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Troina and Mandalore


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They would see four armoured cars approaching them across the sand. As they drew close and halted before the ambassador and her guards, two soldiers and a man in a suit exited it.

"Good day, Mrs. Lumbert," the man said in a deep, gravely voice. "My name is Sergei Gvatua. The president regrets he was not able to come here to meet you himself, though I am sure that you will get a chance to meet him. We are here to escort you and your men to the location of the embassy."

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Sophia and the Marines walked into the embassy. Two Marines stood on guard at the front door while the others searched the embassy. Sophia went into the meeting room and made a phone call to get a Mandaloran ambassador over to her so that they could discuss treaties.

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Sophia took out her laptop, brought up a file, and showed it to Gvatua. It read:

Article I:

Both Mandalore and the Republic of Troina agree to solve any disputes via dialogue, and not resort to any form of aggressive conflict.

Article II:

Both nations agree to loosen tariffs between them and agree to promote free trade, whenever and wherever possible.

Article III:

If any signatory of this treaty deems it prudent to cancel their signature, 24 hours notice must be given.

What do you think?

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"Well, Charlie Company of the 11th Infantry, 200 soldiers, will come to Mandalore and train your soldiers specifically in counter insurgency tactics, in return, can you see if the UMS will train us in desert tactics? It'd be greatly appreciated. Also all Troinan soldiers would be subject to Mandaloran law."

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"OK we'll send them in two weeks."

Sophia then turned and sent an email.

"I just e-mailed the treaty to Parliament so they can ratify it. Also what shall we be trading. Troina offers lead, sugar, microchips, and we also have some very profitable defense companies, such as Legion Inc."

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"The oil, steel, and rubber will be greatly appreciated."

Sophia then went on her laptop to check her email.

"It seems that Parliament and the President have ratified the treaty. Also I know that you have a lot of rebuilding to do. Would you like some assistance?"

OOC: I'm assuming you the rebulding thing because you got nuked.

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"The oil, steel, and rubber will be greatly appreciated."

Sophia then went on her laptop to check her email.

"It seems that Parliament and the President have ratified the treaty. Also I know that you have a lot of rebuilding to do. Would you like some assistance?"

OOC: I'm assuming you the rebulding thing because you got nuked.

"Excellent." Gvatua replied. "We will begin sending promptly by air. As for rebuilding...I believe that we are doing well on our own. Thank you for the offer however."

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