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My god's better then your god

Eggman Empire

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Ignorance is bliss. And people liked to remain blissful. Which is why if you told them that there were two Norse gods trying to influence powerful world leaders so that they could bring about the end of the world, they'd say your crazy and probably try to get you checked into a mental health clinic. Ironically, it was true. Currently, the god Loki had a insane ex-supersoldier running around the globe doing his bidding, while Loki's "son," the wolf god Fenrir, had just taken his own avatar. And that didn't include any other mythical creature that was roaming the earth, causing trouble. Obviously, nobody but a select few would believe this. Which was why it was so easy for the two to get away with what they were doing. The rest of the Gods in Valhalla seemed rather impartial to the whole matter. Loki was an outcast and Fenrir was bound, so there was nothing to worry about. Right?

The fate of the world went all but unnoticed by one god. Goddess, actually. Idun, the goddess of Spring, Youth and Immortality, knew first-hand what sort of trouble Loki and his unholy creation could get into, as she'd been the victim of one of Loki's "pranks." Well, that's what he called it. To Idun, a kidnapping was not a prank. Regardless, it was ancient history. Now, in the past century, Loki seemed to have acquired an unexplainable interest in what the mortals were up to. This had been a cause of concern for Idun, but the rest of Valhalla's residents didn't seemed to bothered by it. Finally, when Fenrir had picked his avatar, Idun decided "screw it," and proceeded to throw her proverbial hat in the ring as well. But first, she needed an avatar of her own. Sure, plenty of people worshiped her and would love to have a goddess residing in their skulls, but Idun needed someone with great physica, mental, and political power if she wanted to stop both Loki and Fenrir. So, after search the globe for sometime, she finally found someone.


General Hannah Asgeirsson, leader of the Hansaetic Commonwealth was resting comfortably. Running a country can take a lot out of someone, even someone like Hannah. However, her restful sleep was slated to be interrupted.

"Hannah..." It was a dream and Hannah knew it. She was in a field, but mist prevented her from seeing a few yards in front of her. "Lady Hannah, I need your help." Hannah stepped back in surprise, as a young looking female, about 20-25. She was dressed in a loose white tunic, trousers, and boots that looked like they were from the dark ages. She had fiery red hair tied back in a long pony tail, and the was a small dagger tucked into a belt that wrapped around her waist. "Lady Hannah, please listen to me! The world is in peril and I need your help to stop it!" The female pleaded.

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It was always something, always. If things couldn't get any weirder now, the world just did. Hannah had just gotten back from a very hectic dinner at Sarah's ranch in Northern Australia and upon returning to Apophis had dropped onto her bed like a rock, sinking into a long as blissful sleep. Well it started out blissful and then as most of Hannah's recent dreams it had taken a turn to the bizarre. She found herself walking through a green field, it felt like the early morning, the way the mist covered the grass, she was dressed in nothing but a long white dress, a tunic like that hung below her knees, she was barefoot and her white hair hung low down her back. As she continued to walk, the sounds of another's feet graced her ears and she stopped, calling out to the figure coming through the mist.


"Hello, who's there?"

"Lady Hannah, I need your help." Out of the mist appeared a young woman with fiery red hair and dazzling white skin, see seemed almost Celtic or another one of the ancient European mythos. Hannah stepped back in surprise. "Lady Hannah, please listen to me! The world is in peril and I need your help to stop it!"

Hannah put up her hands and stepped back again. "I'm listening, but you're preaching to the choir. The world's always been in peril, you're talking about old news. We just feigned nuclear devastation because someone got cold feet in Europe. We're always on the boundary of destruction and survival. But who are you and I know I'm dreaming, so try not to freak me out more than you already have."

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The woman gave Hannah a look. "Dear Odin this planet is messed up...No wonder Loki has such an interest in it..." She muttered to herself. She then turned her attention back to Hannah. "Well, the world's in peril from actual gods this time. Gods who very much want to bring about Ragnarok. End-of-the-world type peril. Now if your done splitting hairs, do you plan on listening to me?" The goddess said, a bit indignantly.

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Hannah stopped taken aback by the Goddess's bluntness. "Ah, yeah. Sorry. Not really the dream type girl. I've been visited by your friend Loki once before and I turned him down. I'm not some god's slave to do their bidding, so if you're just here to take control of me you might as well leave cause its not happening. But if you need my help to try and clean up this planet and I'm just doing it to be your slave then sure. I'll listen to you." The general smiled. "Honestly, I'm not a !@#$%*, I just take things with a grain of salt. But I mean if you're this forceful. I think you and I will get along just fine. So what's up?"

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The woman nodded and chuckled. "I think we might get along just fine." She cleared her throat. "Alright, first things first: Introductions. My name is Idun, I'm the Norse goddess of basically all things spring and youth. Second, Loki is not my friend. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, I need you to listen. I assume you follow Norse mythology, correct?" She asked. Hannah nodded. "Good. Here's whats going on: Loki and his !@#$%^& son are up to something. Loki is trying to destroy mankind, but not the world. I'm not clear what his plan is, but it's nothing good for you mortals. Fenrir is a loose cannon at the moment. While I at least know something about Loki, all I know about Fenrir is that he's chosen an avatar. At first I thought Loki and Fenrir might be working together. But then I learned that, Fenrir is currently hunting for Loki's avatar in hopes of destroying it. But their rivalry aside, I do know that both of them plan to bring this world to an end. And that's where you come in. With you as my avatar, I can direct you to stop what Loki and Fenrir are trying to put into play. Theres a lot more to it, but I don't see why we should waste time if you're just going to decline. So, what do you say?"

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Hannah's eyes were wide with curiosity, trying to wrap her head around what was happening and she just couldn't, it was too much to grasp. Essentially what Idun was saying was that there was a cosmic battle going on to save the world and Hannah was being volunteered to fight on the good side, was that it? To be honest, Hannah was honored, at least this time the being was much kinder and while she didn't fully understand what was going on, she was much more relaxed with Idun. "Well I mean, the !@#$%^& tried to take me under his control as well and I don't know what he's up to now. As to Fernir, I have no clue, I've heard of him in myth, but as to what he could be doing on the Earth. Not anything in the slightest." Hannah sighed. "However, and I know this is going to sound strange, me speaking to a goddess and all. If you need help bringing those two down, I guess I'm your girl." She reached out and took Idun's hand firmly in her own. "So, I'm your avatar or something?" Hannah laughed. "What are the perks with this alteration? I've been changed so many times now, I'm starting to get used to it and what are we going to be doing cause I'm feeling this is going to be a grand adventure."

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Idun gave her a look. "So Loki tried to take you over? Hmmm..." She thought for a second, but seemed to disregard it for now and smiled. "Anyhow, the perks include me sharing my very essence with you. You will know what I know, I will share my power with you when you need it in fight, you'll be a bit more persuasive in an argument, and if all works out, I might just make you immortal." Idun said. "Now, all that is needed if for you to accept me into your mind." She stated. Idun offered her hand to Hannah.

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"Well." She laughed. "I might push away the immortality part unless things are looking really really bad for me. Not really one for the entire long haul thing. But as to me and you getting to know each other." Hannah reached out her hand. "Sure, lets be friends Idun. I'm up for it." And reached over grabbing the goddess' hand.

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The shook hands, and almost instantly Hannah felt the change. It was like a whole another set of memories, emotions, and ideals were entering her mind. The sensation quickly passed, and Hannah saw Idun was gone. "I'm not gone, just inside you now. I know it must feel strange, but you shall get used to it." Idun's voice seemed to echo through-out her mind. "You will be my eyes and ears, Hannah. The vessel that will allow me to travel your world; see what you see, hear what you hear, feel what you feel. With your help, we can stop whatever Loki and Fenrir is planning. I thankyou for your willingness to serve." Idun said. "I know you still have many questions, but your mind must rest. We may talk again tomorrow." The dream world began to lose focus, and Hannah found herself drifting off to sleep. Idun watched over Hannah as she slumbered and sighed. "I don't know what your up to Loki, but rest assured, I will stop you." She said confidently.


Somewhere, in some place, Loki chuckled. "You can try, but I doubt you'll succeed. Especially with the players I'm bringing to the game." He giggled, as he observed Hank fighting Dahlia.

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OOC: I have a question? Will this involve a war by any chance?

OOC:down the line, MAYBE. This will mostly be a behind-the-shadows, cloak-and-dagger sort of thing. The most I'm seeing happening is a small skirmish or two, and those will probably involve unaligned militia with somebodies' government forces.

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