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Empire's withdrawal of Claims to France.

Colerich Krieg

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5 Total in the lands we had claim over. Also we have no Military presence in France. We pulled out.


Yes it is their right to do so. Hence why we dont bother arguing about it, but we simply do point out how inhumane it is to seperate families and friends from each other. Also, last time I checked Krieg Citizens could not pass, and if they can, thats only because of a recent change. You have to high a moral seeing of your friends actions.

The Emperor has contacted me personally, and told me that one- We did not get a confirmation of your government attempting to take back the country. two- we are attempting to drop the subject however you are continually bringing it up and passively trying to slander us in front of the world when our intentions were not to harm or do anything wrong. three- We have defended our actions quite clearly and can refer you to our statements if you have forgotten.

Also again on the issue of the wall - Doing such a thing would have huge consequences for your country, Economically, and politically. Im sure the world will not be too excited to welcome another wall attempting to separate citizens from our borders. Our borders have been fine for the past month. Also, the Krieg Empire is a developing nation and as so relies on ground transportation. We cannot afford to ship by air or sea goods and supplies into our country. You would systematically be destroying both of our economies by doing so, and I hope you realize this before you make a rash, unneeded descison.

"Well, given that the control over the mines appeared to have been given under legal circumstances, France will honour the decision and allow the government of Krieg to continue ongoing operations. However I want to be clear that France retain final sovereignty over these lands and that all activities at these mines must respect French laws. Your word on the absence of troops is good enough for me, the reports must have been little more than misunderstandings from our scouting parties.

"Now, it is clear that we disagree with the deployment of your forces into our land. However since you are apparently resolute in your position I see no further point in continuing discourse on that matter, except to say that it is indeed unfortunate that you are unable to comprehend the impact your actions, and your subsequent unapologetic response, have on our domestic policies.

"While it is clear that the Empire and France do not see eye to eye on many subjects, I do honestly appreciate your sentiments and good intentions. I'm afraid that my government would be reluctant to enter into treaties at this time, but if you may find this amenable, I would put forward a proposal for a Non-Aggression Pact. Perhaps when time passes we will be able to put aside our differences and develop greater bonds."

OOC: don't take IC talk so serously, we don't even have a war going on or anything.

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OOC: I wasnt really refering to you ICly, mainly Penchuk, we have this thing where we try to annoy the living crap out of each other as much as we can...

IC: The Empire would love to sign a NAP with France, also, the Emperor has telegramed me this statement:

"The Empire hereby apologizes for any and all military presence and movements in France -- We were unnaware of the current government change (Like i said I was suspended for 2 days :P) and it is our fault for not keeping up with current events. We also would like to thank the French government for allowing us to keep our Mining sites and assure you we have given up any claims for your sovereignty."

Now, would you like to present the NAP or shall I?

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"I am extremely glad to hear that the Empire of Krieg have recognised the unfortunate incident for what it is. As a peaceful nation we are heartened to have the Empire agree to reaffirm our commitment to peace in a non-aggression pact.

"If you have a draft for the treaty available, please fax a copy over. I am certain that we can come to a satisfactory conclusion in no time."

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Non Aggression Pact:

(Based on Poliz Template)


RECOGNISING that the two signatories, France and the Empire of Krieg are two soverign States in the world, with similar views and interests on the world stage;

RECOGNISING that the world is dangerous, and that co-operation is necessary for survival in these times;

REAFFIRMING that the two nations are friends, and that where required, are more than capable, and willing to aid each other.

Article One : Soverignty

The parties signing to this Pact are two soverign nations with their own independent land claims, policies, international interests and right to rule as they see fit. After signature to this agreement, so shall it remain.

Article Two : Aid and Relief

The parties signing to this Pact agree that in this dangerous world, all nations are prone to disasters, whether natural, civillian or military, and agree that co-operation is necessary to overcome these situations. The signatories are therefore strongly compelled to provide relief and assistence to the other in situations where their aid is requested, in the form of money or humanitarian resources.

Article Three: Non Aggression :

The parties signing to this Pact agree not to engage in any military conflict, invasion, aggression, of any sorts, to promote peace and unity.

Article Four : Revision

The world is a constantly changing environment, and as such, both parties agree that the document that binds them will eventually need to change in order to maintain its relevence in the changing world and relationship between the two signatories. Prospective changes or countersignature to optional Articles will be submitted and discussed before change to the document is made. Removals will be left on the document, but struck out and inclusions will be marked as such.

Article Five : Withdrawal

A signatory to this agreement may withdraw from it after 48 hours of prior notice of intent to the other signatory. Reasoning behind the withdrawal must be given, in private channels.


Emperor Colerich Krieg , Emperor of the Krieg Empire, Imperial Autarchy.


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OOC: ugh. Did you realise that the original terms forbade you to mount any military operations? :P

IC: "I don't know about you, but reading this sounds more like a MDP or ODP than a NAP. I'd like to change some of the wording to more closely reflect the current conditions specific to our nations if you don't mind. And the spelling."

Cheysson crossed some lines out, scribbled a little, and signaled for an aide to fax the document back.


The Empire of Krieg and the Nation France,

RECOGNISING that the signatories are two soverign sovereign states who share a common border, in the world, with similar views and interests on the world stage;

RECOGNISING that the world is dangerous, and that co-operation is necessary for survival in these times;

REAFFIRMING the desire of both nations to live in peace, that the two nations are friends , and that where required, are more than capable, and willing to aid each other.

Have agreed as follows:

Article One: Sovereignty

The Parties signing to this Pact are two soverign nations recognise that both signatories are sovereign states in their own right, and pledges to respect the sovereignty of each other.

Article Two : Non Aggression

The Parties signing to this Pact agree to not engage in any hostile acts of any sorts against each other, including but not limited to military aggression.

Article Three: Revision

It being the case that the world is constantly changing, this agreement may be modified through the mutual consent of both parties as they see fit.

Article Four: Withdrawal

A signatory to this agreement may withdraw from it after 48 hours of notice of prior intent to the other signatory. Reasoning behind the withdrawal must be given. , in private channels.

Edited by Teriethien
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OOC: err...

IC: "I see you crossed out terms including "Friendship, Soverignty, and Aid."

"So I take it you One: Dont want to noted as Friendly, Two: Do not recongize our soverignty and Three: Have a problem with aiding eachother in our times of need.

Can you clarify this?"

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"I'm not sure how you reached this conclusion given the line 'recognise that both signatories are sovereign states' that I specifically wrote in.

"But yes, I believe we are attempting to sign a non-aggression pact here, that's why I crossed off the aid section as irrelevant."

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"I do not believe this could be made any clearer than it already has been."

"Once again, I do not wish to be annoying, but the Emperor has his pet peeves about these things.. I just wish to know if you recognize us. If so, there are no problems then. We want us to be clear and understanding."

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"Given that this is explicitly stated not once but twice in the proposed text, I am having a hard time understanding the Emperor's intentions."

"We have our reasons to believe that there IS indeed a misunderstanding or another intent. It is very simple -- All you have to do is state "Yes" or "No". That is all I ask. It will clear up alot. Excuse my ignorance if I am mistaken, I just see it weird how certain parts of the treaty were striked."

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"If that is the case please share with me these reasons you speak of. At this point it merely seems to me that the Empire is not only picking apart our statements, but also accusing us of malicious intents out of the blue."

"No no not at all. We are stating that we believe there is a miscommunication.. Which Im sure this is all it is...

All we simply ask - Do you or do you not recongize us as a legal nation in the world? I dont think there should be a problem in answering either way."

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"No no not at all. We are stating that we believe there is a miscommunication.. Which Im sure this is all it is...

All we simply ask - Do you or do you not recongize us as a legal nation in the world? I dont think there should be a problem in answering either way."

"However this answer was already delivered the first time the question was asked. To reiterate, we stand by the language of our proposed text, namely that we recognise that the Empire of Krieg is a sovereign state."

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"However this answer was already delivered the first time the question was asked. To reiterate, we stand by the language of our proposed text, namely that we recognise that the Empire of Krieg is a sovereign state."

*The Minister lets out a hearty chuckle*

"Well Lad that is all I asked, just a little clearer.. You ll see that in Diplomacy, the need to communicate clear, blunt statements are a need.. Especially to us Germans, if anyone is Blunt and straight forward, it is us."

The Minister signs the NAP:

Karl Köingen, On behalf of the Emperor of the Krieg Empire himself, Emperor Colerich Krieg, Minster of Foreign affairs, Imperial Autarchy.

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"Yet the answer given to you were quoted directly from our proposed text, and this is why the response of the Empire and your persistence in questioning my word mystified me. Diplomacy is not so much about blunt statements as it is about being able to understand what is being said... Nonetheless my misgivings about the negotiations process aside, we are glad to have reached an agreement. We will announce the treaty in but a moment.

"Any thoughts on how to name the treaty? Perhaps a treaty of a city's name?"

Edited by Teriethien
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