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Vauleo-Buryatian gov't extends martial law in NZAR

Imperator Azenquor

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BCNA: Martial Law extended in Novaya Zemlya


-Aircraft carrying soldiers from the mainland to NZAR

“The Novaya Zemlyan Regional Parliament today endorsed the decision of the President and the Great People’s Khural to formally extend the duration of martial law in that region by another 5 days. The declaration has been defended by the government as the response to a ‘minor strategic vulnerability’that has presented itself in the province. Despite the declaration, the lives of ordinary citizens have not been significantly impacted by the declaration as there are no restrictions on movement in place at this time.

While the government has not yet clarified what this vulnerability is, they have stated that it is being ‘rapidly rectified by our military forces and other State Security Agencies’ and have shied away from specifying what exactly has been done.

Also in Novaya Zemlya the military has finished construction of a second military base, as well as a new naval base on the island. The new Rogachevo Zemlya Naval Base is expected to be the new home of a portion of the North Siberian Fleet. Unlike the other naval base on the island, the Zemlya base can accommodate several more naval vessels, and can facilitate rapid refueling capability as well as military air transit of small craft between the islands and the mainland. The Rogachevo Zemlya Military Base, located a few miles from its Naval Counterpart, has the capacity to house 3,000 soldiers at any time. The base also includes three large runways capable of handling the largest cargo and bomber aircraft in the military’s arsenal.

It is reported that once the additional forces stationed in Novaya Zemlya return to the mainland, the bases will be occupied by the People’s Naval Forces 2nd Division, the 1st Division of the People’s Army and the 3rd Division of the People’s Amphibious Assault Unit. It is also reported that a newly commissioned Aircraft carrier and two Destroyers are set for a permanent deployment to the new naval base.

The government has however confirmed that two new RADAR facilities will be constructed on the island, beginning as early as next month. It was also confirmed that the remainder of the soldiers deployed to the island under the recent military exercise will be returning to the mainland beginning next week. We managed to get a short statement from the Defense Minister who suggested that ‘the idea of having a minimum of five to seven thousand soldiers stationed in Novaya Zemlya on a permanent basis, rather than the previous numbers of one to two thousand, is to be expected’. Despite his openness to discuss the situation, the Defense Minister did not comment on the reports from the Hippies United against Guns and Sharp objects (HUGS) claiming that the government is in the process of deploying three long range nuclear missiles to silos in Novaya Zemlya.”-Reporter



On the mainland, 2000 soldiers stand by to be deployed to Novaya Zemlya to relieve some of the units deployed to the island. The soldiers are deployed by air and sea, to Novaya Zemlya every hour on the hour until they are all deployed.

Once their deployment is complete there are now 22,000 soldiers stationed on Novaya Zemlya. Commanders on the ground in Novaya Zemlya draw up plans to have 10,000 additional soldiers withdraw from the island over a three month period until only 12,000 remain.

At night, a single A-50M Shmel AWACS aircraft lands on the runway of the Rogachevo Zemlya Military base and is moved into a large aircraft hangar. Several cargo flights between the mainland and the base occur over a period of three days. Each of the military cargo planes land at the base, unloads several large containers, and then returns to the mainland.

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BCNA: General Kharkov named new Governor of Novaya Zemyla

“Today the question over who will replace Governor Zhukov as the new Governor of the Novaya Zemlya Autonomous Region has finally been answered. This morning President Anyatevich met with representatives of the regional Parliament and officially nominated General Kharkov to the post of Governor. Although General Kharkov’s nomination would have to be approved by the Regional Parliament at its next session, it is believed that there will be no obstacles to the General’s nomination. The Regional Parliament is scheduled to meet tomorrow to confirm the Governor-Elect, and to approve the Regional Budget.

General Kharkov will serve for the remainder of Former Governor Zhukov’s four year term in office as stipulated under the Regional Charter of Novaya Zemlya. During this period, Governor-Elect Kharkov has the option of calling an early gubernatorial election after a year in office, but he is not under a constitutional obligation to do so.

The new Governor-Elect will have to deal with several important issues once he takes the reins of power in the region. On the economic front, despite the continuous growth trend across most of the nation’s provinces, Novaya Zemlya’s local economy has declined by as much as 5% in the last quarter and is expected to fall by a further 3% in the next quarter. The decline in the region’s economy is due in part to a collapse in the price of certain mineral resources and its loss as the nation’s preferential region for oil production. This preferential treatment, afforded to Novaya Zemlya had previously assured its local industry of work and much needed revenues for quite some time. The preferential relationship was dealt a significant blow by the Act of Union that created Vauleo-Buryatia.

With the creation of the new state, several other oil fields became available to the nation at little cost. It then became an unnecessary expense to transport large quantities of oil and natural gas from Novaya Zemlya to the easternmost provinces of the country. Due to a sudden influx of additional government investment, and the rise of the East Asia Corporation, oil production in the eastern and central provinces of Vauleo-Buryatia rose by more than 47%. As such, the new Governor will have to deal with an unemployment rate of 7.2% (the highest in the nation), a regional budget shortfall of V$2.5 billion and an infrastructure that is in need of a major overhaul.

Despite the monumental task, polls suggest that 63% of people in the region believe that General Kharkov will be able to solve the region’s economic troubles, 54% believe that General Kharkov will be able to close the budget gap, and 72% believe that General Kharkov is the most skilled person for the job.”-Reporter



From the 22,000 soldiers stationed on Novaya Zemlya, 5,000 of them begin withdrawing to the mainland leaving 17,000 soldiers based on the island.

At night, another military cargo aircraft lands at the nearby Military base (Novaya Zemlya) and unloads two large metal containers labeled ‘Danger: Biohazard’. Hours later, another aircraft lands in Novaya Zemlya and unloads a large container. The large metal container is painted yellow and has the words “Shipment of ‘Winter Vegetables’” on it.

Engineering and construction crews on the ground in Novaya Zemlya start the construction of an OTH RADAR system for the area. The new system, set to operate in tandem with two other RADAR systems (one that already exists, and another to be constructed), is scheduled to be finished and activated in four to five months.

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