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Invitation to Tokyo


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A letter was sent to the leaders of the following nations: Diadochoi, Yuktobania, Zargathia, Palintine, Acca Dacca, and the Republic of Yawoo.

Dear esteemed Leader,

I would personally like to invite you to diplomatic talks, regarding the status, or non-existent status, of Furon and your wonderful nation. If possible, we would like to work out some sort of treaty, military or economical, or at the very least, get to know one another.

We would greatly appreciate it if you could send a representative, a diplomat, to Tokyo. Please reply back, so that we know if they are coming, and we'll send a private jet to take the representative to the Capital Building for the talks.

With the best regards,

President Pepe,

and his Cactus.


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"The Queen will attend personally. However, due to personal reasons she will be arriving by boat, would this be acceptable?"

That would be splendid. We await the arrival of the Queen with eagerness. Upon entering the water-space of Furon, a group of boats will be sent out to guide her to Tokyo harbor, where she'll be escorted towards the Capital, to ensure her safety.

"It would be an honor to attend. We shall send Donna Swain to work on such a document between us."

Stated in a letter from Michelle Donop.

The President would be glad to have Miss(Mrs?) Swain to come to Tokyo. A private jet is being sent immediately. A group of escorts will provide her security, upon entering Tokyo's ground.

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The President would be glad to have Miss(Mrs?) Swain to come to Tokyo. A private jet is being sent immediately. A group of escorts will provide her security, upon entering Tokyo's ground.


Upon entering Tokyo's ground, Miss Donna Swain was accompanied by the escorts. Now with an entourage, she made her way to a vehicle to head to the direction of the President. With her was a briefcase and some loose papers in a folder with signatures and the header of the Acca Daccan National Government.

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"The Zargathian military forces are currently assisting Yuktobania in driving out a terrorist threat. As such, we shall have to delay our meeting by a day or two until the end of the conflict, as we feel it would have put an unreasonable amount of pressure on your security forces, as well as endanger your citizens to terrorist attacks. We hope this would not be inconvenient, and assure you we are still interested in discussing treaties after the situation concerning the Eagles of Dawn has been resolved."

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Upon entering Tokyo's ground, Miss Donna Swain was accompanied by the escorts. Now with an entourage, she made her way to a vehicle to head to the direction of the President. With her was a briefcase and some loose papers in a folder with signatures and the header of the Acca Daccan National Government.

Sadly, our President will not be able to attend the meeting, but the Vice President, Takeo, will gladly meet with Miss Swain.


As Miss Swain's vehicle approached the capital building, Takeo strode forward to open the door for her, letting her exit the vehicle before closing the door behind her, and shaking her hand. "Miss Swain, an honor and pleasure to make your acquaintance. If you would please follow me, we can head to the Conference room, and we can begin our discussions in earnest," said Takeo.

Takeo led the pair, along with their escort, to the Conference Room. The doors were made of wood, with elaborate, Arkvoodlian symbols and other geometrical shapes inscribed upon them. The table, which was the center-piece of the room, was made of mahogany, again with elegant Arkvoodlian symbols inscribed. The table itself had an array of flowers every 5 or so chairs, in the center of the table, all from around the world.

"The Capitol Tokyo Conference Room, Ms. Swain." said Takeo, before pulling out a chair for her, and then seating himself. "Now, on to business. For quite some time, Furon has been rather isolationist, and as of late, in watching recent world political events, we realize that pure-isolationism isn't neccessarily the best thing in the world. That being said, it always nice to have friends, people you can count on.

It has been our wish for some time now, to expand our group of friends, to nations and leaders that we can trust. If it possible for a treaty, economical, military, or otherwise, what would Acca Dacca be willing to sign?"

OOC: i've rerolled, but i'm in the same location so should i assume the invitation still stands?

OOC: Yes.

Deputy Prime Minister Petrenko will attend.

Splendid! Shall we send a private jet for PM Petrenko, or will he be arriving via other means?

OOC: Yawoo is rerolling.

see: Yawoo's post. Captain Obvious. :P

"The Zargathian military forces are currently assisting Yuktobania in driving out a terrorist threat. As such, we shall have to delay our meeting by a day or two until the end of the conflict, as we feel it would have put an unreasonable amount of pressure on your security forces, as well as endanger your citizens to terrorist attacks. We hope this would not be inconvenient, and assure you we are still interested in discussing treaties after the situation concerning the Eagles of Dawn has been resolved."

We completely understand. We await word from when a meeting can be arranged between ourselves. May your forces be safe from peril.

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If it possible for a treaty, economical, military, or otherwise, what would Acca Dacca be willing to sign?"

"First, we wish to ask what other relations you have? At the fall of the last New Zealand, we are simply allied to two people, UMS being the only military treaty. So, we are in the same predicament. Tell me, what other relations or future relations do you expect? Do you have any problems with our only ally?

Second, we wish to know about your country a tad bit more. We know your structure, your government, but we wish to know about your nation. Does is follow a religion? Does it protect the Hanseatic Commonwealth's nation at its status of world protectorate? Do you have any trouble with others? Random facts is all.

Third, we are indeed hoping that this meeting is efficient and a relation develops. We will start off economically and work our way up from there. We take it slow but we are that our relation will only increase."

After she states these tasks, she sits down waiting to respond to Takeo.

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The prime minister will attend.

Grand! We await his arrival to the Capitol Building.

OOC: Go ahead and RP entering the Capitol Building.

"First, we wish to ask what other relations you have? At the fall of the last New Zealand, we are simply allied to two people, UMS being the only military treaty. So, we are in the same predicament. Tell me, what other relations or future relations do you expect? Do you have any problems with our only ally?

Second, we wish to know about your country a tad bit more. We know your structure, your government, but we wish to know about your nation. Does is follow a religion? Does it protect the Hanseatic Commonwealth's nation at its status of world protectorate? Do you have any trouble with others? Random facts is all.

Third, we are indeed hoping that this meeting is efficient and a relation develops. We will start off economically and work our way up from there. We take it slow but we are that our relation will only increase."

After she states these tasks, she sits down waiting to respond to Takeo.

"We are currently opening up relations with Java, as Furon's leader, and Java's Leader, both went to college with each other. We expect, possibly, some sort of military treaty to be worked out. Aside from that, we haven't established much relations with any other Asian nations. We haven't had any relations, formal or otherwise, with the UMS, so our view on them is...lacking. We have no problems with them, of course, however.

Well. Our nation, something that many nations don't know, actually, follows a 'caste' system. There is a Worker Caste, Military Caste, and Government Caste. Each Caste his its own 'disciplines. Take the Military Caste for example. The different 'disciplines' would be the AirForce, Navy, Military, Marines, etc. Workers would include entertainment, businessmen, law enforcement, medical staffing, etc. Government is rather self explanatory, however. Each class is given the same standardized benefits, but with minute perks. The Worker Caste is Lowest, followed by Military, and then Government. The only Caste that has direct authority over the other Castes, is the Government task, and only by the President and his Staff.

Schools within Furon are based around the type of caste that you are entering, and they teach subjects on the disciplines, in addition to standard teachings such as History, Math, etc. After that minimal time has been reached, they can either stay in their caste, or they can go to school once more, for a different caste. IE, from Worker Caste to Military. Anyone wishing to serve in the Government must have at least served in the Military Caste for ten years. We have a standard procedure of all men and women entering adulthood, serve time under the Military Caste for 1-2 years, depending on their situation. After that, they would select the caste they wish to enter, or stay within the Military Caste.

Furon follows the religion of Arkvoodle - an ancient being that came to Earth from the cosmos, eons ago, and imbued himself upon the Earth, allowing it to flourish with life. I don't want to sound preachy, however, so I'll move onto the next question, if you don't mind..." said Takeo, taking a deep breath before continuing. "An economic treaty sounds great, though. What type of things would you like to include in it, however?"

Due to a pressing situation, it is unfortunate news to tell you that Dimitri Petrenko will not be available at this time. However we will schedule a meeting at a later date with the Prime Minister, Catherine Reznov.

We are deeply saddened by this, but anxiously await the scheduled meeting.

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We would provide all the benefits of having our ports and waters open to you. Along with our island chain's ports, the mainland has the industrial capital, Bangkok. We are growing economically every day, and with having another trade partner such as yourself we are most likely going to mutually benefit. Also, we are looking to provide you with any supplies, resources, or even aid that you may need. We have companies from the late Aotearoa that have crossed over and have a large amount of experience in the fields of railroad construction, shipyard building, communications, and even education. Joint projects could be included, as could fowarding intelligence to one another.

Would you add anything?

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Takeo paused, thinking about the offer. He leaned in closer, before saying, "We believe that a new time is dawning in Asia. The current hegemony that exists, the AUP & DE, in our eyes, are a virus spreading throughout Asia. The aim of Furon, and our few allies, is to attempt to halt it, diplomatically, or militarily if need be." He paused, letting her absorb the information before continuing on. "You said you have companies from Aotearoa that have expertise in construction? We have need for their expertise, if you can provide it. It would be strictly classified, no record what so ever. I'm only saying this to you, because I believe that I can trust you, and your nation, with the information," said Takeo.

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You can trust us with such projects of classified procedures. We only ask to know what they are for.

As for your dealing with the Asian Hegemony, we will fully support you with a diplomatic attempt at halting any problems they may cause. We only ask that we be informed if you are to take them on militarily in advance so that we may decide what we may do. We are a very peaceful nation, but we will not leave our friends out there to die alone.

I am not allied to DE, but they have been very beneficial with my nation's growth. As far as I can see, they create a stable Asia, one that may be too over powerful. When we have seen them abuse thier status and power, we will be there to help you take action. The AUP, however, is a little too unstable with members running around with different opinions as well as thier loose entry processes.

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"The classified project is well...classified, obviously. We would like to talk about it, but seeing as how we have other representatives arriving to the conference room soon. All I can say, officially, is that it's a ... control-room styled bunker...and while we have the manpower to create it, we would definitely need expertise in certain areas. We'll fill you in at a later date. For now though, the current treaty outlined sounds excellent.

Would you be interested in writing up a draft? If so, there'd be no need to make it ... 'fancy'. We would be happy with a simple treaty, if possible. What do you say?" replied Takeo, to Ms. Swain. He held up a hand for a second, and said, "Hold on, if you will please. I've just received word of a letter that needs to be addressed quickly.

He jotted down a quick letter, and sent a reply to the Queen of Zargathia:



While we are very honored that the Queen of Zargathia will attend the meeting, we must say this: We are strongly against the AUP. We invited you, as a nation, to speak with you. We didn't invite you, as an AUP nation, to speak with you. Please remember that when you are here, your majesty.


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Less than an hour after the message had been sent out, a reply would come from Zargathia.

Dear Mr. Takeo,

Your objections against the AUP are known to us, and your request will be remembered.

However, as Zargathia has an MDP with the Haruhiist Empire outside of the AUP as well we find that the recent worsening of diplomatic relations would need to be discussed, as it would also concern Zargathia on a national level. While it is not our intention to talk of AUP matters when you have requested us not to, similar overlap is unfortunately inevitable, we hope you understand that we intend no offense.

In clarification, should you have questions about the AUP we shall answer them, but we would not be the ones to bring up the topic.


Amyante Tojimaru


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The prime minister of Palintine and his delegation arrives at the meeting without fanfare.

Takeo stood up from his seat and shook the hands of the Palintinian representatives, before returning to Ms. Swain. "Ms. Swain...once more, any problems with the current ideals of the treaty, please say so. If you do wish to help us, though, we will contact you in due time. If you would like to stay, and watch over the proceedings, or even be a...trusted adviser, on behalf of Furon, we would gladly appreciate it, from our newest ally," said Takeo, turning to face the Palintinian representatives.

"Gentlemen, welcome to Furon. First off, let me say we, Furon, are very grateful for you to accept our invitation. We have long been isolationist, and we are in need of new allies - ones that we can rely on. If possible, we'd like to work out some sort of treaty - economical or military, whatever your preference. No matter how powerful or minute the treaty is, it would be a sign of friendship, one that we would be very proud of having."




While we certainly understand your viewpoint, we would like to instill the fact that we do not wish to make the first move of any hostilities between the Haruhiist Empire, or Furon. The only time Furon would take aggressive, IE, war, action against any other nation was if it was provoked first, or an ally of ours was in danger. 

That being said, if we can come to an agreement, one that is influenced only by our two nations, not by the AUP, or Furon's allies, then we would be more than happy to work with you, in a military or economical agreement, your majesty.


OOC: Forgot the [/code] tags.

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Dear Mr. Takeo,

War is and should only be used as a last resort, and to believe that either the Haruhiist empire or yourself would be contemplating an aggressive war would not be doing either of you justice. Nevertheless, relations have worsened to the point where we felt it necessary to assist in breaking the diplomatic spiral that would be threatening to form. A cold war scenario between two neighboring countries would only end up bringing harm to both.

Having said that, we would welcome the prospect of strengthening the diplomatic relations between Furon and Zargathia.


Amyante Tojimaru


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