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Looking for an Alliance to join


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Hi, I am looking for an alliance to join.

I am an experienced CN Player and am urgently looking for an alliance to join.

If your alliance is open to nations then post your info below,

eg. Alliance Name

Number of Nations

Join/Aid Package?


Age of Alliance

Why yours is good


Look forward to hearing from you.

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Alliance Name = The Russian Empire

Number of Nations = 27 (one ghost currently being destroyed) also an additional nation not yet changed AA

Join/Aid Package? = We offer no bribes and players seeking those don't deserve to be in alliances.

Allies? = TCoC TBH TGE and several other agreements

Age of Alliance = if you mean how old we are? then 160 daysish

Why yours is good = Didn't say mine good many more better alliance but many more worse than ours we do fine for what we are we remain honorable and true to our word we do our best to help all members of TRE making sure we grow together as one.

I see by your nations Capital City WhangareiZ i assume by that you would be a Kiwi? don't see many nations with Maori Names =D

Edited by Emperor Nicholas II
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Hi, I am looking for an alliance to join.

I am an experienced CN Player and am urgently looking for an alliance to join.

If your alliance is open to nations then post your info below,

eg. Alliance Name

Number of Nations

Join/Aid Package?


Age of Alliance

Why yours is good


Look forward to hearing from you.


We have 2...we are brand new to CN.

Paix has an open door policy for new members,as long as you follow our Member Rights,Article of Conduct,and are active.

We offer no aid for joining at this time,due to our newness..

Working on the allies...we are a new green team alliance.

I think Paix will be a good alliance because we are a community that takes care of its members welfare.We are a democratic alliance which allows every member an equal say in alliance matters.Here in Paix,you are treated as an individual,not a statistic.

If you would like to know more,the following is our recruiting post here in Players Alliances:

Paix Recruiting Page

If you have any questions,feel free to reply to this post,or pm me.Thank you for your time!

Edited by Sateus
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Hello stealthhawk,

I am a founder of the Aqua Defense Initiative, and we are very open toward experienced players. We are a 30 nation alliance, and part of the Ragnablok. As far as the joining package, that is something I could discuss with you privately. Our alliance is very new- about a week old, and we hit 500k strength within the first 4 days. Every member's opinion is important in our alliance and we believe in a family style alliance setting where we are close enough with one another to disagree without being disagreeable.

Our law making body is also elected by our membership, giving our members more say in how things go. If they don't like the direction we are going, they can elect new lawmakers. If you want to know more, come onto our IRC chan- #ADI on coldfront.


John Warbuck

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Hi Stealth...

This Sateus,Monarch of Paix...

Is their anything specific your looking for in a an alliance or just seeing what's out there,in general?

Nothing in particular I guess.

An alliance that it rising and respected.

Good nations within.

Has the odd ally so if the alliance is attacked we are not all obliterated.

Also the rare war to defend our or allies honour lol stuff like that

But I'm easy.

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1. Keepers of the Covenant

2. 13

3. up to six million (it's a variable depending on how much you've contributed)

4. LoSS Federation of Untied Confederate Nations ( I'd probably get banned if I just said the acronymn)

5. About eight months I believe

6. We have one of if not the best communities in all of CN as well as protection and unity

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Alliance Name New Polar Order

Number of Nations 415 nations

Join/Aid Package? We have a program that gives NpO nations under 3,800 infrastructure $15,000,000 to help get you to 4,000 infrastructure in no time!

Allies? We have alot :D

Age of Alliance More than 1,324 Days old!

Why yours is good We are a very active group of people who enjoy playing CN, and will sacrifice our nations to defend a fellow member and the New Polar Order!

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Hi, I am looking for an alliance to join.

I am an experienced CN Player and am urgently looking for an alliance to join.

If your alliance is open to nations then post your info below,

eg. Alliance Name

Number of Nations

Join/Aid Package?


Age of Alliance

Why yours is good


Look forward to hearing from you.

eg. Alliance Name: Invicta

Number of Nations: 197

Join/Aid Package?: 3 mil on joining, 3 mil for graduating

Allies?: Most of purple, IAA

Age of Alliance: over 2 years

Why yours is good: We've got a great community, and love active newcomers :D


What and if I join your alliance, what is required of me? For smaller nations, tech dealing is required to graduate. For larger nations, to graduate you need an IRC mask, a certain number of days in the alliance, and a certain number of posts.

Edited by Timtacious
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I have one last question...

It will decide if I join or not, answer truthfully as well...

What and if I join your alliance, what is required of me?


For anyone who joins Paix,we ask that you be active,come and hangout in irc,etc as much as your real life allows.

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I have one last question...

It will decide if I join or not, answer truthfully as well...

What and if I join your alliance, what is required of me?


At the New Polar Order, we expect you to be active on our forums and on CN at least once a week. We have jobs for everybody including diplomats, military positions, and many other jobs you can CHOSE to have. We just expect you to be an active member.

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I have narrowed it down to these options that get my attention and why;

The Russian Empire

Because poster researched me and seems good


Beginning nation and government positions available

Keepers of the Covenant

Has Z3000, an old Tech Seller of mine in it

New Polar Order

Good overall size

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Before you make up your mind, Id like to tell you about my alliance, United Earth Directorate. We are a red team alliance and as you probebly know being on the red team makes us special, there arent many successful red team alliances out there that are as young as us and we need all the help we can get :)

Alliance Name: United Earth Directorate

Number of Nations: 76

Join/Aid Package? 3 mil starter + infinite more with our tech deal setups with other alliances

Allies? Ragnarok, we are in the Ragnablok

Age of Alliance: Around 120 days

Why yours is good: Because we have an active core of members who are friendly and we will do everything in our power to help your nation grow. Edit: Saw you had a reasonable nation size, for you we can hook you up to get hundreds of tech through our special deals with the other CN alliances.

Your last question: We expect all members to be active on the forums and IRC and regularly contribute to the alliance whether that is signing up for a job or just giving input to the alliance. We also have a government spot open if you are interested!

Also our forum is here: www.ued.22web.net

Edited by King Death II
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I have now narrowed it down to these options;


Beginning nation and government positions available

New Polar Order

Good overall size

United Earth Directorate

Size and Tech

Tech deals are very important to me...

Edited by stealthhawk
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