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The Hannover Empire breaks 16K

Karl Peters

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The Hannover Empire becomes a power!


The Hannover Empire has been around for 284 years. Out of those years, only 64 have been in complete despair and termoil. Wars plagued the young nation and destroyed not just its economy, but its people. The people of the young nation revolted at the sight of enemy forces rolling through the nation without notice. After 2 months at war, a leader sprung up to help the young nation. The nation immediatley began to rise. They pushed their enemies out of their homeland and push into their enemies land. They conquered land. They made massive sacrifices for not just themselves, but for the greater good of their fellow alliance members. Time has come for this young nation to stop waiting for people to invade. It's time for the nation to grow up and become what it needs to be what it deserves for its numerous sacrifices.

The young nation began to prosper. It became not an aggressive attacking nation. The leaders took the nation down a path of nuetrality and economic growth. The nation became a leading producer of Timber and Coal throughout the entire continent of Europe. The trade ships of the nation reached the very extents of the Earth. The leaders of the nation realized that it was time for this nation to rake a role in the economy of its alliance. The young nation quickly entered a state of nuetral diplomatic talks with several other alliances. The Hannover Empire has reached the state of developing nation. It was now onto a state of developed nation.

The Hannover Empire had never seen this region of the world enter a complete state of peace and prosperity under a single ruler. The expansion of the empire was not size. It was internal improvements and allies. The empire quickly gained the right to produce stocks and corporations. The nation gained the Stock Market in its nation. After 12 years passed, the nation's growth was so great that the international community of stock traders that the nation gained the hub of stock trading in all of Europe in Berlin. It was a great feat for the nation. Many people were looking at this nation and wondering how and why. The leaders released a statement to the international newspaper a few days ago.

"Our increase in economic growth would have never happened without help from numerous nations and our former allies along the way. We counted on them many times and we always paid them back. Our feat of growth would have never occured without the help of younger nations and older nations." ~ George Braile, Minister of Economic Affairs

"The empire has a small, but formidable military indeed. Our tanks and soldiers attack in complete order and effieceny that our current allies promoted us to Armed Forces Minister for the entire alliance. That is a great feat. Once again as George has said, none of this would have happened without help from former allies and current ones. Technological advances need to be earned and trust must be made from these advances. The empire hopes that we have gained some friends along the way." ~ Robert Holplski, Minister of Armed Forces

"The future of this great nation lies in the hands of not just our generation within our own nation. It lies in the hands of the world. Without a peaceful and willing society, this world will go nowhere. We all need that in a society. We all need help. We all can give help. It's just a matter of how much help you want to take in and give out. The world is the future of this great nation." ~ Kevin Stribing, President of The Hannover Empire

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