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Operation ArcAngel

Imperator Azenquor

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===Royal Palace, Sygh-Varthys===

Inside the Palace, the remnants of the Treize Specials unit set up a massive command center linking them to every military base and installation across Vauleo-Buryatia. The links are established slowly and secretly to allow the Specials to observe every non classified communication from every military base in the country. In addition, the Specials influence the government to ensure that all new military appointments are, at the very least sympathetic to their cause. Working meticulously the Specials lay the foundations for Operation ArcAngel to proceed.

***Highly Classified****

File: Operation ArcAngel

Archive # 0991-28304-23134-X2100-0000-B

Status: Inactive

Stage 1: People’s Police Force maintains law and order

Stage 2: People’s Army on standby at all border posts and regions

Stage 3: Total Communication blackout across the country

Stage 4: Shut down of the National Energy Grid

Stage 5: Extraction and removal of the Serpent

Stage 6: Emergency decrees imposed

Stage 7: Supreme Court dismissed

Stage 8: Shut down of uncooperative targets

Stage 9: Suspension of civil law

Stage 10: Nuclear DEFCON 1

Stage 11: Occupied area liberated by military forces

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