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The Horde Finds Sanctuary

Combat Pope

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“The Horde Finds Sanctuary” pact.


Both The Sanctuary and The Golden Horde alliances wish for mutual growth and prosperity, thus this PIAT is Formed and agreed upon by both parties.

Article I: Peace,

Both parties agree to a state of Non aggression between each other, any action which breaches this agreement will result in the voiding of this treaty if said event cannot be resolved through private channels. Such actions include, and are not limited to acts of military aggression, forum espionage, impersonation of senior officials and aiding in any way an enemy if the other signatory.

Article II: Intelligence,

Should either signatory obtain information that threatens the sovereignty or stability of the other signatory, said information must be passed on to a senior member of the other signatory as soon as humanly possible. Failure to do so could result in the voiding of this treaty if the matter cannot be solved through private channels.

Article III: Aid,

Either alliance may request aid packets from each other, if said request is manageable and not extorting it is advised said aid be given as a gesture of mutual prosperity. During times of war this article may be put on hiatus to ensure the security of either signatory.

Article IV: Trade,

Each signatory agrees to openly trade with the other signatory to allow mutual growth and prosperity to ensue. This can be achieved by allowing access to resource availability threads as well as an open channel of communication between the trade representatives of both alliances.

Article V: Cancellation,

Should either party wish to cancel this treaty 36 hours of notice must be given. In this period of time all articles are to remain fully functional and relevant. After the 36 hour grace period has passed this document will be considered null and void.

Signed for The Golden Horde

Partisan, Genghis Khan of The Horde

Meyer0095, Beklare-Bek

Rawdon, The War Hero

Deeleeshush, Vizier of Economic Affairs

KingSVH, Vizier of Internal Affairs

Combat Pope, Vizier of Diplomacy for The Horde

Signed for Sanctuary

Zurital - Consul

Edmond - Consul

Lilmonkey880 - Grand Praetor

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