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Sign up for the Cybernations FOK lottery!


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Are you a techdealer? Willing to techdeal for FOK only and participate in a lottery with a monthly total of 51 million in prize money? Then be sure to read the lottery website (safe site, made it myself. No spam, no ads, etc :)) for more details about this awasome project!

Visit the website now, tell your friends about it and bookmark it! www.meesterdennis.nl/loterij

Your 5 AID slots will be used for 3mil/100techdeals for a period of 30 days. After that you can participate again, or you can go your own way .

I was a little bit to enthousiastic about the ingame promotion, so lots of people in alliances who are not allowed to techdeal also got a PM. We are very sorry for the inconvenience

Edited by Denniswerf
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Thats because its my idea B)

816 visitors on my site so far and already a lot of people signed up B)

Make sure to sign up in time people! The faster, the better! Because if you have 3 empty AID slots, I can put you in a 3slot right away meaning you will make an instant 1.4mil profit!

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How many people have signed-up so far? ^_^

We had about 150 people that signed up for this lottery, don't know yet how many of them will really participate! Very nice ammount concidering the fact its the first lottery :)

We got more dealers then buyers so far :P

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