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A new capital is being built, centered mostly around the military base at Colombo. For the moment, the government has relocated to Vaer Vencuyot, because Kolhar is still experiencing heavy fighting in the northern section of the city. The new military has been formed into the Might of Golekh, the airforce re-organised into the Skymight, the coastal defense ships re-organised into the Coastmight, and the future navy shall be named the Seamight. The few surviving Skywolves have been retired from active duty and placed in charge of training the new Imperial Knights. The Helldivers will take over the missions that used to fall to the Skywolves. The Might of Golekh has been hunting former Triumvir Vorian Atreides and his last sruvivng thousand men across southern Sri Lanka. The Empire has placed bounties on the heads of Xavier Harkonnen and the God-Emperor freakwars, who are some of the few survivors of the nuclear "accident" at Vaer Rannar. The God-Emperor was last seen leading a force of four hundred men against the 5th Infantry's base in the east. Xavier Harkonnen's wherebouts are unknown.

Edited by freakwars
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The Archhalaon of the Church of the Three Dragons has been arrested today for sedition against the government, after giving a live speech urging all true believers to peacefully resist the Golekhi government by resigned all jobs in the Golekhi weapons factories and all government related jobs.

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The Archhalaon has been sentenced to death by burning oil. The verdict will be carried out tommorow. The Domon'el has formed a new security ministry which will be answerable only to him. They will be known as the Bloodhawks. The SICM will be merged into them, and they will be given the power to "oversee" all information distribution methods, allowing them to control all information. He has also removed the judicial power from the Allthing and the regional Things, and has moved that power to military courts. He also curtailed the expanded legislative powers that Ragnar Ruriksson gave them early in his reign.

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