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Clarification of Protection


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I did attack one of their protectorates (accidently, mind you) and nothing happened. Are you that special it must be demonstrated for you twice?

If you got balls you can do it again, as it seems like in this thread. If you did it once, then you can do it again, no?

EDIT: I hope VA doesn't get mad at me for saying this :P

Edited by The Reccesion
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If you got balls you can do it again, as it seems like in this thread. If you did it once, then you can do it again, no?

EDIT: I hope VA doesn't get mad at me for saying this :P

I wasn't planning on raiding for a couple of months, actually, so I'll stick to my pre-planned agenda. If they would like to raid me and prove their worth as a protector, please, feel free. :)

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I wasn't planning on raiding for a couple of months, actually, so I'll stick to my pre-planned agenda. If they would like to raid me and prove their worth as a protector, please, feel free. :)

They have no reason, they let you off once. You should be lucky. It's okay, you can probably find another alliance to take advantage of in the next couple of months. ;)

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If you got balls you can do it again, as it seems like in this thread. If you did it once, then you can do it again, no?

EDIT: I hope VA doesn't get mad at me for saying this :P

For clarification, they're not only VA's protectorates. The alliances in question are TPF's protectorates, whom we've volunteered to help protect (along with GRAN, NEW, OSA, SSSW18, and Zenith...oh, and Karma).

And I highly doubt that not even Shovel is brazen or incompetent enough to attack another TPF protectorate. Well...maybe the latter. :D

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They have no reason, they let you off once. You should be lucky. It's okay, you can probably find another alliance to take advantage of in the next couple of months. ;)

Just a bit of a correction there, they didn't "let us off." We weren't on to start with.

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For clarification, they're not only VA's protectorates. The alliances in question are TPF's protectorates, whom we've volunteered to help protect (along with GRAN, NEW, OSA, SSSW18, and Zenith...oh, and Karma).

And I highly doubt that not even Shovel is brazen or incompetent enough to attack another TPF protectorate. Well...maybe the latter. :D

I didn't tell him to raid TPF protectorates though. :P

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I did attack one of their protectorates (accidently, mind you) and nothing happened. Are you that special it must be demonstrated for you twice?

Yah know, I have watched you strut around here like you are king ding a ling after receiving a gift. I can guarantee that will not happen again. You sir are a piss poor example of your alliance, and hopefully the rest are not like you. If they are, then I imagine that your time here will be limited here soon.

Given the bad PR Tech Raiding has received of late, you would think someone who does raid would shut up and let all the talk die, instead of keeping it going and seeing how many people you can get riled up over it.

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Yah know, I have watched you strut around here like you are king ding a ling after receiving a gift. I can guarantee that will not happen again. You sir are a piss poor example of your alliance, and hopefully the rest are not like you. If they are, then I imagine that your time here will be limited here soon.

Given the bad PR Tech Raiding has received of late, you would think someone who does raid would shut up and let all the talk die, instead of keeping it going and seeing how many people you can get riled up over it.

inorite? It's just too much fun, I have an addictive personality, once I start I just can't stop.

I meant you not SLCB itself.

Same thing.

Edited by Shovel
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First of all pay no attention to Shovel, he doesn't speak for SLCB <_<

We only started to allow raiding on a limited scale recently on a trial-like basis. However, following a prior incident we made stricter our raiding policy to avoid another such situation, so that people who wanted to raid would have to check 1) the nation bio of ALL nations in the alliance, 2) the wiki, 3) the forums, for a protectorate agreement. This change was implemented after the raid to which this thread refers started.

For those in micro-alliances who want to avoid being raided, I would recommend you make clear your protection in nation bios.

We don't seek to make you all hate us :P so as a further precaution, no further SLCB raids are going to be allowed on nations of ANY alliance affiliation (except "none").

Edited by Nutty Carrot Cakes
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First of all pay no attention to Shovel, he doesn't speak for SLCB <_<

We only started to allow raiding on a limited scale recently on a trial-like basis. However, following a prior incident we made stricter our raiding policy to avoid another such situation, so that people who wanted to raid would have to check 1) the nation bio of ALL nations in the alliance, 2) the wiki, 3) the forums, for a protectorate agreement. This came was implemented after the raid to which this thread refers started.

For those in micro-alliances who want to avoid being raided, I would recommend you make clear your protection in nation bios.

We don't seek to make you all hate us :P so as a further precaution, no further SLCB raids are going to be allowed on nations of ANY alliance affiliation (except "none").

Good to hear :)

Edited by The Reccesion
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First of all pay no attention to Shovel, he doesn't speak for SLCB <_<

We only started to allow raiding on a limited scale recently on a trial-like basis. However, following a prior incident we made stricter our raiding policy to avoid another such situation, so that people who wanted to raid would have to check 1) the nation bio of ALL nations in the alliance, 2) the wiki, 3) the forums, for a protectorate agreement. This came was implemented after the raid to which this thread refers started.

For those in micro-alliances who want to avoid being raided, I would recommend you make clear your protection in nation bios.

We don't seek to make you all hate us :P so as a further precaution, no further SLCB raids are going to be allowed on nations of ANY alliance affiliation (except "none").

It's good to hear things have been corrected. I was informed of this previously, which is why I didn't set out to name alliances involved in this thread. I was informed previously of Shovel's tendency to speak where he shouldn't and misrepresent his alliance. It's a shame that he's portrayed you all in such a manner.

But yes, it is recommended for smaller alliances to put in who they're protected by or who their allies are, but it's not a requirement. The burden isn't on them to prove their protection. It's on the one wanting to attack. So, as I do agree that it's good to mention and display that you're protected, the lack thereof doesn't leave you open to attack. The protection isn't any less prevalent.

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First of all pay no attention to Shovel, he doesn't speak for SLCB <_<

We only started to allow raiding on a limited scale recently on a trial-like basis. However, following a prior incident we made stricter our raiding policy to avoid another such situation, so that people who wanted to raid would have to check 1) the nation bio of ALL nations in the alliance, 2) the wiki, 3) the forums, for a protectorate agreement. This came was implemented after the raid to which this thread refers started.

For those in micro-alliances who want to avoid being raided, I would recommend you make clear your protection in nation bios.

We don't seek to make you all hate us :P so as a further precaution, no further SLCB raids are going to be allowed on nations of ANY alliance affiliation (except "none").

Well I have to admit I had lost all respect for SLCB after listening to shovel, however you have made me gain most of it back, excellent addition to your raiding policy.

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So now its the fault of the raider for not checking: Wikia, OWF, Alliance forums, IRC? Speaking as someone whos made the mistake of raiding someone who didnt know how to spell his own AA its rather simple to put "protected by asdfghjkl" in your bio and save yourself alot of trouble of a raider who didnt go through the 45 steps you expect them to

It's also simple not to tech raid, instead of tech raiding and complaining when you don't just get to beat on a defenseless nation. By not tech raiding, you could save yourself a lot of trouble.

IMO, once you tech raid, if you get attacked, pretty much anyone can say "Hey, I like attacking tech raiders". Your own "I can attack anyone I want" thing means that anyone else has the right to attack you.

They don't have to advertise who they are protected by. You, by attacking, are taking your chances, and don't have much right to complain when it goes bad for you.

We don't seek to make you all hate us :P so as a further precaution, no further SLCB raids are going to be allowed on nations of ANY alliance affiliation (except "none").

As long as you don't complain when you get jumped for raiding someone, I don't really care what their AA is. No matter their AA, if anyone decides to protect them, they can.

No matter what AA they fly, including "none", if you whine about it when you are told "Back off", or whine about it when someone attacks you for your tech raid, then I really don't mind.

It's the "we should be able to raid without repercussions" thing I don't like. The whining about how "How was I to know?". This is a basic that most people learn very young. If you attack other people, it might piss someone off and you might be attacked back.


If my gramma was walking down the street, I wouldn't want one of you guys asking to see her ID and insurance forms and police contacts so you could decide whether or not to steal her purse. Helping you to learn what the risk level is? Sorry, that's not gramma's job.

If you mug her and *anyone* beats the crap out of you for doing it, well, I don't want to hear you whining about how she didn't show you her ID.

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As long as you don't complain when you get jumped for raiding someone, I don't really care what their AA is. No matter their AA, if anyone decides to protect them, they can.

No matter what AA they fly, including "none", if you whine about it when you are told "Back off", or whine about it when someone attacks you for your tech raid, then I really don't mind.

It's the "we should be able to raid without repercussions" thing I don't like. The whining about how "How was I to know?". This is a basic that most people learn very young. If you attack other people, it might piss someone off and you might be attacked back.


If my gramma was walking down the street, I wouldn't want one of you guys asking to see her ID and insurance forms and police contacts so you could decide whether or not to steal her purse. Helping you to learn what the risk level is? Sorry, that's not gramma's job.

If you mug her and *anyone* beats the crap out of you for doing it, well, I don't want to hear you whining about how she didn't show you her ID.

You won't find us complaining.

Also, I'm not quite sure how you can apply a metaphor of an elderly person to CN...

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I wasn't planning on raiding for a couple of months, actually, so I'll stick to my pre-planned agenda. If they would like to raid me and prove their worth as a protector, please, feel free. :)

its such a pity hes out of mine and corncobs range

you get the idea from shovels arguments that he licks windows and $%&@s the toaster

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