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Über Alles

Kaiser Martens

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"It is fine. If they are too afraid to open their eyes, at least we will have the pleasure of watching them fall and tumble awkwardly all over the floor. The treaty will be made ready. Herr Warenheim...would you need to speak to us in private? You look as if you had been waiting just to say something."

In some ten minutes, a beautifully crafted treaty, which was in fact in the form of a Nordlandic Runic Manuscript, would be brought. It only awaited the signatures.

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Amyante was pleasantly surprised at the way the NAP appeared. Where she had expected a fairly bland document in standard font sizes was a runic manuscript that practically radiated tradition. Greater Germany had really gone the extra mile on this, and the country rose a few more notches in her standing.

- "Oh, i'm definitely going to frame this... It'd be a shame to let it gather dust in some archive."

She scanned the document, reading through the articles to check on the terms and conditions. Apparently satisfied, she took out a pen and signed the document before returning it to the Greater Germanic representative to have him sign as well, making the NAP legally valid.

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"Good! Then it will be a constant reminder of our friendship! I am glad that this suits your needs. I hate to have to cut our conversation short. But duty does call." He turns around to sign the paper, other two figures also did. The Kaiser's personal signature had already been there, as if he had known that this would happen.

"I must have a word with the General. I should be back in no time." He bows politely and then nods to Warenheim, before motioning to a nearby room. "There we'll be fine. The next room is isolated from any sound."

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Amyante nods in understanding. Just because she preferred to deal openly did not make her entitled to listening in on the conversations of others, and if the Reichsmarschall preferred to discuss these things privately then she should respect that choice. She was the Queen of Zargathia, not the Rheinmark after all.

- "Not a problem, i shall be here if needed."

After the two would be gone, she'd pull out a cellphone to make two calls. One would be to the Zargathian troops in Greater Germany to congratulate them on a job well done, the second would be to China to arrange both the transportation and welcoming ceremony for the troops that had worked hard to help the suffering population. It was a good thing the phone company was still nationalized...

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"Ah, danke schön," replied Wareheim, "It will do nicely."

He stepped into the room satisfied. He was not sure who he would be talking to, but he intended to talk directly with the leaders. There were several items of varying importance he had been wishing to discuss with the leaders of Northern Germany for a while.

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The doors are safely locked. The place nearly smells sterile. The Lady General, Tanzband and Tambarskjelve sit down. She sits out of the way, remaining quiet, but the other two sit at a rounded desk. A guard pulls back a chair for the Rheinmarker to sit down at.

"Good. All is set. Our ears are yours."

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The doors are safely locked. The place nearly smells sterile. The Lady General, Tanzband and Tambarskjelve sit down. She sits out of the way, remaining quiet, but the other two sit at a rounded desk. A guard pulls back a chair for the Rheinmarker to sit down at.

"Good. All is set. Our ears are yours."

"Thank you, good brothers and sister. I'd like to discuss some increased...unity...of the German, Nordlandic, people. We've been meaning to draw nearer to our kinsmen, indeed you could easily say our countrymen, but until now there hasn't been the greatest of opportunities. These will be trying times for our people and we need to stick together. The manner in which we do so is what I wish to discuss."

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"I agree with you. We feel that we are very isolated not only in the continent, but the world. We do not feel that we can trust most nations. Look at Austria. They hate us so much they'll rather remain in the most disastrous of warfares than admit that they could do with our help to restore order. Now they're hunting Martencists. And Lübeck has gone as far as to ban the language of its own people, Nordlandic. It is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous and a shame for our people and their own. And then we have these "Nords", that claim to be us but are closer to the Third Reich than they are to the Second."

"We feel that we're the last, final outpost of Germanic Religion, the Nordlandic way of life and Martencism. But maybe there's another stronghold that we had not seen after all."

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"It is true. The world does not understand. We have been experiencing a Nordic revival in our country, the people are returning to the old ways. My countrymen understand and your countrymen understand. As it is right now, Norse Paganism is experiencing a wildfire-like revival and Nordlandic has claimed the tongues of now 94% of the population, the other 6 knowing it.

However, you are the ones with the targets on your backs. I do not know if some have just not heard our news or don't care about us, but we seem to be flying on the radar. Such a quality we would be more than willing to give up to aid our brothers. We must draw close, very close, if we are to come out of this alive."

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"Agreed and glad to hear all that. Well, we control Berlin, so we are always condemned to having a higher profile, and this ussually is a disadvantage to some extent. I suppose there's some people who still fear us or believe we want to take over the world. Truth be told, we're sick enough of the world as is, and do not wish to control it. Heh. You'd do well to remain as you are for now, under the radar. Maybe we can sign a secret pact in order to ensure your stealthiness."

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"Agreed and glad to hear all that. Well, we control Berlin, so we are always condemned to having a higher profile, and this ussually is a disadvantage to some extent. I suppose there's some people who still fear us or believe we want to take over the world. Truth be told, we're sick enough of the world as is, and do not wish to control it. Heh. You'd do well to remain as you are for now, under the radar. Maybe we can sign a secret pact in order to ensure your stealthiness."

"Perhaps. What does this secret pact entail?"

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"I'm alright with that. Perhaps in the future further collaboration will be possible.

Now, I am wondering about something much more trivial, our borders. As of right now, it is unclear where the line goes, especially in regards to the city of Frankfurt am Main. Perhaps we could discuss where this line goes, or perhaps we could find a different solution altogether. One proposal would be to simply to decide where the line goes. Another would be to follow old provincial borders."

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"I could certainly show you one, should we decide how to divide. Will we be dividing by provinces or districts? If by provinces, we would request that one of us gets Hesse, the other with the Rheinland-Pfalz and Saarland, so as not to isolate the Saarland. We can also see why you would have trepidation regarding this, in which we would divide using districts through the two provinces, which would only leave us to decide who controls Frankfurt. Now, I will show you a map of the 'Länder Solution.'"

Wareheim pulled out a small data device and began clicking on its touch screen. Soon, he would present maps of each of the 'Länder Solutions.'


"This one shows the "Rhineland-Saarland Solution..."


"...while this one shows the Hesse solution. Of course, if neither of these work for you, we will find another way."

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"Hmm. I propose that we retain the current borders with a modification, you can keep Frankfurt Am Main, the city, all for yourselves. We demand no land in compensation."

"Fair enough, thank you Kaiser. I would have asked but one more thing, but considering the nature of our secret treaty I'm not sure it will be possible. I would have inquired about sea access for us to build our navy, which we've had plans for for some time. However, this would possibly cause a stir, something we are trying to avoid. Do you happen to have the documents?"

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"Yes, it would cause them to quickly realize what is going on..."


"Build your ships at our ports. Have them concealed by our banners. They'll think we built our Kriegsmarine ourselves. They will only know it to be your doing once that it is too late. Eventually as tides turn when you get a bit of ocean for yourself, we can pretend to sell the ships to you."

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"Yes, it would cause them to quickly realize what is going on..."


"Build your ships at our ports. Have them concealed by our banners. They'll think we built our Kriegsmarine ourselves. They will only know it to be your doing once that it is too late. Eventually as tides turn when you get a bit of ocean for yourself, we can pretend to sell the ships to you."

"Very well thought out, I like it," Wareheim smiled.

"We'll be sending over construction teams as 'immigrant workers.' We'll get them Green cards, visas, passports, everything. We'll supply their wages and such covertly, so as not to put any other burden on you."

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"Carriers will come in handy. At a point we had actually submarine aircraft carrier, however, the amount of aircraft that these could store was far less than any other carriers. Still, seeing planes appearing out of nowhere was fun. Have you seen the news? Lübeck has enacted basically carbon copies of our own defensive policies, announced only a few days after ours. They must have spies in the Reich. Heh."

"Of course their population supports the Government...those who don't support it were either killed or deported...or both."

A paper is wrought, a treaty similar in appearance to the NAP earlier signed. But in here were MDP clauses, Information Sharing clauses, optional aggression clauses, and finally information regarding the upcoming Kriegsmarine.

"Our experts will talk to your experts."

They sign.

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