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Terra Australis

Madame Unicorn

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January 2011:

“The world is a different place. Devastation and chaos are everywhere. Slowly, countries are emerging up out of the destruction and we will return the world to glory. I want to help this happen. I want our children to grow up happy and strong. I want them to know that our world is a better place. I believe I can help make this happen. I have contacted Steve Irwin and by popular vote, we have seceded the former states of Victoria and Tasmania to create a new country, for a new tomorrow. That new country is Terra Australis.”

Dr. Michael Stevenson looks around at the park below him, where supporters have gathered to hear his official statement as their new Premier. He smiles, and raises a fist, yelling with a strong, clear voice that booms out over the crowd.

“For a better today, and a brighter tomorrow! Terra Australis!”

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