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Waltz in the Buryatian Skies

Imperator Azenquor

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***Airspace over Eastern Buryatia***

As the first cargo plane entered Buryatian airspace he would receive the following message from Buryatian Airspace Defense (BAD):

“Please identify your aircraft, country of origin and the purpose of your trip through Buryatian airspace. As your aircraft appears to be a cargo vessel, we ask if you will consent to a search.”

Before a reply was obtained, four MiG-31 Interceptors took off from an airbase east of the capital, while RADAR continued to track the plane so that the MiGs could intercept it if necessary. Until ordered to intercept, the MiGs remained far away from the aircraft.


-Buryatian People's Air Force MiG 31 after takeoff

OOC: Your turn ColerichKrieg :)

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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*As the communications were hastily listened by the Co-pilot, he was worried. This shipment was carrying valuable resources. However what the world doesn't know, is the General-Imperium Radec Klauss ordered a team of Intel specialists to sneak out off the plane after landing and blend in with the Communist Nation, they would have valuable spy equipment that would be used for the Empire to keep tabs on Asian movements. A Precaution that the Empire wanted to take to ensure we would not be targeted by any Asian powers. The Emperor did not feel the need to send a team of Intel and Communications specs into Asia, he simply put in the Idea to send a Diplomat to discuss Military actions within Asia in good spirit. However, General-Imperium Radec Klauss did not trust the Asians, and thought this was a precaution needed, "What the Emperor doesnt know wont hurt him.."*

"(Heavy German Accent) Our plane is Identified as Neu-Berlin Shipping Corporation's flight vehicle DFT-543.

We come from the Empire of Krieg, and we are carrying supplies via Join Trade Agreement to trade with Eastern nations.."

*The Co Pilot looked to the Pilot and began speaking in frantic German. The Intel Spec's on board were dressed as simply Civilians who worked as upkeeps for the plane. Their equipment was stashed in an Undisclosed location within the plane. Surely no one would be able to tell..*


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After listening carefully to the response from the plane’s co-pilot, the Airspace Defense team ordered the four MiG 31s to intercept the aircraft and to order it to land. As the MiGs approached the cargo plane in tight formation, they transmitted another message to the pilot:

“Message received and understood DFT-543. The government of Buryatia wishes to search and verify the contents of your vessel. To indicate your compliance with this, please drop altitude to 9,000 feet and prepare to be escorted to the Central Kolyma Regional Airport.”

The four MiG-31s broke formation. Two MiGs trailed behind the aircraft while the third headed in front of the cargo plane guiding the pilot towards the Kolyma Airport. The fourth MiG disappeared across the horizon as it rushed ahead to the Airport. On the ground military personnel cleared two runways and waited for confirmation.


At the Kolyma Regional Airport staff from military intelligence and from the civilian police force stood ready to examine the planes cargo. Geiger counters, X-rays and metal detectors were on hand in case they were needed.

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*The Co pilot listened to the orders.*

"Drop to 9000 feet, Otto", he told the Pilot.

*We are dropping altitude, and will follow your pilots to the Airfield..*

The Pilot looked worried. He looked over and said, "Get the General."

*The Co Pilot put in a request.*

"Hello? New Berlin Communications. We request to be immediately wired into the General-Imperium's office."

*The Comm attendant wired the Co Pilot through.*

General-Imperium Radec Klaus, Heavy German Accent:

"What is it? If you havent noticed Normandy is under anarchy. Im busy trying to Coordinate troops at the moment and get civilians the hell out of there.."

Co Pilot: "I thought we already crushed them with the first liberation.."

Radec: "Blah. They arrised again, and von Richt is in Exile. Bloody mess. Anyways, what is it?"

Co Pilot: "Were being told we are going to be inspected by the Buryantian forces, my General."

Radec: "WHAT?! You fools. You must not have our Intel team Detected. If they dont get into that country then our chances of Monitoring for an Attack from Asia are GONE. If this is uncovered the Emperor will have me HUNG. You MUST NOT FAIL ME."

Co Pilot: "Yes.. Yes my Lord General. We will not fail you.."

*The Co Pilot looked over to the Pilot and said, "Im sure it will be fine. Our cargo is but resources, the team is blended in with the regular cargo-upkeep crew. I dont see why we should be at risk. Besides, its just some Radio and Radar systems. I dont think even if they were detected, they would be deemed a risk.." *

Otto (Pilot): "Well, your right. Let them inspect and get it over with. I cannot believe the General is forcing us to act without the Emperor's approval. But, like you said, I dont think some Comm equipment should be deemed a risk anyways.."

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OOC: You're pretty much hosed Krieg. It's either they know of your inspection team, or they will all die. Unless you have a third option....

OOC: Its some Soviet era radar and Comm equptment. nothing too out of the ordinary. Also, most of those statements hinting towards all that are Secret. Theres no reason the inspection team should be like "HRM I THINK WE NEED TO INSPECT THIS FURTHER..." When theres nothing out of the ordinary really.

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OOC: Its some Soviet era radar and Comm equptment. nothing too out of the ordinary. Also, most of those statements hinting towards all that are Secret. Theres no reason the inspection team should be like "HRM I THINK WE NEED TO INSPECT THIS FURTHER..." When theres nothing out of the ordinary really.

OOC: I see.... You may continue.

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Buryatian security teams sweep the entire cargo plane with X-ray and radiation detecting equipment the minute it lands. The crew is escorted from the aircraft to a holding area where they are each separated and placed in small individual rooms.

In each room a soldier from the Border Protection Agency enters and asks questions and waits for the answers:

“State your name, date of birth and the reason for your presence on the cargo plane.”

“Explain in detail what cargo the plane is carrying and its final destination.”

“Please provide certification and documents to prove that the cargo plane is not carrying military weaponry of any kind”

“Provide us with a copy of the crew manifest and the cargo information”

"Would you be willing to take a polygraph test to indicate the validity of your statements thus far?"

In each room a State Security officer watches the proceedings and takes notes. Even before the crew begins answering the questions, the team discovers communication equipment in the cargo plane. The State Security officers make a quick note of the fact.

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“State your name, date of birth and the reason for your presence on the cargo plane.”

The Crew all state their names respectivley.

“Explain in detail what cargo the plane is carrying and its final destination.”

The Pilots can not answer, for they are not allowed to know. They tell the Interegators to ask the Head Crewkeeper.

the Crew all respond the same as the pilots.

The Head Crewmaster simply states 'Resources being flown into Diaboicai per their new Trade agreement.'

“Please provide certification and documents to prove that the cargo plane is not carrying military weaponry of any kind”

The Crewmen and Pilots ask their Questioners to ask the Head Crewkeeper for the Documents.

The Crewkeeper states the paperwork with details on the cargo can be found in his folder on board.

“Provide us with a copy of the crew manifest and the cargo information”

*Same as above*

"Would you be willing to take a polygraph test to indicate the validity of your statements thus far?"

The Crew who are unaware of the Comm equipment agree. The Crewkeeper also agrees, he doesnt know as well. Only the Pilot and Co Pilot know, but they agree to not seem guilty. However:

The Pilot asks why he is being detained. He says he wishes to be put through to the Krieg Imperial Ambassador Immediatly for he feels the search and detainment is unreasonable.

(OOC: Keep in mind you didnt find the stuff at the time you detained them.)

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The interrogators inform the search crew to retrieve the Head Crewkeeper's documents from the aircraft and to begin examining them. The teams make detailed copies of all of the documents found on board and send them to the State Security Office. The crew each undergoes a lie detector test that suggested that they were being truthful. The crew also have their fingerprints and photographs taken. Deciding that the crew’s individual questioning would yield little result, the crew was transferred from individual interrogation rooms to a single large room that happened to be bugged from ceiling to floor. The Interrogators note the Pilot’s request and begin to focus on him.

===Pilot’s Interrogation Room===

The interrogator replies:

“Your crew and your aircraft have been detained for violating restricted airspace over Buryatia. Until we are fully satisfied that your vessel and its crew are civilians and not military personnel then we will refuse your request to contact the Krieg Imperial Ambassador or any other person. As the incident in question took place in Buryatian territory, you are under the jurisdiction of Buryatian law.

I ask for the second time, do you consent to a lie detector test? And please keep in mind that should you refuse consent then we will have to conduct an exhaustive and lengthy questioning.”

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The interrogators inform the search crew to retrieve the Head Crewkeeper's documents from the aircraft and to begin examining them. The teams make detailed copies of all of the documents found on board and send them to the State Security Office. The crew each undergoes a lie detector test that suggested that they were being truthful. The crew also have their fingerprints and photographs taken. Deciding that the crew’s individual questioning would yield little result, the crew was transferred from individual interrogation rooms to a single large room that happened to be bugged from ceiling to floor. The Interrogators note the Pilot’s request and begin to focus on him.

===Pilot’s Interrogation Room===

The interrogator replies:

“Your crew and your aircraft have been detained for violating restricted airspace over Buryatia. Until we are fully satisfied that your vessel and its crew are civilians and not military personnel then we will refuse your request to contact the Krieg Imperial Ambassador or any other person. As the incident in question took place in Buryatian territory, you are under the jurisdiction of Buryatian law.

I ask for the second time, do you consent to a lie detector test? And please keep in mind that should you refuse consent then we will have to conduct an exhaustive and lengthy questioning.”

The Crew and pilots never had objected to any of this, so they said again they would submit, however, the Pilot did say:

"Soon or later our Plane will be noticed missing, Im sure your wise enough to allow us to contact an official of our government to make sure no misunderstandings take place."

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The interrogator administers a lie detector test to the plane’s pilot. The results of the test are not given to the pilot, but are sent to State Security.

"Soon or later our Plane will be noticed missing, Im sure your wise enough to allow us to contact an official of our government to make sure no misunderstandings take place."

Scoffing, the Interrogator replies:

“It is clear that you do not realize the gravity of the situation that you are involved in. Simply for entering restricted airspace we reserved the right to blast your plane out of the sky, however such a decision was not taken. Any contact with your government regarding this situation will be made by us and will be done at a time of our choosing. Should any ‘misunderstandings’ occur we have effective channels in place to deal with such misunderstandings, if they arise.”

The Interrogator glanced at his clipboard and made a few notes before continuing his line of questioning. For several hours the Pilot was asked different questions ranging from as simple as ‘how long he had been a pilot’, to as complicated as ‘provide a detailed list of every airport you have flown a cargo aircraft into or out of in the past 2 years’. As each answer was given, the Interrogator made a note on his clipboard and moved to the next one. In the blink of an eye 6 hours had passed.

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The Pilot is exhausted after all of the questioning.

"Where are the rest of my men.. and are we done? 6 hours of ridiculous questions. If you had a problem with our flights then you should have contacted our government and talked to them. We were just following orders and flying our cargo to a destination. We were not aware you objected."

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The Interrogator laughs, then replies:

"We haven't even begun the extensive questioning yet. We will be finished when I say so. You say that you were not aware of your transgression, however ignorance does not provide a shield against the consequences of lawbreaking. As for your crew....let's just say that they are fine... *whisper* what's left of them anyway."

The Interrogator resumed questioning for another three hours. Several questions regarding the pilot's training and his personal life were asked in rapid fire succession with each answer quickly jotted down onto a clipboard.

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The Pilot was pale. He answered the questions mindlessly. His Crew, he assumed, was Dead. Why was this happening to him.. Suddenly he bursted out:

"LAWBREAKING?! So because a civilian plane passed through your airspace on accident, thats Lawbreaking? What have we done.. WHERE ARE MY MEN?! You have NO Idea what your doing.. Your going to cause somthing so gruesome that the world will tremble with fear.. your going to start a WAR! Once our government finds out a crew is dead, they will be FURIOUS! Especially when it was somthing so minor and stupid as a flight Error!"

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===Interrogation Room===

“Any plane that flies into restricted airspace, regardless of its intent, is guilty of violating our laws. Secondly, I strongly recommend that you stop shouting at me as yelling will not gain your release. Thirdly if a war is started by your government that would be most unfortunate for all involved, however we are more than prepared to defend our country against acts of aggression. I also would like to state that your crew is…well, given the circumstances.

Secondly, your aircraft was intercepted not as it crossed into our airspace, but more than 30 minutes later once it reached the border of restricted Buryatian Airspace. Do you expect us to believe that you did not know that you had entered Buryatian Airspace? Do you expect us to believe that you opted not to contact air traffic control? Do you fail to comprehend the magnitude of what you have done?”-Interrogator

===Foreign Ministry, Yakutsk, Buryatia===

The Foreign Ministry was preparing a diplomatic communique to be sent to the Krieg Empire regarding the incident in Buryatia's airspace. The letter would be carefully worded and would need to be approved by the State Security team before being dispatched. With the upswing in diplomatic activity, the Diplomats in the Foreign Ministry were working overtime to keep up.

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===Interrogation Room===

“Any plane that flies into restricted airspace, regardless of its intent, is guilty of violating our laws. Secondly, I strongly recommend that you stop shouting at me as yelling will not gain your release. Thirdly if a war is started by your government that would be most unfortunate for all involved, however we are more than prepared to defend our country against acts of aggression. I also would like to state that your crew is…well, given the circumstances.

Secondly, your aircraft was intercepted not as it crossed into our airspace, but more than 30 minutes later once it reached the border of restricted Buryatian Airspace. Do you expect us to believe that you did not know that you had entered Buryatian Airspace? Do you expect us to believe that you opted not to contact air traffic control? Do you fail to comprehend the magnitude of what you have done?”-Interrogator

"Impossible," he said. "We had full radio contact with each and every country we flew threw. Our navigation systems showed us barley in your borders by the time we were contacted by your interceptors. And, I'm sure that the murdering of innocent men is more then an act of aggression on your part, fool."

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“You appear to be operating under the delusion that your crew has been killed. They are safe. Back to the matter at hand, did you contact Buryatian Air Traffic control before you crossed the border? No. Did you contact them after you crossed the border? No. By what perversion of language can that be considered ‘full radio contact’? You are either incompetent, or being deliberately obstructive.

The fact remains that you crossed into restricted airspace without notifying the appropriate authorities, or even contacting Air Traffic control. If you had done so, this entire incident would have been avoided. But you failed to do so. Until we get answers as to why you did not follow the proper procedure, we will be forced to assume that you did so deliberately. The simplest way for us to complete this investigation is if you tell us why you failed to contact the relevant authorities, and why did you enter Buryatia’s airspace? Your cooperation would be greatly appreciated.”-Interrogator

The interrogator remained stone-faced and waited for the pilot’s response. Although he was more than a little annoyed he effectively masked his emotions and remained calm and collected.

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“You appear to be operating under the delusion that your crew has been killed. They are safe. Back to the matter at hand, did you contact Buryatian Air Traffic control before you crossed the border? No. Did you contact them after you crossed the border? No. By what perversion of language can that be considered ‘full radio contact’? You are either incompetent, or being deliberately obstructive.

The fact remains that you crossed into restricted airspace without notifying the appropriate authorities, or even contacting Air Traffic control. If you had done so, this entire incident would have been avoided. But you failed to do so. Until we get answers as to why you did not follow the proper procedure, we will be forced to assume that you did so deliberately. The simplest way for us to complete this investigation is if you tell us why you failed to contact the relevant authorities, and why did you enter Buryatia’s airspace? Your cooperation would be greatly appreciated.”-Interrogator

The interrogator remained stone-faced and waited for the pilot’s response. Although he was more than a little annoyed he effectively masked his emotions and remained calm and collected.

I..I.. Cant.. Even If I told you, you wouldn't believe me. Your wasting your time.

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===Interrogation Room===

Slightly annoyed, the Interrogator reached into his pocket and took out a tape recorder. He spoke clearly:

"Note, subject has become uncooperative and belligerent and continues to hinder the investigation. Recommend additional questioning."

Turning to the pilot, the Interrogator said:

"You had an opportunity to assist us in concluding our investigation quickly, however you have opted not to do so. Since you will not answer our questions, we will simply proceed with the investigation based on the information available to us. The government of the Krieg Empire has been informed of your detention, we are awaiting a response from them. Until that time you will remain in detention."


The following message is relayed to the government of the Krieg Empire:

To: The government of the Krieg Empire

Fr: The government of Buryatia

Re: Unauthorized entry by an aircraft bearing Krieg Empire ID

Two days ago, a cargo plane registered to be in the service of the Krieg Empire entered Buryatian airspace without notifying the relevant authorities. The aircraft was intercepted at the border of restricted Buryatian airspace and was ordered to land shortly thereafter. The crew was taken into custody for questioning by Buryatian officials.

After exhaustive questioning, we have reason to conduct additional questioning of the pilot of the aircraft. The crew of the aircraft is free to leave Buryatia. The pilot and the aircraft, however, shall remain in Buryatian custody until we have completed our investigation. If the government of the Krieg Empire wishes to expedite the conclusion of our investigation into this matter, they may turn over documentation to support the status of the aircraft as a non-military vessel.

The government of Buryatia also requests documentation to prove the identity of the pilot and the company that the pilot of the aircraft was working for. We hope that this incident can be resolved amicably.


Government of the United Kingdom of Buryatia

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To: The government of the Krieg Empire

Fr: The government of Buryatia

Re: Unauthorized entry by an aircraft bearing Krieg Empire ID

Two days ago, a cargo plane registered to be in the service of the Krieg Empire entered Buryatian airspace without notifying the relevant authorities. The aircraft was intercepted at the border of restricted Buryatian airspace and was ordered to land shortly thereafter. The crew was taken into custody for questioning by Buryatian officials.

After exhaustive questioning, we have reason to conduct additional questioning of the pilot of the aircraft. The crew of the aircraft is free to leave Buryatia. The pilot and the aircraft, however, shall remain in Buryatian custody until we have completed our investigation. If the government of the Krieg Empire wishes to expedite the conclusion of our investigation into this matter, they may turn over documentation to support the status of the aircraft as a non-military vessel.

The government of Buryatia also requests documentation to prove the identity of the pilot and the company that the pilot of the aircraft was working for. We hope that this incident can be resolved amicably.


Government of the United Kingdom of Buryatia


The Krieg Empire will provide proper documentation for the assurance that our crew and pilots as well as the plane to leave Buryantia and return to Krieg. We are prepared to fax over any documents needed.

We strongly urge your government to remember that the men you have in custody are Krieg Citizens and mistreatment or abuse is grounds for a human rights violation. We hope you are reasonable to not attempt to abuse or mistreat our citizens, especially simply crew on a civilian airfraft.

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“As was stated we will not be releasing the pilot or the aircraft until we are satisfied that the violation of our airspace was not intentional and that the aircraft is civilian in origin. The documents we are requesting are only to aid the investigation and will not lead to an automatic conclusion of the investigation.

Secondly, the government is well aware that the persons in custody are Krieg citizens as evidenced by the protocol followed including contacting your government. We also state that the government of the Krieg Empire has nothing to worry about regarding the safety of their citizens.

Regarding this notion of “human rights violations” we request that the government of the Krieg Empire clarify what they mean by such violations, due to the possibility that we both hold different views on what constitutes a human rights violation. We also seek to remind the Krieg Empire that there is no international convention or statute regarding Human Rights.”

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“As was stated we will not be releasing the pilot or the aircraft until we are satisfied that the violation of our airspace was not intentional and that the aircraft is civilian in origin. The documents we are requesting are only to aid the investigation and will not lead to an automatic conclusion of the investigation.

"Then Perhaps you could tell us what information you need? If you do so, and allow us to speak to the Pilot, we can advise him to provide any and all necessary information so that he can come home to his family."

Secondly, the government is well aware that the persons in custody are Krieg citizens as evidenced by the protocol followed including contacting your government. We also state that the government of the Krieg Empire has nothing to worry about regarding the safety of their citizens.

"Then we are satisfied as long as they are released within a reasonable time slot."

Regarding this notion of “human rights violations” we request that the government of the Krieg Empire clarify what they mean by such violations, due to the possibility that we both hold different views on what constitutes a human rights violation. We also seek to remind the Krieg Empire that there is no international convention or statute regarding Human Rights.”

"I think it is rather simple to comprehend how to treat a foreign citizen with respect. These men are civilians, not military personnel, they are employed by a cargo shipping company and do not deserve to be treated as POW's or such. "

"That being said, we would like to know what documents and information are needed as we will be expecting our citizens back by the end of the week, we feel any further time is absolutely unreasonable especially when containing civilians."

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“We require the following documentation:

1) The Plane’s registration information as a civilian aircraft

2) The name and information regarding the company or enterprise that the aircraft is operating for

3) Information regarding the identity of the pilot

4) Verification documents indicating that the pilot is licensed to fly civilian aircraft

5) Verification that the pilot has received training on the procedures associated with flying a cargo aircraft

6) Flight plan indicating the course of the aircraft from origin to destination

7) List of all crew members and official IDs

Those in custody will only be released if the investigation concludes that they are the crew of a civilian aircraft and that their foray into restricted airspace was not intentional. Until this information is ascertained and the investigation ended, they will remain in custody. It is our hope that we can resolve this investigation without needing to go to trial.

Whether they are civilians or military personnel has not yet been determined. If the government of the Krieg Empire could provide the documentation, including proof of employment by the shipping company, this would undoubtedly help to expedite the investigation. Regardless of whether the government of the Krieg Empire feels that the time of detention is unreasonable, the point remains that the crew violated Buryatian law and as such are going to be held accountable before a Buryatian Court of Law.

We hope that the government of the Krieg Empire will decide to cooperate to ensure a rapid resolution to this incident and to ensure that such incidents do not recur."

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“We require the following documentation:

1) The Plane’s registration information as a civilian aircraft

2) The name and information regarding the company or enterprise that the aircraft is operating for

3) Information regarding the identity of the pilot

4) Verification documents indicating that the pilot is licensed to fly civilian aircraft

5) Verification that the pilot has received training on the procedures associated with flying a cargo aircraft

6) Flight plan indicating the course of the aircraft from origin to destination

7) List of all crew members and official IDs

Those in custody will only be released if the investigation concludes that they are the crew of a civilian aircraft and that their foray into restricted airspace was not intentional. Until this information is ascertained and the investigation ended, they will remain in custody. It is our hope that we can resolve this investigation without needing to go to trial.

Whether they are civilians or military personnel has not yet been determined. If the government of the Krieg Empire could provide the documentation, including proof of employment by the shipping company, this would undoubtedly help to expedite the investigation. Regardless of whether the government of the Krieg Empire feels that the time of detention is unreasonable, the point remains that the crew violated Buryatian law and as such are going to be held accountable before a Buryatian Court of Law.

We hope that the government of the Krieg Empire will decide to cooperate to ensure a rapid resolution to this incident and to ensure that such incidents do not recur."

"Wait, you said if we provide the information you requested, they will be released, but then you said they would be put on Trial -- which we might add is OUR responsibility since they did not take the correct flight path around your borders -- can you clarify this?"

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