signatories with which the intelligence has been shared with agree to release the information to the public.

Article III - Economic Assistance

Each signatory agrees to provide economic assistance to the other signatories should it ever be needed. All signatory ports are open to military and civilian vessels of the other signatories during peace time and during war. To promote commerce and trade each signatory agrees to lower or eliminate tariffs on specific goods.

Each signatory agrees to provide economic assistance to the other signatories should it ever be needed. All signatory ports are open to military and civilian vessels of the other signatories during peace time and during war. To promote commerce and trade each signatory agrees to lower or eliminate tariffs on specific goods. In addition, each signatory of this treaty agrees to share any relevant intelligence amongst one another if said information pertains a possible threat to the survival of any signatory. The information is to be shared privately unless the signatories with which the intelligence has been shared with agree to release the information to the public.

Article IV - Termination

If one of the Signatories chooses to terminate this pact, they must give 48 hours notice before the treaty is officially dissolved.

Please tell us if this draft is to your liking.

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