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To Helzan: The continued work of Dr. Kettenheim


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Doctor Kettenheim arrived in the capital city of Helzan, arriving at the front door of the capital building in his standard gray suit, hair slicked back into a ponytail and perfectly circular black glasses hiding his eyes. When the door was answered, he handed them a business card with simply, "Doctor Hector Kettenheim; engineering contractor" written on it. He adjusts his glasses, and lights a cigarette, "I believe that I have buisness with your government. And don't waste my time with idle chitchat or security, I'm here to do a job, not to have my privacy violated by some two-bit security guard."

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Just before the guard could reply the Queen Valkyrie stepped out from the shadows of a nearby doorway with a smile on her face. "Clear and straight to the point, I can see why you are so good at your proffession. Do not worry there will be no security checks on your person or your materials. After all its we who need you not the other way around. I have a side chamber reserved for you and me to speak in private. Would you follow me please?" .

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Just before the guard could reply the Queen Valkyrie stepped out from the shadows of a nearby doorway with a smile on her face. "Clear and straight to the point, I can see why you are so good at your proffession. Do not worry there will be no security checks on your person or your materials. After all its we who need you not the other way around. I have a side chamber reserved for you and me to speak in private. Would you follow me please?" .

Kettenheim nods, following her into the room, "Before you even tell me what kind of weapon you want me to design, I will let you know what my terms are. I am to be paid one million of the world's current top currency in gold. I will have complete control over the project, and I will need your government to be able to react to any new material requirement at a moments notice, any time of day. Now that that is cleared up, what exactly is it that you need?"

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Kettenheim nods, following her into the room, "Before you even tell me what kind of weapon you want me to design, I will let you know what my terms are. I am to be paid one million of the world's current top currency in gold. I will have complete control over the project, and I will need your government to be able to react to any new material requirement at a moments notice, any time of day. Now that that is cleared up, what exactly is it that you need?"

"One moment please". Moving across to the doorway which the Queen Valkyrie opened with ease she had an aide come forward so she could speak to him. "I require one million of the world's best currency in gold immediatly is that understood?". The man immediatly stammered back a negative reply which the doctor couldn't hear but clearly made the Queen valkyrie just that bit angry. "I don't care how impossible that is you will do it immediatly or you will suffer the consequences. Now go!!" Satisified her order would be carried out she closed the door and walked back to the good doctor.

"Sorry about that your terms are of course acceptable and if you require anything during the project you just have to ask. Now the weapons we need depend on how much you wish to under take. The initial weapon system we need built is a long range anti-ship cannon or missile system to combat close support vessels and large landing craft. After that there is short range weapon systems for beach defenses and an anti-aircraft system. As you can see the project in itself is huge but eve if you could help with just the initial defense system it would be very appreciated"

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"Sorry about that your terms are of course acceptable and if you require anything during the project you just have to ask. Now the weapons we need depend on how much you wish to under take. The initial weapon system we need built is a long range anti-ship cannon or missile system to combat close support vessels and large landing craft. After that there is short range weapon systems for beach defenses and an anti-aircraft system. As you can see the project in itself is huge but eve if you could help with just the initial defense system it would be very appreciated"

"I will have the design ready as soon as possible then. There are many challenges to modern anti-shipping defenses."

OOC: Give me time to get this thing designed in sketchup. I'll run by what I have via PM. Expect Kettenheim's designs to be extravagant and expensive. :P

Edited by BaronUberstein
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The Queen Valkyrie looked over the designs that the Doctor had drawn up and a smile touched her face as she looked up from them to the doctor himself. "Impressive, very impressive. I had heard about your skill and ability but I see now they were understated. If you require anything be it money, materials or manpower please let me know"

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Using the plans made by Doctor Kettenheim the construction of the very first anti-ship missile bunker has begun on the most western side of Helzan. Due to the size and complexity of the structure it is expected to take anywhere between one to two months for final completion. Doctor Kettenheim is invited to visit the construction site to ensure the structure is built correctly.

OOC: not sure if one to two months is long enough Uberstein if it isn't let me know the correct amount of building time.

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OOC: Well, each bunker is just the size of a warehouse and has some more armor/concrete in it, so yeah, I think you could finish the entire system of bunkers in 2 ingame years.

OOC: Right thanks, now how long would you think two in game years is in real life?

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OOC: What time system do you use?

I don't really use one, I just go off "what seems like a reasonable amount of time passed."

OOC: I don't really use one. If I get something ingame then I get in the RP. So if I get a new wonder I would post that one had been built though I would put some detail into it. So I am open to idea really I mean we could say two maybe three months in real life?

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OOC: I don't really use one. If I get something ingame then I get in the RP. So if I get a new wonder I would post that one had been built though I would put some detail into it. So I am open to idea really I mean we could say two maybe three months in real life?

OOC: 2 months sounds reasonable per year.

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Kettenheim has finished his designed and submitted them to be mass produce. The KH-1 Anti-Ship missile will be needed in large numbers due to the bunker's high rate of fire.

Due to the amount of missiles required funding has been diverted from infrastructure projects to the military for the purpose of buying the needed materials and for funding the costs of producing these missiles. In gratitude for the Doctor's efforts in producing the bunker system and missiles the Queen Valkyrie would like to make the Doctor a joint citizen of Helzan allowing him to come visit and enjoy the nation anytime he wishes.

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"I'm afraid I must decline the offer of citizenship, such titles can become chains in my line of work. Even when I worked for the now defunct Uberstein Empire, I was not a citizen, I had a special visa for working indefinitely. I am simply a contractor."

Image of the KH-1 Anti-Ship Missile:


"The fins can all fold back into the missile so that it will fit inside the 400mm missile tube. It is designed to skim over the water at high speed, so it will fly under the radar of the ship being attacked."

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