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Muddkip arrives in Acca Dacca


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Executive Chamber

New Parliament Building

Jubilife, Disparu

Several hours ago

The Chamber was, as usual, dark and intimidating. A ring of lights illuminated the central table and the chairs around it, as well as the mural located on the far side of the chamber. Eighteen government officials occupied all but one chair, all obviously waiting for something to happen. Some kept shuffling their papers, some kept glancing at their watches, while some simply looked bored.

A pair of doors suddenly opened, startling everyone in the chamber. A tall man wearing a blue cloak and a unique spiky fedora entered the chamber and strode towards the central table. Everyone in the room automatically stood up as a sign of respect.

"Lance, we've been waiting for you for hours!", said Chancellor Cynthia Celeste, who was sitting on the chair farthest from the door.

Lance took a seat in the last unoccupied chair in the chamber. "Stop exaggerating. Anyways, what's up? Did you watch the broadcast?"

Cynthia sighed. "Of course. That's the reason we're all here. Acca Dacca sent a message to us, shortly after the Queen left the podium." Cynthia slid a copy of the message towards Lance.

To the leaders of Furon, Disparu, United Mechodamian States.

I apologize for the abruptness of this letter, but we wish to discuss the details of our treaty with you at a date that is available for you. Many policies are changing in Acca Dacca and we wish to update you on all of them. When you are ready, by all means, set up the meeting and we will arrive shortly there after.

Thank you,

Advisor to the Queen, Michelle Donop

Queen Ava of Acca Dacca.

Lance quickly read the message. "So...we're here to talk about who to send?"

"No, we've already decided who to send. We'll send Wallace to Acca Dacca and-"

Lance slammed his fist. "No! I want to go! Their Queen speaks the truth! I want to be the one to represent-"

"Lance, will you stop!? Wallace will be able to discuss our positions better, and besides, you're supposed to be present on JFK's funeral."

Lance sighed. "Very well. I forgot about that." Lance stood up and began to head towards the door. "Oh, and speaking of our positions, you should really think about our position on Texas and the war with DE. Just sayin'." And with that, Lance left the room, leaving dumbfounded officials in his wake.


Present time

An aeroDisparu flight carrying Wallace Muddkip, Disparuean Minister of Foreign Affairs, and a team from the MoFA landed on Acca Dacca's capital city. Wallace stepped on the tarmac, waiting for a government official to appear.

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Bangkok, Acca Dacca

The assistant, Michelle Donop stood alongside of her vehicle of choice, Green VW Beetle, waiting for the plane to slow to a halt as the passenger stepped out. Several moments later the door opened and out steopped Wallace. The assistant walked over and greated the fellow to her beloved borders calling herself Miss Michelle Donop, personal assistant to the Queen of Acca Dacca, and asked him if he would kindly join her on the ride to the local government building.

With approval, she drove several minutes to the local town hall where they would approach each other for several questions about the updating of a treaty. She flung open a duel doors that opened up into a large meeting room designed to fit at least 50 people. The middle with decorated with chairs with lavishing chandeliors that hung several feet above. They twinkled in the evening light that shined down from the lateral windows that shot up to the cealing. Michelle put her bag down and asked Wallace if he needed anything to drink, and if he wished to take a seat.

After thart she began to speak of the treaty. For reference she pulled out two copies of the document, one for her, another for him.

Disparu and Acca Dacca Agreement:

Article I - Sovereignty

Each of the nations bearing a signature on this treaty hereby declares that they will uphold the values and honor of said signatories’ sovereignty. They agree not to invade, interfere in internal affairs, or oppress the other signatory that partakes in this treaty.

Article II - Intelligence

Each signatory of this treaty agree to share any relevant intelligence amongst one another if said information pertains a possible threat to the sovereignty of any signatory. The information is to be shared privately unless the signatories with which the intelligence has been shared with agree to release the information to the public.

Article III - Economic Assistance

Each signatory agrees to provide economic assistance to the other signatories should it ever be needed. All signatory ports are open to military and civilian vessels of the other signatories during peace time and during war. To promote commerce and trade each signatory agrees to lower or eliminate tariffs on specific goods. In addition, each signatory of this treaty agrees to share any relevant intelligence amongst one another if said information pertains a possible threat to the survival of any signatory. The information is to be shared privately unless the signatories with which the intelligence has been shared with agree to release the information to the public.

Article IV - Termination

If one of the Signatories chooses to terminate this pact, they must give 48 hours notice before the treaty is officially dissolved.


For Acca Dacca,


The Brotherhood

Advisor to the Queen,

Michelle Donop

For Disparu,

Lance Pikachurin

King of Disparu

Master of Chateau Eterna

Master of Chateau Jubilife

Maylene Buizel-Pikachurin

Queen of Disparu

Chatelaine of Chateau Eterna

Chatelaine of Chateau Jubilife

Cynthia Celeste

Chancellor of Disparu

Leader of His Majesty's Loyal Opposition

"Now as I recall we hold an economic treaty with several paragraphs including stances on trades, open ports and the whatnot. Now, we have a clause that includes "open to all military and civilian vessels of the other signatories during peace time and during war." We trust you with not abusing this, but we would really like to get down to the use of this treaty. We see you as a great trade partner and we would like to see if you would to.

We are one of the original holders of the Hanseatic Mark. A type of currency brought into this world by The Hansa and valued around the world. We were wondering if you would like to have a joint currency system in your country that includes this and the current one you are using. If you wish to take it a step further, you could fully adopt the currency into your borders.

Another thing we would like to discuss is if you wish to upgrade this treaty. Our current foreign affairs, if you could tell form our Queens most recent speech, have changed. We are limiting ourself to ODPs. We are a peaceful nation, but we will not let our friends get trambled upon. "

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OoC: Sorry for the late reply. RL has been kinda busy.


We are one of the original holders of the Hanseatic Mark. A type of currency brought into this world by The Hansa and valued around the world. We were wondering if you would like to have a joint currency system in your country that includes this and the current one you are using. If you wish to take it a step further, you could fully adopt the currency into your borders.

"That's up to our Minister of Finance to decide, but I highly doubt that they would be happy to get rid of the Disparuean dollar and replace it with the Hanseatic Mark. Nevertheless, I shall inform him.

Besides, since the Hansa has already fallen, doesn't that mean that the Mark is practically useless by now?"

Another thing we would like to discuss is if you wish to upgrade this treaty. Our current foreign affairs, if you could tell form our Queens most recent speech, have changed. We are limiting ourself to ODPs. We are a peaceful nation, but we will not let our friends get trambled upon. "

"As a peaceful nation, we respect your current stance in foreign affairs. However, ODPs are practically next to useless, considering that there's no guarantee of commitment from either side. Any nation can defend another nation even without an ODP."

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"As a peaceful nation, we respect your current stance in foreign affairs. However, ODPs are practically next to useless, considering that there's no guarantee of commitment from either side. Any nation can defend another nation even without an ODP."

"I understand your belief that such treaties are useless, but if I or my Queen was personally informed of any pending danger several (OOC:days before) weeks rather than given a limited time to respond, it would increase our inchance of involvement. We wish to protect you and for you to protect us, soon we will be dropping our involvement with other MDP partners...that would leave us stranded in a hungry world. If you do not wish to upgrade, though, we'd fully understand."

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"I understand your belief that such treaties are useless, but if I or my Queen was personally informed of any pending danger several (OOC:days before) weeks rather than given a limited time to respond, it would increase our inchance of involvement. We wish to protect you and for you to protect us, soon we will be dropping our involvement with other MDP partners...that would leave us stranded in a hungry world. If you do not wish to upgrade, though, we'd fully understand."

"An ODP will enable us to declare war on an enemy nation with a proper casus belli, so, uh, yeah. We should be able to inform you of a possible threat in a reasonable time frame as per Article II of the treaty, and vice versa:

Each signatory of this treaty agree to share any relevant intelligence amongst one another if said information pertains a possible threat to the sovereignty of any signatory. The information is to be shared privately unless the signatories with which the intelligence has been shared with agree to release the information to the public.

Anyways, we will be willing to upgrade the treaty."

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Then I propose we add a new article:

Article V:

In the case that a signatory nation comes under attack and is put on the defense, the other nation has the option of joining to protect thier treaty partner from harm. This may only be the case when the signatory under attack has enacted Article II and has given prior knowledge to the other signatory that there is an existing threat.

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As shall we.

For Acca Dacca,


The Brotherhood

Ava Jones, Queen of Acca Dacca

Advisor to the Queen,

Michelle Donop

Thank you for this meeting, you are a worthy ally and I am honoured to have such a treaty with you. Unless you have anything else you wish to discuss, I shall take my leave.

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Thank you for this meeting, you are a worthy ally and I am honoured to have such a treaty with you. Unless you have anything else you wish to discuss, I shall take my leave.

Wallace paused for a moment. "Ah, yes, I still have two questions. First off, since the Hansa has already fallen, doesn't that mean that the Hanseatic Mark is practically useless by now?"

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the Hanseatic Mark is still used by Yuktobania, Acca Dacca, former HEU nations, and is backed by the Imperium and Aignor as I believe. Its a multinational currency now, and considering we are a former state of The Hansa, we have carried it over. We now promote its use with other nations.

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"Thank you.

Anyways, my second question...is your Queen really serious with her talks about world peace? Is she really going to follow the footsteps of Tintagyl? With all due respect, I think it's a really noble and justified cause, but, isn't that too much for someone who isn't even out of her teens?"

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"Thank you.

Anyways, my second question...is your Queen really serious with her talks about world peace? Is she really going to follow the footsteps of Tintagyl? With all due respect, I think it's a really noble and justified cause, but, isn't that too much for someone who isn't even out of her teens?"

She is. Sarah started off young too. Her father was a peace maker, she was brought up with the teaches of Tibet and has been attempting to go farther than Sarah. She doesnt care if people think she wont succeed, she is attempting to reach out to those who are willing to try for a better world. She wants to do what she thinks is right, as should everyone, and she plans to make this world a more peaceful place.

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She is. Sarah started off young too. Her father was a peace maker, she was brought up with the teaches of Tibet and has been attempting to go farther than Sarah. She doesnt care if people think she wont succeed, she is attempting to reach out to those who are willing to try for a better world. She wants to do what she thinks is right, as should everyone, and she plans to make this world a more peaceful place.

"Ah, that's interesting. Wile it may be a bit...eccentric, it is a noble goal nonetheless. On behalf of Disparu, I wish Her Majesty good fortune in accomplishing her goal.

Thank you for your time, Advisor Donop."

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