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NEW! tech trading company!


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this is my offer. you give me a certain amount of money, lets say for example 100 000 INGAME (reffered to as "I" later)

ill buy for 70% give what i buy to the costumer, and keep the rest for profit. for big orders (100 000 000 I+) i will only take 20% for myself, and for huge orders(100 000 000 000 000 I+), ill only take 10% for myself.

example of a small order: 100 000 I is paid to my nation (Ubernorway). tech will be bought for 70% and ill keep the rest.

example of a big order: 100 000 000 I is paid to my nation (Ubernorway). tech will be bought for 80% and ill keep the rest.

example of a small order: 100 000 000 000 000 I is paid to my nation (Ubernorway). tech will be bought for 90% and ill keep the rest.

contact me via PM or forum PM.

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